The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)

TAPE 1 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1957 News Of Interest In Social Circles EUNICE, APPERSON JACQUELINE RUSSELL Social Editor A TR. 4-8171 4 Asst. Social Editor Thought For Today See how paper remembers what it's told, Letter -perfect, like aspiring actor Rising to recite, whenever called, Speech of Lincoln, Socrates or Hector- Awake all hours of the -four With every answer ready on its tongue; In language fluent, versed in nature lore, Wise as the ancient, eager as the young. It won't forget the date of Waterloo. It keeps the color of Cleopatra's hair, And inap of where the Hanging Gardens grew, Shelley's defiance, Sappho's bright despair.

Paper remembers old Mosaic law, And footprints of those birds- we never saw. -Beddy Bridgman GERRY PURVIS RETURNS TO JACK TURNER SHOW LIBRARY SHELF Following 'a summer spent in special study at Northwestern University in Evanston, Gerry Purvis today resumed her once-amonth appearances as a guest artist on the Jack Turner television show which originates over Channel 12, Montgomery. Miss Purvis, an incoming junior at Parrish High School, was among high school students from over the country awarded scholarships to Northwestern on the basis of their talents, her own studies centering around her musical interests and professional techniques. RUG and CARPET SPECIALTY Rug Carpet Cleaning Rug Carpet Binding Rug Carpet Re- Weaving Carpet Laying BURSON LAUNDRY CLEANERS 709 Jeff Davis Avenue Selma, Alabama TR 2-2431 for Pick-up Service Be Sure INSURE WITH US All types of insurance coverages AUTOMOBILE FIRE LIFE CASUALTY CALL or SEE BILL HICKS HICKS REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE CO. 1002 Water Phone 4 7041 Printed Pattern 9216 SIZES 6-14 by Illarion Alasta.

A bolero that reverses, to contrast or match the sundress beneath! Your fashion-minded daughter can "change" her ensemble when she chooses! Sew-easy, with a Printed Pattern! Printed Pattern 9216: Girls' Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, Size 10 dress takes 3 yards 35-inch fabric; bolero takes 7-8 yard. Printed directions on each pattern part. Easy, fast, accurate. Send Thirty-five five cents (coins) for this pattern--add 5 cents for each pattern for 1st class failing. Send to Marian Martin, care of Selma Times-Journal, Pattern 232 West 18th New York 11, N.

Y. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. MISS FAULKENBERRY IS BAPTIST SPEAKER Miss Lillie Faulkenberry, who. for twelve years served the First Baptist Church as Educational Director and Missions Director, will be the speaker at the church for the Hour of Power on Wednesday night. A student for the past two years at the Carver School of Missions' and Social Work where she completed work for her masters degree in Religious Education, Mis Faulkenberry will assume her duties with the Alabama Baptist Sunday School Department, headquarters in Montgomery, on August 15.

ANNOUNCEMENT For those interested in exclusive fabrics and styles, most expert workmanship and detail, LEON'S PRESENTS THE ENTIRE SAMPLE COLLECTION of LILLI ANN of CALIFORNIA COATS and SUITS. 100 Coats and Suits for you to choose from. Each one a different style no two alike. Personals Rev. Robert Moody Holmes left Monday for Montreat, to join Mrs.

Holmes and their two sons for month's vacation. During the pastor's absence, regular. services conducted at the Woodland Heights Presbyterian Church by Rev. F. E.

Bagby, retired Presbyterian minister, and Truman Nabors, student at the Princeton Theological Seminary. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gillis have arrived in Selma to be with his mother and sister, Mrs. Willie Morgan and Miss Mary Ann Gillis, until the beginning of the fall quarter at API, Auburn, where he will be senior student.

Mr. Gillis has recently completed six weeks ROTC summer camp at Fort Knox, Mrs. Gillis spending several weeks of this time visiting in northern Michigan. Mrs. Clarence Elebash returned: home Tuesday after a visit to Mr.

and Mrs. Jack Williams at Perdido Beach. She accompanied Mrs. Eugene Elebash, of Pensacola, who is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Graham Melvin.

Miss Latona Burns, of Montgomspending several days in with Mrs. James Mullen at her home on Lamar Avenue. Honors Shared At Tuesday Courtesy Miss Ruth Shuptrine and Miss Alice James Carter, popular brideselect, shared honors on Tuesday at a luncheon at which Mrs. Charles Hohenberg and her daughter, Hohenberg, were hostesses at the Country Club. Traditional decorations in green and white were featured on the luncheon table at which guests were seated in the dining room.

Matching corsages were presented. to the two honorees. Taking part were Mrs. Cecil Shuptrine and Mrs. Harmon Carter, mothers of the brides Mesdames James Alison Pat Knight, George Tate.

Kenneth Haugh-3 Clarice' Long. and Emily Misses Fred Yow, Jeanie Heinz, Haigler. and Sara. Haigler, the latter two of Haynesville, BAPTISMAL SERVICES AT GREENSBORO Baptismal services were held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Greensboro Sunday for Reece Bruner Pinney, eight months old Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Lee Pinney (Winston Withers). The officiant was the Rev. Emmet Gribbin, Episcopal chaplain to the University Alabama. Out-of-town guests here for the services included Mrs.

Robert B. Donworth aunt of infant, of Birmingham; Mr. Donworth; Mrs Pessica Bruner, great-grandmother of the infant: Francis Bruner, his great-uncle, both of Mobile. Mr. and Mrs.

Winston Withers. of Greensboro, are the maternal grandparents. GREENSBORO PARTY FETES MISS MORTON "Miss Carol Morton, of Birmingham, who will be married on August 25 to Judson Walton, of Sawyerville, was honored recently at a morning. party at which Mrs. O.

S. Freetnan Mrs. J. G. Suttle and Mrs.

Walton, three aunts of the prospective bridegroom, entertained at the Burke home in Greensboro. Colorful arrangements of summer flowers and fruits decorated the rooms where guests were served. a a a a a a salad plate and dessert with a fruit Donna Burke course, and Susan Burke assisted the hostesses. Miss Morton was presented a piece of milk glass. Three brideselect present, Misses Aimee Cole- LEON'S LEON'S 100 SWIM SUITS 200 America's and DRESSES SUMMER LESS! Finest price Brands price Jantzen Catalina Rose Marie Reed PHONE TR.

2-3163 THE SELMA TIMES- JOURNAL Ur BRIEFLY IN SELMA for. a visit to his wife's relatives, Col. Henry C. Britt, with his family, above, will report soon to Jackson, as commander of the Military District of Mississippi, pictured with him being Mrs. Britt, and at left a daughter, Sally, and right, their son, Pope.

The family are guests of Mrs. Britt's mother, Mrs. S. M. Pope, and other relatives.

Clarence-Elebash Weds Miss Snedeker Of interest in Selma where the bridegroom has a wide family connection is the marriage of Miss PaAnn Snedeker, daughter of tricia. General Edward Walter Snedeker, USMC, and Mrs. Snedeker, of Washington, D.C., to Captain Clarence Elebash, USAF. The groom is the son 1 of Mrs. Eugene P.

Elebash, of, Pensacola, and the late Mr. Elebash, a nephew of Mrs. Graham Melvin and Mrs. William W. Vaughan, of Selma He is a namesake of his uncle, the late Dr.

Clarence Elebash, of Selma. The ceremony was solemnized at o'clock the afternoon of Monday, August 5, at the Nebraska Avenue Navy Chapel in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Green; of Baltimore, were the only attendants.

Following the marriage, a small dinner was held at the Shoreham Hotel. The bride was educated in Callfornia schools and at. Dunbarton College in Washington. Capt. Elebash.

attended. the University of Florida and was graduated from the U. S. Military Academy, West Point. in 1948.

Miss Schoenberger Luncheon Honoree Miss Elaine Schoenberger, a brideelect of August 26, was guest of honor Tuesday at a luncheon, preceded by co*cktails. at. the home. of. Mrs.

Seymour L. Cohn, one of three hostesses. Entertaining jointly with Mrs. Cohn for the luncheon served at the Country Club were Mrs. vid A.

Loeb and Mrs. Richard senberg. The luncheon table was centered with a low. bowl of white themums. Guests were Mrs.

Davin Schoenberger, mother of the honoree. Mrs. Bertha Schuster Gerson, of Miami, Mrs. Nanette Newman, of New York City. Mrs.

Robert Rockford, Mrs. Jackson Leva, Mrs. Richard Gibian, Mrs. Arthur J. Lewis and Mrs.

Schuster Siegel. For the occasion. Miss Schoenberger wore a pale. blue shirtwaist -frock with puffed sleeves caught to the wrist with blue lace. He hat was a large white pique! model.

man, Maggie Arrington and Mildred Anne Williams, also received gifts. Among guests present were Mrs. Warren Walton, mother of Mr. Walton, and his two. grandmothers, Mrs.

J. R. Martin and Mrs. B. B.

Walton, Also included was Mrs. H. Seate Jr. of Historic Highway DETROIT A memorating first mile erected in toric strip extended Woodward Stork Call Mr. and Mrs.

Waymond. Hobson, Selma, announce the birth of a son at the Selma Baptist Hospital on Tuesday, August 6. Mr. and Mrs. James L.

Atchison, Stanton, announce the birth of daughter at the Selma Baptist Hospital on Tuesday, August 6. At The Hospitals Vaughan Memorial Admitted: Sheryl Thompson, child of L. W. Thompson, Earl Collins, William T. Pritchett, Albert H.

Ford, James Green, Methodist Children's Home, Selma; Mrs. Jessie P. Watts, McWilliams; Miss Freida Crocker, Thomaston. Dismissed: Mrs. Betty Gene MeCain, Tim Ruckman, Selma; Mrs.

Lillie G. Dale, Camden; Mrs. Delorie Schroeder, Thomaston; Miss Gladys Rowell, Minter; Mrs. C. G.

Jeffrey, Linden. Selma Baptist Admitted: Mrs. Thomas B. Robbins, John C. Pharr Mrs.

ton S. Gandy, Louis J. Toles, ma: Mrs. Columbus B. Davis, Sweetwater: Jasper W.

Voltz, Alberta; Miss Mabel- C. Bender, Braggs; Mrs. John C. Adams, Wilton; Mrs. J.

Matt Johnson, Clanton; Fred L. England, Marion Junction; Miss Annette M. Phillips, Boligee; Mrs. R. L.

Leslie, Suttle. Dismissed: Eunice Ruff, Emmitt M. Kynard, Clifton Hayes, D. Ler Larson, Mrs. Let brough, Baby Boyd Pugh, Mrs.

A. Crunk, Selma: Mrs. R. W. Buchanan, Demopolis; Mrs.

Jerry Dumas, Orrville. PRESBYTERIAN PRAYER The First Presbyterian mid-week prayer service will be held Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the Westminster Center Chapel. The pastor, J. Warren, will be in charge. GRIFFON CLOTHES BARTON'S Only At- Road t8 Seven Mile Road.

FOR MEN Don't Tell a Soul IT'S THRIFTY! can with XiA MASON Seat klik seal MASON CAPS. for that home- -grown flavor THREE Col. Britt Pays Visit Here With Selma Relatives Commanded Orleans American Forces Col. Henry C. Britt, who has just returned from three years in France where he commanded all American Armed Forces in the Orleans area of France, his wife, formerly Doris and their children, Sally and are visitPope, ing Mrs.

Britt's mother, Mrs. S. M. Pope, and. her.

sisters, Mrs. Taylor Miller and Mrs. Robert G. Binford. As part of his duties in the Orleans area, Col.

Britt constructed. schools for American children, commissaries, Post Exchanges, theaters, baseball and football fields and he organized and won the "Little League" championship of all Europe. He that the Americans and French in Orleans were very friendly, They attended social tunetions together, visited back and forth frequently, and in most instances the French treated the Americans with courtesy, consideration, and understanding. Col. Britt, a 1932 graduate of- the So Military: Academy at West Point, served in World War 11 in Italy and the first "year of the Korean War.

He has been decorated with the Silver Star with Oak Leak cluster, the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star with Oak Leaf cluster, the Air Medal, the Commendation Ribbon and two Oak Leaf clusters, the Combat Infantry Badge with Star, and has participated in eight major campaigns against enemies of the United States. He has also decorated by the Italian and Korean governments. Col. and Mrs. Britt, are.

on their way to Jackson, where he will asume the duty of Military District Commander, Son, Pope, Is a sophom*ore at Texas College and Sally will attend the University of Florida as a freshman. STETSON PAINT. Paint for Every Purpose distributed by Stewart, King McKenzie DIAT 4-5201 Selma Alabama DID YOU KNOW? THAT has the largest and finest shoe department in Selma! THAT has the widest selection of famous name brands for men women and children, in all price ranges. When You Next Need Shoes SHOP TEPPERS SHOE WORLD SELMA RUG SHADE I TRIPLE BARGAIN Friday DAYS SHOP! Thursday STOP! Saturday SAVEI SLIPCOVER CLOSE-OUT Sofas Chairs Your Davenos (Sofa Beds) Choice $6:99 Pepperell Colored Muslin Pepperell White Muslin 81 x99 81 x99 SHEETS $2.10 SHEETS $1.61 Cases 49c Cases 42c 34.95. 9x12 3x6 Fibre VISCOSE RAYON RUG 24.99 Shades Window 67c CHOICE OF COLORS WHITE.

GREEN IVORY $1.19 Value 45" Solid Colors DRAPERY SLIPCOVERING and Shipment New YD. -Pepperell Colored 108 Pepperell Colored Percale Percale Pepperell Colored SHEETS PERCALE. SHEETS I -72 x-108 SHEETS -Double Tops $2.47 $2.57 $2.67 Cases to Match White Double FEATHER 24 72 Embossed PILLOWS Fitted Sheets Cotton Rugs 97c ea. $1.87 $2.99 DRAW DRAPES Quilted Mattress Pads Reg. Values $4.98 $2.77 FULL $2.99 Length.

TWIN $2.49 REG. 3.98 3 YARDS TAILORED Drip Dry, Pique, Cotton, Etc. NYLON CURTAINS Summer Dress Prints Each Panel 41 x-108 $2.98 37c yd. 4 x6 CUT PILE ENTIRE STOCK REG. 3.98 COTTON RUGS PLISSE DRAPES $3.99 $1.98 Lovely White and Colored' ENTIRE STOCK Organdy CURTAINS BEACH TOWELS $2.66 1.19 1.59 2.29 Selma Rug Shade Co.

22 BROAD STREET PHONE 4-8224 the site of the world's of concrete highway was Detroit May 20. The hisof highway, laid in 1909. the city's main street, Avenue, from Six Mile.

The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)


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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.