Lost Lands 9 Full Walkthrough - Full Chapter 3 Part 2 Guide (2024)

Continuing from Chapter 3 Part 1, we will conclude this magical and dangerous adventure with Folly and Maaron, uncover the truth about this dark Entity, and stop it. Follow the full guide below!

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Lost Lands 9 Full Walkthrough Guide - Chapter 3 Part 2

Maaron and Folly are about to head back to the Entity's origin point, the mysterious underground city that Folly discovered in Chapter 1. Hopefully, it will have some answers about what it is and how to get rid of it before it creates more chaos.

Since the chapters are so long, I have split them up into multiple parts so it's easier to work through. Check out the previous chapters and parts linked below if you missed anything!

  • Chapter 1 Part 1
  • Chapter 1 Part 2
  • Chapter 2 Part 1
  • Chapter 2 Part 2
  • Chapter 3 Part 1

Continue reading below to finish up the game in this Chapter 1, Part 2 guide!

Table of Contents

How to open the Canyons portal

Canyons Portal

How to drive away the vulture

How to open the Well

Dungeon City

How to get reach the hanging net

How to fix the tower steps

How to solve the tower rings puzzle

Dungeon Museum

How to power the main generator

How to power up the Crystal podium

Where to find all the text shards

How to unlock door in the Museum

Where to find all the trap items

How to solve the diving helmet puzzle

How to assemble the trap

Where to find the animal skulls

How to solve the animal ritual puzzle

Continuing from where we left off, we now have to acquire the rune stone for the Canyons, matching the symbol we just uncovered from the map in the Office. Just like all the rest, head to the Library Archive, and it will be the only stone you can grab from the glass case.

Once you have it, you can just head to the Academy Backyard and over to Portal pedestal two, on the area's right side. It will have the matching symbol to the rune stone on it. Place the rune stone into the pedestal and then you'll have another puzzle to solve.

How to open the Canyons portal

Lost Lands 9 Full Walkthrough - Full Chapter 3 Part 2 Guide (1)

This puzzle takes some time to get the hang of, but once you get going, you will solve it in no time. The goal is to match the patterns shown on the left side by cycling through the rows on the right side with the arrows pointing up, down, right and left. Instead of getting overwhelmed trying to pinpoint each shape into the exact spot, focus on moving the shapes to the correct rows first and then rotating them into their exact spots (e.g. The top left row vertically will be square, circle, triangle, horizontally it's square, circle, triangle). You can click on the grey circles to lock a row and only move three at a time instead of the whole row of six. It's a bit like a rubik's cube. Check the image above for reference.

Once you complete the puzzle, the portal will open, but only for a second. It will need more power. Place the hyperstone into the bottom of the pedestal. Now, you can continue on through.

Canyons Portal

  • A1. Destroyed observation tower
  • A2. Well tile 1
  • A3. Bird nest - Well tile 2
  • A4. Crack in the ground - Projection crystal
  • A5. Well
  • (Collectible) Below the bird nest - Suit of armor 5/8
  • (Morphing Objects) Tower in the distance on the right side 42/45

In this area, the main objective is to find a way to the dungeon. We can do that by using the Well here, but we will need to locate the missing tiles and complete the puzzle. First, check out the crack in the ground and use your Mini pickaxe to break it open and retrieve the Projection crystal. Then, collect the first Well tile piece on the ground near the broken observation tower. The other well tile is being guarded by the baby vulture, and we'll need to find a way to get rid of it.

How to drive away the vulture

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We need to find a way to get the vulture to leave the nest so we can grab the second well tile. To do this, we'll need to head back to the Castle Tower Portal and collect a dead crow. Since vultures like eating dead things, we can throw the dead crow over the edge so the vulture will fly out of the nest to retrieve it. Now we can grab the second tile piece.

How to open the Well

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Now, we can take the two tiles over to the Well and place them in the missing slots. To activate the Well, we need to press only the right symbols. As Folly suggested, you can use your Seeing Scope to view the village in the distance. As you do, certain symbols will be lit up on the hillsides. These are the symbols you'll need to press. There are three in total. Check out the image above to see what symbols you'll need to press.

Dungeon City

  • B1. Tower stairs
  • B2. Museum building
  • B3. Hanging net - Pattern block
  • B4. Temple door
  • (Collectible) Against the temple on the left side - Suit of armor 6/8
  • (Morphings Objects) Ladder on the tower on the right side 43/45

In the Dungeon City, there are a few objects of interest. The main objective will be finishing the stairs up to the tower. To do that, we will need to locate the two blocks missing.

How to get reach the hanging net

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The first brick is hidden inside the hanging net in the City. We'll need to find a way to cut it down by making a long tool. To do this, we'll need to head back to the Canyons Portal and grab some items.

Interact with the Destroyed observation tower and use your Sickle to cut down a piece of rope and then grab the Long pole leaning against the right side. You can combine the Long Pole, a piece of rope, and the Sickle to make an Elongated Sickle. Now, you can reach the hanging net and cut it down to retrieve your missing step.

To get the other missing block, you'll need to head into the Temple through the door to the left.

Related: Lost Lands 6 Walkthrough – Mistakes of the Past

Dungeon Temple

  • C1. Sarcophagus - Pattern block and Oigela's medallion
  • C2. Prayer altar
  • C3. Main generator
  • C4. Missing floor piece
  • (Collectible) On the left side of the stairs - Suit of armor 7/8
  • (Morphing Objects) Vines hanging in the left archway 44/45

Here, we can gather the first pattern block for the missing stairs on the tower by looking at the Sarcophagus. You can also take a look at the Prayer altar, where we'll most likely have to write up another prayer in the future. Then, head back to the City where we can place the two missing block steps.

How to fix the tower steps

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This puzzle aims to extend the stairs so they are all equal in length. However, to do so, you'll need to press on the stair connected to the other stair to change the size. You can tell which ones are connected by looking at the groove lines on the stone leading to each one. You'll need to press them in the right order to do make them all the same size. The puzzle can start out random for everyone, so yours may be a bit different, but here's how I did it (the list shows what block to press and how many times):

  • Block 7 x2
  • Block 5 x1
  • Block 6 x2
  • Block 3 x1
  • Block 1 x1
  • Block 5 x1
  • Block 3 x2
  • Block 6 x1
  • Block 2 x3
  • Block 7 x3
  • Block 4 x3
  • Block 6 x2
  • Block 2 x1
  • Block 1 x1
  • Block 5 x1
  • Block 3 x1

Once the steps are all equal, we can head up to the top of the tower. Folly will stop the rings from spinning for us. Then, we can grab the Manuscript 8/8 and work on completing the rings puzzle.

How to solve the tower rings puzzle

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The goal of this puzzle is to move the rings into the correct positions. This will resemble the ring pattern we saw on the Museum door. The outer ring should wrap around the other two, which are turned into an X position until all the holes overlap. It should look something like what's pictured above.

Once the rings in the correct positions, the door to the Museum will open up, and allow you continue through it.

Dungeon Museum

  • D1. Statue
  • D2. Door
  • D3. Crystal podium
  • D4. Shattered display case - Shard of text
  • (Collectible) On the pillar on the right wall - Suit of armor 7/8
  • (Morphing Objects) Shield/lion head on the wall above the far door 45/45

This room has a few more intriguing objects to investigate, including a crystal podium and a statue with familiar-looking symbols. First, investigate the shattered display case to collect a Shard of text. Then, look at the statue and click on the symbol buttons until they all light up. Then, you can interact with the Crystal podium. It will need a few things to be powered up: three missing text shards and the center crystal. First, let's head to the temple and repair the generator using the symbols we uncovered on the statue.

How to power the main generator

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To start the generator, we will have to find a way to power it up. Using the symbols we found on the statue in the Museum, we can write another prayer on the Prayer altar in the Temple room. Check the image above to see what symbols to press on the Prayer altar.

Once you complete the prayer, the floor will begin to light up, but a piece of the floor is missing, and it can't reach the generator. Head back out to the City and check in the pile of rubble that fell from the hanging net. You can retrieve the Part of the stone floor. Return to the Temple and place it down in the missing floor spot. The generator will be powered up. Ensure you also check out the Sarcophagus again to grab the amulet of the skeleton.

Now, we can head back to the Museum to finish the crystal puzzle.

How to power up the Crystal podium

You can place the Projection Crystal we found earlier in the center of the Crystal podium. However, it will need power before we continue placing the crystals. To do this, we'll need to fix the text on the front of the podium.

Where to find all the text shards

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  • Lost Lands 9 Full Walkthrough - Full Chapter 3 Part 2 Guide (13)
  • Lost Lands 9 Full Walkthrough - Full Chapter 3 Part 2 Guide (14)
  • Text shard 1 - At the bottom of the podium (You can't pick this one up)
  • Text shard 2 - In the shattered display case
  • Text shard 3 - In the pile of rubble that fell from the Hanging net
  • Text shard 4 - Near the tower rings

Once you place all the text shards into the podium, you can press the diamond button below them to power up the crystal. Now you'll need to place all the other crystals into their proper positions.

Lost Lands 9 Full Walkthrough - Full Chapter 3 Part 2 Guide (15)

The goal is to place them in the right spots so that their rays will bounce off the others. Each color crystal has a different trajectory, so be sure to place them in the proper spots so that they all connect. Check the image above to see where to place each crystal.

  • Pink - Top Left
  • Green - Middle Left
  • Orange - Bottom Left
  • Yellow - Top Middle
  • Blue - Top Right
  • Red - Middle Right
  • Cyan - Bottom Right

After the brief cutscene, Folly and Maaron can start preparing their plan to defeat the Entity or Demon. Folly will need to create a trap. To begin, we'll need to find a way to open the locked door in the Museum. Check the book in the Shattered display case again; this time, we can turn the page and pick up the Book about the Soul Catcher. This book will have all the plans we need to create a trap and the code to the locked door.

Related: Lost Lands 3 Full Walkthrough (Golden Curse)

How to unlock door in the Museum

The code to the locked door is scribbled at the bottom of the Book about the Soul Catcher. They are four bizarre-looking symbols. To remember, I thought of them as this: F, P, backward E, backward S. You can check the image above to see them exactly.

Where to find all the trap items

Once the door is unlocked, we can continue through to this storage room and collect everything we need for our trap. The items will be listed at the bottom; there are 14 in total. Here's where to find them all:

  • Basis - In the Suit of armor's shield
  • Axial gear - Leaning on the table in the back
  • Steering wheel - Hanging on the far wall
  • Scale - In the globe (Place the piece on the right side of it on top to open it up)
  • Pole arrow - Hanging on the crossed swords on the left wall
  • Crystal - In the suit of armor's helmet (Use the mace next to it to hit it open)
  • Prism bracket - In the crate of swords on the left side
  • Prism - Hanging on the chandelier (Press the spot where the Steering wheel was hanging)
  • Pendulum - Hanging with the chains on the left wall
  • Mirror bracket - In the arrow sheath on the right wall
  • Mirror - On the spear in the back right
  • Flask - Covering the diving helmet
  • Lens bracket - On the table beside the diving helmet, holding the axe up (Spin the second arrow head on the table toward the right to loosen the stand and grab the bracket)
  • Lens - On the diving helmet (Solve the puzzle by inputting the right symbols shown below)

How to solve the diving helmet puzzle

To solve this puzzle, we'll need to press the buttons around the outer ring of the helmet that match the symbols we see written around the room. They are as follows: Square, triangle, and the triangle with a tail. Then you can collect the Lens.

After collecting all the items, they will turn into the Parts kit in your Inventory. Maaron will then return with the Talking Mask. Now, we'll need to put our trap together following the instructions in the Book about the Soul Catcher.

How to assemble the trap

Assembling the trap is easy. You can keep checking the book for step-by-step instructions on how to place the pieces together. All of them are going on top of the bottom gear, so it really is just the order in which you're placing them that counts. Take a look at the image above for some extra help.

Once you have it assembled, we'll need to power it up. Take it with you to the generator we powered up a little bit ago and place it beside it. Take off the glass cover and place the crystal into the mana source. When it's charged, it will go back into the trap, and you can place the cover back over and pick it up.

With the trap charged, Maaron will announce that's time to go to the 'sacred peak' to put the trap to use. The 'sacred peak' is Castle Hill, where we completed the puzzle in the tree and collected the sheep. Head there and place the trap in the center of the four animal pillars. Then, lift the cover and place the Oigela's medallion onto it. Adjust the lenses so the light reflects off the crystal, then place the top back on.

The dark cloud will appear behind the trap. Now, it's time to use the Talking Mask to communicate with it. Select it from your Inventory and click on the cloud. After speaking to the Entity, we will see that it isn't as evil as we assumed. We will now have to perform a ritual to help it lay to rest by collecting the skulls to place on the four animal pillars.

Where to find the animal skulls

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  • Lost Lands 9 Full Walkthrough - Full Chapter 3 Part 2 Guide (22)
  • Lost Lands 9 Full Walkthrough - Full Chapter 3 Part 2 Guide (23)
  • Lost Lands 9 Full Walkthrough - Full Chapter 3 Part 2 Guide (24)

We've come across a few skulls during our journey, so now it's time to backtrack and collect them all for the ritual. Here's where to find the right ones:

  • Eagle - At the Canyons Portal near the vulture nest
  • Wolf - In Maaron's Hideout
  • Ram - At the Castle campsite
  • Horse - At the Castle Ruins

When you have all the skulls, you can head back and place them on all the matching pillars. Then you'll have a puzzle to solve to offer up prayers.

How to solve the animal ritual puzzle

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  • Lost Lands 9 Full Walkthrough - Full Chapter 3 Part 2 Guide (26)
  • Lost Lands 9 Full Walkthrough - Full Chapter 3 Part 2 Guide (27)
  • Lost Lands 9 Full Walkthrough - Full Chapter 3 Part 2 Guide (28)

To solve the animal ritual, you need to drag the lines across the dots to recreate the four pictures shown at the top. This is easier than it seems; just don't get caught up on the lines and instead focus on what dots they are on. Check out all the pictures above for reference.

Once you solve this puzzle, you've come to the end of the game! Maaron and Folly successfully laid the Entity to rest, preventing any more harm from being done and being peaceful about it. They also made new friends with each other along the way, and a pretty good team.

Congrats on finishing the whole Lost Lands 9 adventure! Hopefully, this guide helped you make it through as easy and fun as possible! Thanks for following along.

Looking for more Lost Lands content? Check out our guides on or Lost Lands 7 Redemption Walkthrough!

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.