The Ultimate List of Homeschool Conventions & Conferences in 2024 (2024)

Attending homeschool conventions, conferences, summits, curriculum fairs, and events definitely serve as a right of passage for homeschooling parents. You get the chance to discover curriculum options, learn instructional methods and ideas, re-energize your love of homeschooling, and may even form new friendships!

Speaking of friendships, consider joining our free Facebook group, That Homeschool Family Hangout, to make some new homeschool friends online!

Every year, there are many homeschool conferences taking place across the United States. With some simple planning, you can likely include a homeschool convention or two (or more!) into your yearly schedule. Plan a little more, and I bet you could extend a visit to a homeschool curriculum fair into a homeschool travel adventure by visiting some new-to-you attractions & exhibits.

I do my best to keep this list of homeschool conventions as up-to-date as possible. This resource was last updated on: August 6, 2024. There are a few in-person conventions and virtual/online homeschool conventions left for 2024, so I am also in the process of updating this resource for 2025!

There are homeschool conventions available to fit nearly every budget, too! Many of them offer early-bird specials, daily childcare options, giveaways, and even opportunities to volunteer and earn your ticket free.

Don’t worry about searching online for lists of homeschool conventions near you. I’ve taken the time to do the research for you and have organized a list of homeschool conventions, conferences, summits and more and have even listed them all by state. Just scroll through and find the 2024 homeschool conference near you or in locations you might be willing to road trip or fly to.

Of course, I am “only” human, so there’s a chance I may have missed including your favorite homeschool events. If you notice I’ve missed an awesome event, please send me an email so I can be sure to include it!

The Ultimate List of Homeschool Conventions & Conferences in 2024 (1)

The Ultimate List of Homeschool Conventions & Conferences in 2024 (2)

The Ultimate List of Homeschool Conventions & Conferences in 2024 (3)

The Ultimate List of Homeschool Conventions & Conferences in 2024 (4)

Why Attend a Homeschool Convention?

Nowadays, there are so many homeschooling resources online that you might think going to an in-person convention would be a waste of time. Everyone’s experience is different, but I honestly feel like every homeschooling parent should experience going to at least one homeschool conference while they’re in the “thick of it.” I’ll even take it a step further and encourage parents considering homeschooling to attend a local homeschool event.


There are numerous reasons for someone to attend a homeschool convention. Everyone will have their own reasons for going but, if you ask me, these are my top 3 reasons to attend homeschool conventions in 2024:

Curriculum Specials

In my experience as a homeschooling parent and blogger, homeschool curriculum companies tend to offer discounts on their resources in the summer. It makes sense since many homeschool families follow the typical school calendar of September – June or August – May. Because of that, families are often looking for new curriculum in the summer.

During a conference, there is usually a big auditorium filled with vendor booths. They’re similar to the booths you may see during a local home show or craft show but, instead of shopping with crafters, you have the opportunity to interact with homeschool vendors. Many of these vendors will offer substantial discounts on discontinued or slightly-used curriculum and even on brand new homeschooling materials.

If you’re looking for a way to stretch your budget and score some deals on homeschool curriculum, attending a homeschool event should definitely be on your list of “things to do!”

Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

Even in the day & age of “all the tutorials” recorded on social media, there’s nothing quite like receiving homeschooling tips in person. When I listen to a speaker at a homeschool convention, I’m less likely to zone out and scroll my on my phone (admit it – you do the same thing while watching a long-ish YouTube tutorial). I’m able to learn by asking questions in real time and get to hear questions others may ask (and hear the answers, of course).

I could consider myself an expert in an instructional area, but will still learn something by attending a live event.

We encourage our kids to learn and take advantage of learning opportunities every day. Shouldn’t we be doing the same?!

Other Homeschooling Parents

I know a thing or two about being the type to go “against” the flow rather than “with” the flow. Before I even was a homeschool mom, I was a blogger…a career choice that so many refuse to accept as legitimate. There aren’t many of us and it can be difficult to have work-related conversations with people that think we just sit at home all day and eat Bon Bons. I mean, I’ve never even had a Bon Bon in my life! (#sarcasm)

While homeschooling numbers are on the rise, homeschool parents are still vastly outnumbered by parents that have chosen more typical forms of education for their children. I am not saying that one form of education is better than the other. After all, we all make choices depending on what we feel is best for our family.

What I am saying is that it can be tough for homeschooling parents to meet others “of their kind.”

At a homeschool convention, though? We don’t need to play guessing games! All the parents in attendance at a homeschooling convention are likely either new, current, or veteran homeschooling parents. Home Education Conventions can be the place to find “our people.”

Types of Homeschooling Conferences

As there are many different ways to go about homeschooling, there are a number of different types of homeschool conferences. Some of them may cater a certain age group, some may focus on religious curriculum while others are secular, and many of them are homeschool “style” specific. Whether you’re a Christian homeschooler, a worldschooler, gameschooler, unschooler, or secular homeschooler, etc., chances are that there’s a homeschool convention you’ll enjoy.

Go ahead and scroll through the list below to see which homeschool conventions might be of interest to you. To make it as easy as possible for you, I have arranged the conferences alphabetically by state.

Please note that some states may not have any conferences taking place within state lines. You may consider going visiting a convention in another state if your budget allows.

Ways to Save on your Homeschool Convention Experience

Whether you’re planning on driving a few miles up the road to your local homeschool conference or you’re considering catching a flight to a conference a few states away, there are always ways you can manage to save a few bucks on your convention costs. Here are a few super easy things you can do to save money on your homeschool conference costs:

  • Volunteer
    • Many conventions will allow attendees to volunteer time before, during, or after in exchange for a free or reduced price admission! Information on this is usually listed on a convention website, but you could also call or email the organizers to inquire about any volunteer opportunities.
  • Share your Space
    • Consider carpooling to the homeschool convention or, if you’re traveling a distance, share a hotel room!
  • Early Bird Tickets
    • Many conferences will offer discounts to those purchasing admission tickets many months in advance. When you know which homeschool convention(s) you’d like to attend, bookmark their website and keep and eye on their social media accounts for special offers.
  • Giveaways & Coupon Codes
    • Have a favorite homeschool blogger? It’s possible they may have arrangements with various conventions to offer giveaways and/or coupon codes with their communities! Stay up-to-date with homeschool bloggers to take advantage of special offers of all sorts!
@thathomeschoolfamily Replying to @suncatcher0488 I came and took a nap after the Southeast Homeschool Expo 😂 Here's a few things we got for homeschooling this year! #atlanta #shareyourstory #ushistory #homeschoolsupplies #homeschoolcurriculum #thathomeschoolfamily ♬ original sound – Liz | That Homeschool Family

Should you Bring your Kids to a Homeschool Convention?

I am all about letting the kids experience all life has to offer, so, if you’re open to bringing the kids to the convention, I say “go for it!”

Depending on the age(s) of your child(ren), they may or may not be content hanging out with you as you attend various seminars, walk around vendor booths, and mingle with other homeschool parents. Many homeschool conventions will offer a kids area or “camp” of sorts for the duration of the conference for an additional price. As you look through the upcoming list of conferences within the United States, keep an eye out for childcare options listed on the websites.

You may even decide to extend the homeschool adventure a bit by taking advantage of some nearby budget-friendly travel opportunities? (My friend, Genni, over at Traveling Franklins, is the Queen of budget travel – definitely check her out for tips!)

If you’ll be visiting another state to attend a convention, you could even turn this adventure into a way to learn a little bit about that state!

Of course, you know your kids best! Should you choose to attend a convention on your own, that’s totally ok, too! After all, it’s nice to be able to go out by yourself every now and then, right?!

That Homeschool Family is a participant in a variety of programs including the Amazon Associates Program. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Purchases made from links on this website may result in That Homeschool Family receiving a monetary payment at no extra cost to you. For more details, please see our Privacy Policy.

Things to Bring to the Convention

We’re not going to attend a homeschool conference without being organized, are we? Whenever I’ve attended a lecture, seminar, or convention, I’ve found it helpful to bring along the following:

  • A backpack. Leave the purse at home, you need storage options that won’t end up hurting your shoulders after a few hours. Pack your things in a backpack and you’ll have plenty of space for the items you bring and, likely, anything you may purchase while at the homeschool convention.
  • Something to write on and with. As much as I love technology, I prefer a good ol’ spiral bound notebook and pen when it comes to taking notes. These purple pens are my favorite! If you end up bringing a laptop or tablet to take notes with, be sure to bring charging cords, too!
  • Phone charger. I like to bring both an external battery and my outlet chargers because I never know when or how I’ll be able to charge my phone!
  • Lip Balm. Sometimes “convention air” can be a bit dry. This eos lip balm is one of my favorites!
  • Gum and/or hard candy. Sometimes I just need a little bit of sweetness!
  • Hand sanitizer. Because I’ll likely be opening lots of doors and may even be shaking hands.
  • Tylenol. Conventions can be overwhelming & headache-inducing.
  • Bottle of water. Bring along a refillable bottle of water to stay hydrated throughout the day!
  • Cash. Most vendors will likely accept credit cards for payment, but some may not (or may offer a discount for paying in cash).
  • Light Jacket. No matter the season, convention halls can get chilly!

Last, but certainly not least, make sure you print out your free homeschool convention packet so you can be as organized & stress-free as possible during the convention! It includes pages for taking notes, vendors you’d like to visit, convention schedule, expenses and even a few stress-relieving coloring pages. It’s definitely one of our “must haves” for homeschool conferences!

2024 Homeschool Conventions by State

If a 2024 homeschool conference is online only, you’ll find those listed at the end as well.

*This resource is meant to be informational in nature. Inclusion in this resource does not imply endorsem*nt by That Homeschool Family.


April 27, 2024 in Huntsville, Alabama: Alabama Homeschool Show and Share


April 12 – April 13, 2024 in Anchorage, Alaska: APHEA Convention

April 15 – April 16, 2024 in Sterling, Alaska: Connections Homeschool Curriculum and Vendor Fair

April 23 – April 25, 2025 in Anchorage, Alaska: IDEA Curriculum Fair

April 25 – April 26, 2025 in Soldotna, Alaska: IDEA Curriculum Fair

April 28 – April 29, 2025 in Fairbanks, Alaska: IDEA Curriculum Fair

May 1, 2025 in Juneau, Alaska: IDEA Curriculum Fair


July 12 – July 13, 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona: Arizona Home Education Conference

August 3, 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona: Homeschool Yo Kids Expo

Check out these !


June 28 – June 29, 2024 in Conway, Arkansas: Christian Home Education Summit of Arkansas


February 20 – February 23, 2025 in Irvine, California: GameSchoolCon

February 23 – February 24, 2024 in San Diego, California: LEAP Homeschool Conference

March 10 – March 13, 2025 in Long Beach, California: CCSA Charter Schools Conference

March 18, 2024 in Santa Ynez, California: Homeschool Connection Conference

March 18 – March 21, 2025 in Sacramento, California: CCSA Charter Schools Conference

April 19 – April 20, 2024 in San Luis Obispo, California: Wild + Free Conference

May 9 – May 11, 2024 in La Mirada, California: Christian Home Educators Association of California CHEA CON

June 12 – June 14, 2025 in Ontario, California: Great Homeschool Convention

June 22, 2024 in Costa Mesa, California: Catholic Homeschool Conference & Curricula Fair

July 19 – July 20, 2024 in Rocklin, California: Northern California Homeschool Convention

July 25 – July 28, 2024 in San Jose, California: HomeSchool Association of California Annual Conference

October 23 – October 25, 2024 in Anaheim, California: APLUS+ Annual Conference


January 31 – February 2, 2025 in Colorado Springs, Colorado: Charlotte Mason Educational Retreat

March 2, 2024 in Castle Rock, Colorado: CHEC Refresh Ladies’ Day of Encouragement

June 13 – June 15, 2024 in Denver, Colorado: Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference


June 15, 2024 in Meridan, Connecticut: Connecticut Homeschool Network Homeschool Convention


August 17, 2024 in Newark, Delaware: Delaware Home Education Convention


February 16 – February 17, 2024 in Davie, Florida: Hispanic Homeschooling in Spanish Conference

February 23, 2024 in Palm Beach, Florida: Awaken Living Books Conference

February 22, 2025 in Deerfield Beach, Florida: South Florida Homeschool Expo

May 22 – May 26, 2025 in Kissimmee, Florida: FPEA Homeschool Convention

*FPEA Members have the opportunity to purchase FPEA Homeschool Convention tickets at a greatly reduced price! Use the coupon code ED24 to save $10 off your new or renewed FPEA Membership! Code must be entered in the COUPON field and not the DISCOUNT CODE field.


January 29 – January 31, 2025 in Decatur, Georgia: Black Family Homeschool Conference

February 17, 2024 in Roswell, Georgia: North Georgia Homeschool Fair

March 16, 2024 in Acworth, Georgia: North Georgia Homeschool Fair

July 31 – August 2, 2025 in Atlanta, Georgia: Southeast Homeschool Expo


We are unaware of any 2024 homeschool conventions in Hawaii. Please email us if you know of one we should include!


June 6 – June 8, 2024 in Meridian, Idaho: Homeschool Idaho Convention


February 24, 2024 in Chicago, Illinois: Latinos Homeschooling Conference

March 14 – March 16, 2024 in Groveland, Illinois: PAACH Homeschool Convention

May 30 – June 2, 2024 in Bourbonnais, Illinois: ICHE Homeschool Conference


March 22 – March 23, 2024 in Indianapolis, Indiana: IAHE Parenting and Homeschool Conference

April 12 – April 13, 2024 in Mishawaka, Indiana: Awaken Living Books Conference

June 21 – June 23, 2024 in Indianapolis, Indiana: Midwest Homeschool Expo (Secular)


June 6 – June 7, 2025 in West Des Moines, Iowa: Homeschool Iowa Conference


April 11 – April 12, 2025 in Park City, Kansas: Kansas Homeschool Expo


May 15 – May 17, 2025 in Williamstown, Kentucky: Answers Homeschool Experience


March 28 – March 29, 2025 in Hammond, Louisiana: Louisiana Homeschool Conference


April 12 – April 13, 2024 in Augusta, Maine: Maine Homeschool Exchange


May 18, 2024 in College Park, Maryland: MACHE Homeschool Convention & Curriculum Fair


April 18 – April 20, 2024 in Sturbridge, Massachusetts: MassHOPE Christian Homeschool and Parenting Convention

August 23 – August 26, 2024 in Pittsfield, Massachusetts: Northeast Unschooling Conference


May 15 – May 28, 2025 in Lansing, Michigan: INCH Inspirational Networking Conference for Homeschoolers

July 26 – July 27, 2024 in Traverse City, Michigan: Awaken Living Books Conference


April 19 – April 20, 2024 in Cloquet, Minnesota: Homeschool Northland

May 17 – May 18, 2024 in Rochester, Minnesota: MÂCHÉ Convention

May 31 – June 1, 2024 in St. Paul, Minnesota: Minnesota Catholic Home Education Conference

June 21 – June 23, 2024 in Minneapolis/Bloomington, Minnesota: AERO Conference


We are unaware of any 2024 homeschool conventions in Mississippi. Please email us if you know of one we should include!


January 27, 2024 in St. Louis, Missouri: Homeschool Yo Kids Expo

February 7 – February 8, 2025 in Springfield, Missouri: Bloom and Blossom Home Education Conference

March 27 – March 29, 2025 in St. Charles, Missouri: Great Homeschool Convention

April 4 – April 5, 2025 in Kansas City, Missouri: MPE Homeschool Conference & Curriculum Fair

May 15 – May 17, 2025 in Branson, Missouri: Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention


May 30 – May 31, 2025 in Lewiston, Montana: Montana Christian Home Educators Conference


March 8 – March 9, 2024 in Lincoln, Nebraska: NCHEA Conference and Curriculum Fair


We are unaware of any 2024 homeschool conventions in Nevada. Please email us if you know of one we should include!

New Hampshire

We are unaware of any 2024 homeschool conventions in New Hampshire. Please email us if you know of one we should include!

New Jersey

We are unaware of any 2024 homeschool conventions in New Jersey. Please email us if you know of one we should include!

New Mexico

June 28 – June 29, 2024 in Albuquerque, New Mexico: CAPE-NM Christian Homeschool Convention

New York

We are unaware of any 2024 homeschool conventions in New York. Please email us if you know of one we should include!

North Carolina

May 2 – May 4, 2024 in Southern Pines, North Carolina: Classical Conversations National Events Weekend

May 23 – May 25, 2024 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina: Thrive! NCHE Homeschool Conference

June 14 – June 16, 2024 in Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina: Homeschooling Unleashed: The Unapologetically Secular Convention

June 28 – June 29, 2024 in Shelby, North Carolina: Homeschooling Special Needs Expo

July 21, 2024 in Haw River State Park, North Carolina: SHAPE Conference (Secular Homeschool Association for Progressive Education)

(use code SHAPE15 at checkout to save $15 on your SHAPE Conference ticket)

North Dakota

February 6 – February 8, 2025 in Bismark, North Dakota: ND Home Education Convention


April 24 – April 26, 2025 in Cincinnati, Ohio: Great Homeschool Convention

March 20 – March 22, 2025 in Dayton, Ohio: Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention

May 14 – May 16, 2025 in Sandusky, Ohio: LDSHE Homeschool Conference

May 19 – May 22, 2025 in Sandusky, Ohio: Unschoolers Waterpark Gathering


May 17 – May 18, 2024 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Homeschool Oklahoma Family Conference

June 22, 2024 in Moore, Oklahoma: Home Education Expo


February 15, 2024 in Keizer, Oregon: Neon Kidz Education Expo 2025

June 21 – June 22, 2024 in Albany, Oregon: Oregon Christian Home Education Conference


May 22 – May 24, 2024 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania: LDSHE Homeschool Conference

June 13 – June 15, 2024 in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania: CHAP Homeschool Convention

Rhode Island

We are unaware of any 2024 homeschool conventions in Rhode Island. Please email us if you know of one we should include!

South Carolina

March 13 – March 15, 2025 in Greenville, South Carolina: Great Homeschool Convention

May 11, 2024 in Charleston, South Carolina: Blossoming Together Homeschool Convention

May 18, 2024 in Tigerville, South Carolina: Upstate Homeschool Expo

June 29, 2024 in Columbia, South Carolina: Cola City Homeschoolers Homeschool Expo 2024

South Dakota

May 3 – May 4, 2024 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota: Christian Homeschool Conference of South Dakota


May 8 – May 10, 2025 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee: Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention

July 19 – July 20, 2024 in East Ridge, Tennessee: CSTHEA’S Home Education Expo


March 15, 2025 in Houston, Texas: Texas Homeschool Family Expo Southside

March 22, 2025 in Houston, Texas: Texas Homeschool Family Expo (Northside)

April 18 – April 20, 2024 in Fort Worth, Texas: Texas Homeschool Convention

May 30 – June 1, 2024 in Houston, Texas: Texas Homeschool Convention

June 6 – June 7, 2025 in Hurst, Texas: Texas Homeschool Expo

June 20 – June 21, 2025 in San Antonio, Texas: Texas Homeschool Expo

July 10 – July 12, 2025 in Round Rock, Texas: Great Homeschool Convention


April 12 – April 13, 2024 in Cottonwood Heights, Utah: UTCH Convention

May 28 – May 30, 2025 in Salt Lake City, Utah: LDSHE Homeschool Conference


We are unaware of any 2024 homeschool conventions in Vermont. Please email us if you know of one we should include!


May 18, 2024 in Richmond, Virginia: Virginia Homeschoolers [un]Convention

June 5 – June 7, 2025 in Richmond, Virginia: HEAV Virginia Homeschool Convention


April 26 – April 27, 2024 in Spokane Valley, Washington: Christian Family Home Educators Convention

April 26 – April 27, 2024 Kent, Washington: Family Discipleship and Homeschooling Conference

May 22 – May 25, 2025 in Vancouver, Washington: LIFE is Good Unschooling Conference

Washington DC

We are unaware of any 2024 homeschool conventions in Washington DC. Please email us if you know of one we should include!

West Virginia

February 1, 2025 in Charleston, West Virginia: West Virginia Homeschool Convention


March 20 – March 21, 2025 in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin: CHEW Christian Home Educators of Wisconsin Conference


May 31 – June 1, 2024 in Cheyenne, Wyoming: Homeschool Wyoming Convention

2024 Online Homeschool Conventions

January 7 – January 22, 2024: Neurodiverse Homeschooling Summit

February 15 – February 19, 2024: Homeschool Essentials Online Summit

March 16 – March 17, 2024: Secular Eclectic Academic Homeschoolers Online Conference Series

March 19 – March 21, 2024: Homeschool Mom Summit

March 19 – March 21, 2024: Homeschool Connection Conference

June 1 – June 10, 2024: Florida Homeschool Association Virtual Conference & Secular Curriculum Fair

June 7 – June 9, 2024: Secular Eclectic Academic Homeschoolers Online Conference Series

August 1 – August 3, 2024: Made2Homeschool BRAVE 2024 Homeschool Conference

August 5 – August 9, 2024: Homeschool Revival Online Conference

August 9 – August 11, 2024: Secular Eclectic Academic Homeschoolers Online Conference Series

September 16 – September 20, 2024: Delightfully Inspired Learning Symposium

November 2 – November 3, 2024: Secular Eclectic Academic Homeschoolers Online Conference Series

Enjoy your Convention!

Attending a homeschool convention can be a great experience! Should you decide to attend one this year, I genuinely hope you enjoy yourself. Don’t stress about not being able to attend every seminar or chat with every booth vendor – you’re there to learn and get excited about homeschooling!

If you haven’t already, make sure to download your free homeschool convention packet! It’ll help you to stay organized, focused, and stress-free while attending the conventions this year.

If you have any questions about attending a homeschool convention or think I’ve missed including your favorite convention, please email me! I’m always happy to help. Let me know which conventions you plan on attending, too! Maybe we can meet?

Until next time, stay safe and enjoy quality time with your family,

The Ultimate List of Homeschool Conventions & Conferences in 2024 (6)
The Ultimate List of Homeschool Conventions & Conferences in 2024 (7)

Elizabeth Dukart is a proud Georgia-based born and raised Jersey Girl, wife, and mom of 2 human boys & 1 canine boy.

Created in 2021, Elizabeth owns and publishesThat Homeschool Family: a free resource for homeschooling parents and beyond! A seasoned blogger, Elizabeth previously published a popular location-specific family resource blog, but decided to “Pivot!” her blogging focus after she started homeschooling her two boys in 2020. In addition to this blog, you can follow Elizabeth’s homeschooling and family adventures on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest. She can also be found in her Facebook Group: That Homeschool Family Hangout.

When she’s not busy taking over the world or homeschooling, Elizabeth can be found listening to music (especially The Beatles & Harry Styles!), being silly with her boys, watching movies with family, shopping, or traveling!

Have a question or want to work with Elizabeth? Send her an email!

The Ultimate List of Homeschool Conventions & Conferences in 2024 (2024)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.