(ENG) D&D 4a Ed. - The Shadowfell - Gloomwrought And Beyond + (Tokens, Mappe e Carte) - Flip eBook Pages 101-150 (2024)

EBONY GUARD CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 99 fate, each member of the original Ebony Guard faced a different, potentially suicidal task. The Raven Queen smiled on the dedication of those who survived. Unlike the Raven Knights, which guard the Raven Queen’s realm, the Ebony Guard takes an active role in promoting the goddess’s cause. The first Ebony Guards journeyed across the Shadowfell and into the other planes, teaching disciples to embrace fate and overcome their fears of death. As centuries passed, the original members of the Ebony Guard disappeared, succumbing to death or fading into anonymity. Their disciples, although not gifted with longevity or the same intimate understanding of the Raven Queen’s will, continued to espouse what they believed to be their queen’s tenets. The message has become distorted over time, but some among the Ebony Guard still uphold their queen’s will, promoting her causes and protecting against the vile influence of Vecna and Orcus. Ebony Raven Speaker Level 16 Artillery Medium shadow humanoid, human XP 1,400 HP 120; Bloodied 60 Initiative +8 AC 30, Fortitude 27, Reflex 28, Will 29 Perception +14 Speed 6 Low-light vision TRAITS Furious Flock The raven speaker can score a critical hit on a roll of 19–20 against an enemy that has one or more of the raven speaker’s allies adjacent to it. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Morningstar (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC Hit: 2d10 + 12 damage. 6 Midwinter Wind (cold, necrotic) ✦ At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +21 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d12 + 12 cold and necrotic damage, and the raven speaker can slide the target 1 square. * Swirling Ravens (zone) ✦ Encounter Attack: Area burst 2 within 10 (enemies in the burst); +21 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 3d10 + 6 damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the raven speaker’s next turn. Enemies in the zone are slowed and take a –5 penalty to attack rolls against creatures not adjacent to them. Sustain Minor: The zone persists until the end of the raven speaker’s next turn. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Unkind Flight (polymorph) ✦ Encounter Requirement: The raven speaker must be bloodied. Trigger: The raven speaker is damaged by a melee attack. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The raven speaker assumes the form of a flock of swirling ravens and flies up to 8 squares. While in this form, the raven speaker is insubstantial and can move through enemies’ spaces. Each time the raven speaker enters an enemy’s space during this movement, that enemy takes ongoing 10 damage (save ends). The form ends at the end of this movement. Str 12 (+9) Dex 10 (+8) Wis 23 (+14) Con 18 (+12) Int 20 (+13) Cha 12 (+9) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment robes, morningstar Ebony Knight Level 15 Soldier Medium shadow humanoid, human XP 1,200 HP 144; Bloodied 72 Initiative +13 AC 31, Fortitude 28, Reflex 26, Will 27 Perception +8 Speed 5 Low-light vision TRAITS Furious Flock The knight can score a critical hit on a roll of 19–20 against an enemy that has one or more of the knight’s allies adjacent to it. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Greatsword (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +20 vs. AC Hit: 2d10 + 13 damage. Effect: The target is marked until the end of the knight’s next turn. , Silence Unbeliever (weapon) ✦ Recharge ff fi Attack: Melee 1 (one creature marked by the knight); +20 vs. AC Hit: 3d10 + 13 damage, and the target grants combat advantage (save ends). If the knight scores a critical hit, the target is instead dazed (save ends). MINOR ACTIONS - Death’s Call (charm, necrotic) ✦ Recharge when the knight starts its turn immobilized or restrained and without an enemy adjacent to it Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +18 vs. Will Hit: 1d10 + 5 necrotic damage, and the knight pulls the target up to 5 squares. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Death’s Rebuke (necrotic) ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of the knight and marked by it makes an attack that doesn’t include the knight as a target. Effect (Free Action): Close burst 10 (triggering enemy in the burst). The target takes 10 necrotic damage, and each of its allies adjacent to it takes 5 necrotic damage. Str 22 (+13) Dex 18 (+11) Wis 12 (+8) Con 16 (+10) Int 10 (+7) Cha 20 (+12) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment plate armor, greatsword Ebony Thurifer Level 16 Skirmisher Medium shadow humanoid, human XP 1,400 HP 151; Bloodied 75 Initiative +17 AC 30, Fortitude 28, Reflex 29, Will 26 Perception +12 Speed 6 Low-light vision TRAITS Q Bewildering Haze ✦ Aura 1 An enemy in the aura can attack only during its turn. Furious Flock The thurifer can score a critical hit on a roll of 19–20 against an enemy that has one or more of the thurifer’s allies adjacent to it. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Thurible Flail (necrotic, weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC Hit: 2d10 + 7 damage plus 2d6 necrotic damage. , Cull Unbelievers ✦ Recharge ff fi Effect: The thurifer shifts up to its speed and uses thurible flail twice. A target hit by one of these attacks gains vulnerable 5 necrotic (save ends). TRIGGERED ACTIONS , Thurifer’s Fury ✦ Encounter Trigger: The thurifer is first bloodied. Effect (Free Action): The thurifer shifts up to 3 squares and uses thurible flail. Str 22 (+14) Dex 24 (+15) Wis 19 (+12) Con 15 (+10) Int 11 (+8) Cha 12 (+9) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment robes, thurible flail

CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 100 GHOST TALON Gloomwrought is a cosmopolitan city with citizens representing every race, creed, and origin. Most residents of the city accept this fact, but some groups chafe at associating with others. Such protestations rarely rise above muttered curses or minor scuffles. The Ghost Talon, though, doesn’t stop there. These shadar-kai militants assault citizens of other races. They work to drive all but shadar-kai out of Gloomwrought. They disregard any mandate of ownership or rightful possession, and they hate everyone else and wish them either gone or dead. Around a hundred shadar-kai follow the group’s leader, Oristus (page 103). In recent years, the Ghost Talon has grown its membership slowly but surely. Oristus’s message reaches shadar-kai that are eager to purge Gloomwrought of its oppressive nobility and make room for their people. The gang uses brutal, effective tactics, from sabotage to campaigns of violence. It targets people it deems unfit to live in the city. Oristus sees visitors and residents alike as representatives of decadence, and he leads the Talon in missions against them in every district. Whenever members of the Ghost Talon complete a task, they disappear. As a result, authorities can’t pin them down. So far, the shadar-kai have limited their efforts to isolated acts of terrorism, but as their group’s membership grows, they are becoming increasingly audacious, able to attack on multiple fronts and practice more sinister terrorist attacks. Anyone who does not fit into the gang’s vision for the city can fall victim to its attacks, so naturally the group has many enemies. Shadowborn residents of the city, particularly those in positions of power, are targeted by the group, as are devotees of any god other than the Raven Queen. Some members of the Ghost Talon also join the Ebony Guard, making them extremists among extremists. Most of Gloomwrought’s nobility would like to see the group destroyed, but it considers the organization to be someone else’s problem. The Deathless Watch despises the Ghost Talon, since members of the group always opt to fight rather than pay bribes. For the same reason, the Watch is slow to react to threats involving the Talon, so it is rarely able to curtail the group’s efforts. The top spot on the Ghost Talon’s hit list belongs to Prince Rolan. As a human and the political head of the city, Rolan represents everything the gang aims to destroy. The Talon jumps at any opportunity to strike at Rolan or members of the Prince’s Guard. So far, the group has had few successes against his forces, and Rolan isn’t too worried. He has assigned spies to keep tabs on the organization in case its numbers swell enough to challenge his control. The Ghost Talon believes the shadar-kai were chosen by the Raven Queen and naturally should control the most prominent city in her realm. Ultimately, the Talon plans to transform Gloomwrought into the capital of an empire for shadar-kai. Part of the Ghost talon’s ethos exalts the inherent abilities of shadar-kai. The warriors learn to expand their shadow jaunt ability to work with other combat powers. They practice diligently and subject themselves to unique rituals to improve their powers. They ingest poisons that push them to the brink of death. Some members die as a result of these practices, but those who stare death in the face and remain with the living are bequeathed with extraordinary abilities surpassing those of ordinary shadar-kai. Talk of these rituals has given rise to the belief among much of Gloomwrought’s populace that members of the Ghost Talon are undead. The Talon has found that this speculation helps instill fear in its victims, so the gang does nothing to discourage the rumors. “Fanatics, all of them, and seemingly led by a ghost. If I had ten warriors as good working for me, no one would dare interfere with House Harskel.” —Dedrek Harskel THE GHOST TALON IN YOUR GAME Although most “good” and “evil” labels in Gloomwrought are malleable, based on political maneuvering and questionable motives, the Ghost Talon provides blatantly antagonistic foes that adventurers should have no reservations about destroying. Any establishment the party frequents could come under attack from members of the Talon. The heroes might discover a nighttime assault in progress, or a merchant could hire them as protection for a valuable shipment. If the characters fight back, the Talon pushes them to a high spot on its hit list. As the adventurers become more well known in the city, they might become targets due to their prominence. The gang frequently strikes high-profile outsiders, and any adventuring party that makes a splash in the city fits the bill. The characters might be approached by a Ghost Talon crony and commissioned for an imaginary job to lure them into a back-alley ambush. Oristus and his followers enjoy defeating or driving off popular adventurers because such acts improve the group’s visibility within the city.

GHOST TALON CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 101 JOHN STANKO History of the Ghost Talon Oristus founded the Ghost Talon almost three years ago, upon his banishment from Raven’s Eyrie. In his view, his exile served only to prove the weakness of the temple in dealing with outsiders. He swore he would take the fight to the impure, and he dedicated the Talon to rebellion against the corruption and weakness of the shadowborn noble and merchant houses. At the beginning, the gang consisted of only a few members. Oristus and his cohorts railed against the nobility and the other races, but they lacked the numbers to back up their words with actions. After a few months, they had just enough members to attempt a simple mission of sabotage against the Goldhammer General Store in the Plaza District. As the order made a name for itself, disaffected and powerless shadar-kai throughout the city found their way to Ghost Hall. In the years since, the Ghost Talon has expanded its operations into many types of crime and widened its targets to even the richest noble houses. Many of the houses have fought back, attempting to expunge the gang from the face of the city. Some of these campaigns inflicted heavy casualties on the Talon—one effort by House Carradh penetrated Ghost Hall, leaving behind the bodies of nearly half the order. Each time, Oristus survived and rebuilt, earning him a level of infamy on the streets of Gloomwrought. The Ghost Talon won’t die until he does. He remains one of the most wanted criminals in the city. How Powerful Is the Ghost Talon? Although not large, the gang has enough members and resources to make life difficult for anyone who draws its ire. The group’s main force is located in Ghost Hall, where its members plan their attacks. At any time, Ghost Hall contains between a dozen and two dozen Ghost Talon members. The deadly traps help fortify the location against anyone who might try to attack it. The Ghost Talon’s strength is in its stealth and speed. Trying to catch a gang member is like grasping at a ghost. Merchant and noble houses, as well as the Deathless Watch, have tried periodically to eliminate the Ghost Talon, but a few members always slip through their fingers, allowing the gang to rebuild and eventually enact vengeance against those who attacked. The Ghost Talon doesn’t attack rival forces head-on, but rather, it targets the leaders of those forces in an attempt to throw them into chaos. Several prestigious merchant houses have fallen at the hands of the Ghost Talon. Most of the wealthier merchants and nobles, including Prince Rolan, keep guards on hand that are specially suited for defending against the gang’s knack for penetrating even the most defensive fortifications. The Ghost Talon currently lacks the resources to wage any type of extended campaign, because of House Carradh’s raid on the former Ghost Hall. The organization has since relocated to a new Ghost Hall, where it is steadily rebuilding its (Left to right) Ghost Talon heartseeker, darkblood, and thug

CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 102 strength. Some people in Gloomwrought believe that the Ghost Talon eventually plans to launch a counterattack against House Carradh. The group will have its work cut out for it, though, since Carradh has one of the most well-defended houses in all of Gloomwrought. Ghost Talon Heartseeker Level 12 Artillery Medium shadow humanoid, shadar-kai XP 700 HP 80; Bloodied 40 Initiative +9 AC 26, Fortitude 24, Reflex 23, Will 26 Perception +12 Speed 6 Low-light vision TRAITS Blood Phase While bloodied and insubstantial, the heartseeker is phasing. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Dagger (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 10 damage. 6 Longbow (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Ranged 25 (one creature); +19 vs. AC Hit: 2d12 + 7 damage. - Ghosthunt Arrow (cold, psychic, weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +17 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d12 + 7 psychic and cold damage. The heartseeker becomes insubstantial until the end of its next turn. - Heartseeker Arrow (weapon) ✦ At-Will Requirement: The heartseeker must be insubstantial. Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +17 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d12 + 7 damage. Effect: The heartseeker is no longer insubstantial. MOVE ACTIONS Shadow Jaunt (teleportation) ✦ Encounter Effect: The heartseeker teleports up to 3 squares and becomes insubstantial until the end of its next turn. Skills Acrobatics +14, Athletics +15, Stealth +14 Str 19 (+10) Dex 17 (+9) Wis 22 (+12) Con 17 (+9) Int 12 (+7) Cha 13 (+7) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment leather armor, longbow, 30 arrows Ghost Talon Darkblood Level 14 Brute Medium shadow humanoid, shadar-kai XP 1,000 HP 142; Bloodied 71 Initiative +10 AC 26, Fortitude 28, Reflex 25, Will 26 Perception +7 Speed 6 Low-light vision TRAITS Blood Phase While bloodied and insubstantial, the darkblood is phasing. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Battleaxe (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. AC Hit: 2d12 + 13 damage. , Darkblade (cold, necrotic, weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d12 + 12 cold and necrotic damage, and ongoing 5 cold and necrotic damage (save ends). The darkblood becomes insubstantial until the end of its next turn. + Darkblood Corruption (necrotic, poison) ✦ At-Will Requirement: The darkblood must be insubstantial. Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst); +17 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 + 11 poison and necrotic damage, and the target falls prone. Effect: The darkblood is no longer insubstantial. MOVE ACTIONS Shadow Jaunt (teleportation) ✦ Encounter Effect: The darkblood teleports up to 3 squares and becomes insubstantial until the end of its next turn. Skills Acrobatics +15, Athletics +18, Stealth +15 Str 23 (+13) Dex 17 (+10) Wis 11 (+7) Con 17 (+10) Int 12 (+8) Cha 19 (+11) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chainmail, battleaxe Ghost Talon Death Dealer Level 14 Controller (Leader) Medium shadow humanoid, shadar-kai XP 1,000 HP 115; Bloodied 57 Initiative +7 AC 28, Fortitude 24, Reflex 25, Will 28 Perception +14 Speed 6 Low-light vision TRAITS Q Dealer’s Intercession ✦ Aura 3 When an ally in the aura drops to 0 hit points, it doesn’t die or fall unconscious until the end of its next turn. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Staff (cold, necrotic, weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. AC Hit: 3d6 + 8 cold and necrotic damage. - Freezing Rebuke (cold, implement) ✦ At-Will Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +17 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d10 + 5 cold damage, and ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends). The death dealer becomes insubstantial until the end of its next turn. - Freeze to Death (cold, implement) ✦ At-Will Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature taking ongoing cold damage); +16 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d6 + 4 cold damage, and the target is petrified (save ends). If the target is targeted by an attack that deals fire damage, it can make a saving throw against the effect after that attack is resolved. MOVE ACTIONS Shadow Jaunt (cold, necrotic, teleportation) ✦ Encounter Effect: The death dealer teleports up to 3 squares. Each enemy adjacent to it before the teleport takes 5 cold and necrotic damage. Str 11 (+7) Dex 10 (+7) Wis 24 (+14) Con 16 (+10) Int 18 (+11) Cha 15 (+9) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment staff Ghost Talon Thug Level 12 Minion Brute Medium shadow humanoid, shadar-kai XP 175 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +10 AC 24, Fortitude 25, Reflex 24, Will 23 Perception +7 Speed 6 Low-light vision STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Heavy Flail (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC Hit: 9 damage, or 15 on a critical hit. The thug becomes insubstantial until the start of its next turn. MOVE ACTIONS Shadow Jaunt (teleportation) ✦ Encounter Effect: The thug teleports up to 3 squares and becomes insubstantial until the start of its next turn. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Blood Phase ✦ Encounter Trigger: The thug takes damage while it is insubstantial. Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The thug makes a saving throw. If it saves, it ignores the triggering damage. Skills Stealth +15 Str 20 (+11) Dex 18 (+10) Wis 12 (+7) Con 15 (+8) Int 11 (+6) Cha 16 (+9) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment hide armor, heavy flail

GHOST TALON CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 103 ERIC BELISLE Oristus The shadar-kai Oristus and his sister, Nira, came to Gloomwrought as adolescents, after they escaped their enclave’s destruction at the hands of shadowborn halfling pirates. They eventually begged passage on a freighter bound for the City of Midnight. Upon arriving in the city, they were taken in as Raven’s Eyrie nestlings and were raised in communion with the Raven Queen. In time, both siblings joined the Eyrie’s clergy. Through diligence and faith, they ascended through its ranks until Nira became the high priestess and Oristus became a member of her inner council. Despite his dramatic rise in status, Oristus remained bitter toward other races. He secretly formed the Ghost Talon, a fringe group devoted to the superiority of shadar-kai. When Nira found out about Oristus’s doings, she was surprised but did not take action immediately. Soon, the Ghost Talon became a thorn in the Eyrie’s side, and the siblings, formerly so close, grew wary of each other. As the days passed, Nira became convinced that Oristus was slipping in his faith. Finally, when a Talon mission caused a riot in Penance Square, Nira consulted with the Sorrowmere to determine her course of action. The next day, Oristus’s sister banished him from the temple and excommunicated him from the Eyrie. Since then, Oristus has grown increasingly vengeful. Every problem he sees, he lays at the feet of the dirtyblooded beasts who have stolen Gloomwrought from the shadar-kai. Under Oristus’s leadership, the Ghost Talon takes up arms in the name of the Raven Queen, intent on reclaiming the city from its oppressors. Shadar-kai that do not stand with the Talon are considered enemies and potential targets, including Nira. Oristus, Marshal of the Talon Level 15 Elite Soldier Medium shadow humanoid, shadar-kai XP 2,400 HP 245; Bloodied 122 Initiative +12 AC 30, Fortitude 29, Reflex 25, Will 27 Perception +8 Speed 6 Low-light vision Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Blade of Shadows (necrotic, weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +20 vs. AC Hit: 2d10 + 10 necrotic damage, and the target is slowed until the end of its next turn. Effect: The target is marked until the end of Oristus’s next turn. , Double Attack ✦ At-Will Effect: Oristus uses blade of shadows twice. If both attacks hit, he becomes insubstantial until the end of his next turn. , Pierce the Soul (necrotic, weapon) ✦ At-Will Requirement: Oristus must be insubstantial. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature marked by Oristus); +18 vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d10 + 7 necrotic damage, and ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save ends). If the target attacks a creature other than Oristus while taking ongoing damage from this attack, it takes 15 necrotic damage and is dazed until the end of its next turn. Miss: Half damage. MOVE ACTIONS Shadow Jaunt (teleportation) ✦ Encounter Effect: Oristus teleports up to 3 squares and becomes insubstantial until the end of his next turn. Oristus can instead teleport up to 6 squares if he teleports to a square adjacent to an enemy marked by him. Str 24 (+14) Dex 16 (+10) Wis 13 (+8) Con 16 (+10) Int 11 (+7) Cha 21 (+12) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chainmail ROLEPLAYING ORISTUS Oristus is hostile to all outsiders and immediately considers the adventurers enemies. It’s unlikely he would deign to talk to any characters. If a conversation does occur, Oristus is utterly contemptuous toward the heroes. He continually strokes the handle of his weapon, making it clear he would like nothing more than an excuse to use it. He especially hates halflings, and he spews insults and challenges at any such character.

CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats JESPER EJSING 104 GOLEMS Golems that come into being in Gloomwrought take life from the same energy that causes the city’s architecture to shift. The reason why buildings and other physical features of the city wax and wane is unknown, but whatever power causes the phenomenon is imperfect. Collapsing buildings do not always go quietly—a spark of life sometimes escapes. A column, an archway, or even a street corner can absorb this energy and become animate. Even the wall that surrounds the city might slough off a chunk of itself to form a wall golem. A Gloomwrought golem acts as an independent creature but remains part of the whole—it can still tap into the city’s energy, causing the ground to rise up and hinder enemies. Though the golems are dangerous, residents of Gloomwrought bear them no ill will, understanding that they are a normal hazard of life in the City of Midnight. Like most golems, Gloomwrought golems have little intelligence. Any one that comes into existence wanders aimlessly until it is destroyed or “tamed” by a member of one of Gloomwrought’s factions. If someone can imitate or impersonate a resident of the house or the area where a golem originated, the construct might serve as that person’s guardian. (Needless to say, the same is true for anyone who actually is affiliated with the house or the area.) Except for those who enter into this sort of relationship, Gloomwrought golems stand apart from any other creatures and do not hesitate to attack anyone who approaches them. A golem that enters into service with an individual is a loyal ally of that person, just as if the new master had personally made the golem. The golem might show up as a guard at its master’s home or place of business. Sometimes a clever master commands his or her golem to disguise itself as part of the architecture to fool intruders. GOLEMS IN YOUR GAME The street golem, hearth golem, and wall golem are good additions to almost any fight in Gloomwrought. The golems can serve virtually any faction, or they can be monsters that spontaneously join a fight. The street golems are not elite like most other golems, so you can use several of them during a battle on the streets, perhaps against Midnight’s Own or the Deathless Watch. Wall golems can leap out of a wall on either the inside or outside of a building. Their absence could destabilize a structure or create a new opening, causing the battlefield to change in interesting ways. “Beware the golems of Gloomwrought, for they are as unkillable as the city itself.” —Veleris a’Lindesta, sage of history (Left to right) Street golem, wall golem, and hearth golem

GOLEMS CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 105 Whenever a building or a street in Gloomwrought undergoes a major change of form, a golem might split from it. Even though golems must normally be created deliberately by an intelligent crafter, observation and examination of Gloomwrought golems reveals that they exhibit all the usual characteristics of golems. They aren’t just some other form of construct. This fact suggests that the City of Midnight itself has a form of sentience, but everyone who has made this connection in the past has gained no more information by exploring it further. Those who know the proper rituals can create their own Gloomwrought golems by calling them forth from the shifting city. These rituals work best in areas of the city that have recently undergone—or are in the middle of—major, rapid changes. The would-be master has a better chance of creating a golem if the faint sentience that imbues it no longer feels “at home” where it was located. Wall Golem Level 16 Elite Lurker Large natural animate (construct) XP 2,800 HP 244; Bloodied 122 Initiative +15 AC 30, Fortitude 31, Reflex 27, Will 26 Perception +10 Speed 6 Darkvision Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS All-Around Vision Enemies can’t gain combat advantage by flanking the golem. Plodding The golem cannot shift. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Slam ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +21 vs. AC Hit: 3d8 + 11 damage. + Topple ✦ At-Will Requirement: The golem must be affected by wall form. Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast); +19 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d8 + 9 damage, and the golem pushes the target up to 3 squares and knocks it prone. Miss: Half damage. Effect: The golem is no longer affected by wall form and appears in an unoccupied space within or adjacent to the blast’s area. Wall Form (polymorph) ✦ At-Will Effect: The golem no longer occupies its current space and instead occupies the squares within a close wall 6. The squares must be unoccupied. While in this form, the golem is blocking terrain, is 3 squares high, and gains resist 20 to all damage. In addition, the golem can take no actions other than using topple or spending a free action to return to its normal form in an unoccupied space adjacent to a square of the wall. TRIGGERED ACTIONS + Collapse ✦ Encounter Trigger: The golem is first bloodied. Effect (Free Action): The golem uses topple, even if it does not meet the power’s requirement. The golem is then removed from play, and any effects on it end. At the start of its next turn, the golem appears in an unoccupied space within or adjacent to the squares it last occupied. Str 24 (+15) Dex 16 (+11) Wis 14 (+10) Con 20 (+13) Int 5 (+5) Cha 8 (+7) Alignment unaligned Languages — Street Golem Level 10 Soldier Large natural animate (construct) XP 500 HP 52; Bloodied 26 Initiative +8 AC 25, Fortitude 24, Reflex 20, Will 22 Perception +8 Speed 7 Darkvision Resist 10 to all damage TRAITS Q Loose Cobbles ✦ Aura 2 Squares in the aura are difficult terrain for enemies. Plodding The golem cannot shift. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Slam ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +15 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 10 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the golem’s next turn. + Street’s Clutches ✦ Recharge ff fi Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in the burst); +13 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). If the target is already slowed, it is instead immobilized (save ends). Str 21 (+10) Dex 12 (+6) Wis 16 (+8) Con 17 (+8) Int 3 (+1) Cha 3 (+1) Alignment unaligned Languages — Hearth Golem Level 13 Elite Controller Large natural animate (construct) XP 1,600 HP 256; Bloodied 128 Initiative +6 AC 27, Fortitude 28, Reflex 23, Will 25 Perception +8 Speed 6 Darkvision Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS Q Hearthfire (fire) ✦ Aura 2 Any enemy that ends its turn in the aura takes 5 fire damage. Plodding The golem cannot shift. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Slam (fire) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. AC Hit: 2d10 + 5 fire damage, and the target gains vulnerable 5 fire until the end of the golem’s next turn. , Double Attack ✦ At-Will Effect: The golem uses slam twice. + Ash Blast (fire) ✦ At-Will Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in the blast); +16 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d10 + 10 fire damage, and the target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). MINOR ACTIONS + Flare Up (fire) ✦ Recharge when the golem takes fire damage Attack: Close burst 2 (creatures in the burst); +16 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + 5 fire damage. Until the end of the golem’s next turn, its slam also deals ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). Str 21 (+11) Dex 10 (+6) Wis 14 (+8) Con 16 (+9) Int 3 (+2) Cha 3 (+2) Alignment unaligned Languages —

CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats BEN WOOTTEN 106 THE KEEPERS The Keepers of Gloomwrought are mystery made manifest. Despite constant attempts to learn more about the creatures and their enigmatic goals, the reclusive Keepers baffle all. They rarely interact with the city’s inhabitants, though they occupy nearly every street corner in the city. As they studiously examine the buildings, the creatures speak only in a series of guttural clicks. For the most part, the Keepers seem content to leave the other inhabitants of the city alone, provided no one interferes with their maintenance. If they are attacked, the Keepers do everything in their power to avoid further conflict, but they are surprisingly lethal when forced to fight. Keepers can shift between humanoid form and a motile mass of viscous black tar, evading, attacking, and devastating those who dare antagonize them. Keepers rarely interact with others. When anyone asks a Keeper what it’s doing or where it came from, the Keeper ignores the question, avoids looking at the questioner, and keeps working. No sage has any record of a Keeper responding to such a query. The Keepers do seem able to influence or control the golems of Gloomwrought, and they sometimes fight alongside a piece of the living city. They also have a strong connection to creatures of shadow, calling them into battle when facing a powerful foe. City dwellers have long thought of the Keepers as a hom*ogenous group, but recent events suggest otherwise. Keepers with silver skulls ornamenting their black smocks began showing up throughout the city, in ever-increasing numbers. On rare occasions, these Keepers were glimpsed fighting—and even killing— other Keepers. This turn of events has led to speculation about “false” Keepers, creatures that are either Keepers corrupted by an outside force or beings able to mimic the Keepers. Worst of all, these false Keepers seem to have the ability to manipulate the city, making Gloomwrought strike out against their enemies. “The mysterious, black-clad creatures known as the Keepers maintain Gloomwrought’s buildings. Nobody outside their ranks knows their secret goal.” —A Codex of the Planes, by Corwin Aterly

THE KEEPERS CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 107 Where facts are few, theories abound. Most citizens of Gloomwrought assume that the Keepers serve Prince Rolan, and that they are responsible for the constantly changing landscape of the city. No one in the city recalls a time when the Keepers were not there, quietly toiling in the background. The creatures might predate Gloomwrought, and some think the Keepers built the city with their own hands. New theories suggest the Keepers’ continuous vigil isn’t responsible for the city’s shifting face, but instead it fortifies Gloomwrought against degradation caused by the Shadow fell. As with most of the strange and inexplicable phenomena in Gloomwrought, the existence of false Keepers has been blamed on powers such as Orcus and Vecna. Behind the Keepers The following section presents possible background information about the Keepers. If you prefer to leave the Keepers as mysterious figures in your campaign, want to use a different explanation for the facts given above, or let your players’ guesses define the Keepers’ role, feel free to disregard this material. Feed on Misery and Woe: In truth, the Keepers feed on the negative emotions of creatures within Gloomwrought’s walls. They oppose happiness or joy, and they manipulate the shifting of the city’s architecture to create feelings of unease, uncertainty, and dread. They don’t do so out of malice. They would literally starve if Gloomwrought became a more pleasant place. Still, regardless of their motives, the Keepers subjugate the citizens of the City of Midnight, leaving them in a state of constant anguish and depression. Preserve the City: The Keepers sense a sentience of sorts in the city itself. As long as they maintain its “health,” they can draw the psychic energy they need from its brick and stone. No clear line separates the fate of the Keepers from that of the city. Perhaps they arose from its walls, children that began as blobs of tar. Or they might have built the city to serve as a cage, trapping creatures within it and leeching their misery. They could even be the first dark lords, with Gloomwrought as their domain of dread. False Keepers Go Rogue: Because of a twist in their mentality, the false Keepers broke from the ranks of the Keepers. If the Keepers are psychic vampires, then the false Keepers are their gluttonous kin, torturing and imprisoning victims to devour more and more negative emotions. They take a direct approach—one far harder to justify. They have split off from the main group only recently, and anything that could cause such a major shift must be dangerous. False Keeper Level 17 Elite Controller Medium shadow humanoid (shapechanger) XP 3,200 HP 332; Bloodied 166 Initiative +16 AC 31, Fortitude 29, Reflex 31, Will 27 Perception +12 Speed 6 Blindsight 20 TRAITS Q The City Serves ✦ Aura 2 Squares in the aura are difficult terrain for enemies. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Claw ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +22 vs. AC Hit: 3d8 + 11 damage. - Corrupting Miasma ✦ At-Will Attack: Ranged 5 (one or two creatures); +20 vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + 11 damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is no longer dazed and is instead dominated until the end of its next turn. , Dissolving Ooze (acid, polymorph) ✦ Recharge ff fi Effect: The false Keeper shifts up to its speed and can enter enemies’ spaces during this movement. Each time the false Keeper enters an enemy’s space for the first time during this movement, it can make the following attack against that enemy. Attack: Melee 1 (the enemy whose space the false Keeper entered); +20 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d8 + 11 acid damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the false Keeper’s next turn. TRIGGERED ACTIONS + Caustic Breath (acid) ✦ Encounter Trigger: The false Keeper is first bloodied. Attack (Free Action): Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast); +20 vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d8 + 11 acid damage, and the target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls and damage rolls (save ends). Miss: Half damage. Skills Stealth +21 Str 17 (+11) Dex 26 (+16) Wis 19 (+12) Con 22 (+14) Int 18 (+12) Cha 9 (+7) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Keeper Enforcer Level 16 Skirmisher Medium shadow humanoid (shapechanger) XP 1,400 HP 150; Bloodied 75 Initiative +17 AC 30, Fortitude 26, Reflex 30, Will 28 Perception +13 Speed 6 Blindsight 20 TRAITS Combat Advantage The enforcer deals 2d10 extra damage against any creature granting combat advantage to it. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Shadowformed Blade ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC Hit: 2d10 + 10 damage. , Gloom Stride ✦ At-Will Effect: The enforcer shifts up to half its speed and uses shadowformed blade. This movement doesn’t trigger attack powers. , Dissolving Blitz (acid, polymorph) ✦ Recharge ff fi Effect: The enforcer shifts up to its speed and can enter enemies’ spaces during this movement. Each time the enforcer enters an enemy’s space for the first time during this movement, it can make the following attack against that enemy. Attack: Melee 0 (the enemy whose space the enforcer entered); +19 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 10 acid damage, and the target falls prone. The target is slowed until the end of the enforcer’s next turn. - Caustic Bile (acid) ✦ Encounter Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +19 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d6 + 12 acid damage, and the target is blinded (save ends). Miss: Half damage. Skills Stealth +20 Str 16 (+11) Dex 24 (+15) Wis 21 (+13) Con 14 (+10) Int 17 (+11) Cha 8 (+7) Alignment unaligned Languages Common

CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats EVA WIDERMANN 108 MIDNIGHT’S OWN Decades ago, in the back alleys and gambling parlors of Dunnage Row, a group of like-minded individuals born and bred in Gloomwrought met and banded together. These common people were able to look beyond their own situations and see the city as a crumbling realm of the hopeless led by the corrupt. These peasants resolved to do what they could to drive the merchants and nobles that rule the City of Midnight out of power. The founders of Midnight’s Own realized that a group of peasants and laborers, no matter how large, could overthrow the city’s corrupt leaders in a coup. Desperate for change nonetheless, they developed an odd sort of vigilantism as a strategy—one that works precisely because it is so odd. The gang that calls itself Midnight’s Own sabotages trade shipments, raids caravans, and even kills innocent people. Based in the Drowned Quarter, its members spread out every night to find new victims in every corner of the city. Although they keep their plans secret, they make sure their actions are flashy and obvious. To sink a merchant boat, they use explosives. After killing a noble, they dismember the body for show. They wreak all this havoc for one reason—to attract the attention of truly heroic individuals who would be able to change the circ*mstances in Gloomwrought if they came to the city. Where there are monsters, they reasoned, heroes soon follow, so they resolve to behave in the most monstrous fashion possible. Drawn as they are from the ranks of the common people, members of Midnight’s Own use the trappings of their upbringing. The gang’s weapons evolved from peasant items such as sticks, fishing nets, and slings. Every gang member knows the streets and alleys of Gloomwrought so well that he or she is never held up by obstacles or debris. The members of Midnight’s Own avoid harming “their people,” the peasant folk of Gloomwrought (whether born here or not). They murder minor nobles and attack traders only if those targets aren’t accompanied by slaves or servants. There have been a few exceptions, but only in accidents or attempts to throw authorities off their trail. Although the gang doesn’t go out of its way to harm poor people, it doesn’t protect them either—at least, members don’t allow themselves to be seen engaging “Only when you are willing to stand in darkness are you ready to see the light.” —Gloomwrought proverb

MIDNIGHT’S OWN CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 109 in such activity. The leaders know that questions could arise if known gang members were witnessed doing good deeds. As soon as adventurers enter Gloomwrought, members of Midnight’s Own start watching them. Newer gang members tail them through the streets, while the older and more experienced dash along the rooftops and watch their reactions. If the adventurers notice them, the members break off and flee. Members who joined when they were young and healthy, then grew more infirm in their old age, still contribute to the gang by pretending to be victims, crying out for the assistance of anyone strong enough to help. Midnight’s Own tests potential champions through combat, drawing them into dark alleys rather than fighting in the middle of the street. Rooftop runners observe their fellows below, fleeing as soon as the battle is over to carry news of the outcome. If the gang members are victorious, they rob the would-be heroes and disappear—they have no intention of killing anyone who might one day be useful to them. Gang leaders keep careful track of any new arrivals in the city who respond to cries for help. Sometimes they stage an “emergency” of their own by sending out a squad of newer members to engage the visitors. Watching from the shadows, the gang leaders assess whether a group of would-be heroes is strong enough to take on the cruel factions in charge of Gloomwrought. So far, Midnight’s Own has not found anyone who perfectly suits its purpose, but new visitors enter the city every day. As happens so often in the Shadow fell, the strong principles on which Midnight’s Own was founded have deteriorated over the years. As the gang grew, it no longer remained secret, and it drew in more and more recruits. Many of today’s inductees do not even know the original goal of the gang. They think joining the group gives them an excuse to loot and pillage, backed by a force large enough to make the noble families worried. The current gang has even let in some sailors who managed to get marooned in the city, as well as a few bored and bitter scions of the noble houses. Behind the scenes, however, the order still acts toward its ultimate goal. The leadership of the gang regularly hires the Veiled Alliance to deliver messages about the actions of Midnight’s Own to those on other planes. History of Midnight’s Own Midnight’s Own began when some of Gloomwrought’s poorest citizens, stinging from the whips of the merchants who control the city, banded together. The oldest members of the group have passed down a legend of the event that led to the group’s founding. At the Nine Coppers, a sailor’s tavern in the Drowned Quarter, a shadowborn dwarf stumbled through the door. His back was bloody, the skin flayed off by a cruel wharfmaster of the Carradh family. The dwarf could barely recount what had happened before he died, but his last words burned indelibly into the memories of the patrons that night: “Make them pay.” The downtrodden customers saw their own fates in that dying dwarf, and they knew that their children’s children would suffer likewise—unless they did something. Knowing that a meager few could never directly bring about the sweeping change needed to reform the city, members of Midnight’s Own swore an oath to each other and to the future of the city. They would act as though they were the worst monsters in the City of Midnight, as a way to attract the greatest adventurers from throughout the planes. Like a lure dangling on a line, their actions would force powerful heroes to respond. And then, so they hoped, those heroes would see the even greater evils that lurk in Gloomwrought and would do what they must to enact change in the city. Midnight’s Own can enter your game in two main paths. First, you could run the group as the citizens of Gloomwrought see it: a gang of bloodthirsty thugs lurking in the alleys of the city. In this role, Midnight’s Own serves as a generic villain to throw at the party. The adventurers can fight the gang without worrying about drawing heat from any major faction in the city, and very few care if members of Midnight’s Own die—even their superiors. Second, you could develop a more complicated arc, consisting of three major acts. In the first act, the gang acts as an enemy of the adventurers. Members of Midnight’s Own attack them in disguise, trying to make the adventurers believe that the Deathless Watch and other factions are their enemies, such as in Battle in the Street on page 12 of the Encounter Book. These attacks should be consistent and gradually increase in strength. In the second act, introduce the party to a noble or a merchant in the city. Use this figure’s behavior to give the players a glimpse of the corruption that consumes Gloomwrought’s leaders. After a few sessions of witnessing the leader’s cruelty, the players are primed for the third act, in which the leaders of the gang approach the characters. They have tested the party’s strength, and they know that the characters have seen the brutality of the elite. Midnight’s Own members beg the heroes to help them in overthrowing the corrupt leader. MIDNIGHT’S OWN IN YOUR GAME

CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 110 How Powerful Is Midnight’s Own? In the grand scheme of things, Midnight’s Own has little sway over Gloomwrought’s affairs. Although the gang poses a threat to low-level adventurers visiting the city, it is one of the weakest factions in Gloomwrought. As far as the leaders of the gang are concerned, most of their members exist only to draw heroes to the city in service to their ultimate purpose. A few dozen dead lackeys mean nothing. For the most part, encounters with Midnight’s Own involve shadowborn in the upper heroic tier. These newer members of the group provide a buffer between the gang’s adversaries and the more capable members of the group, allowing the gang’s leaders to assess the skills of adventurers who successfully stand up to these initial foes. Midnight Catcher Level 8 Soldier Medium shadow humanoid, human XP 350 HP 87; Bloodied 43 Initiative +8 AC 24, Fortitude 21, Reflex 19, Will 20 Perception +7 Speed 6, climb 3 Low-light vision TRAITS Street Agility The catcher ignores difficult terrain that consists of rubble, debris, uneven pavement, or similar terrain. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Club (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 9 damage. , Ground Pound (weapon) ✦ Recharge when an enemy adjacent to the catcher falls prone Attack: Melee 1 (one prone creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 3d6 + 9 damage, and the target cannot stand until the end of the catcher’s next turn. MINOR ACTIONS + Net Drag (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in the blast); +11 vs. Fortitude Hit: The catcher pulls the target up to 2 squares. TRIGGERED ACTIONS , Staggering Retaliation (weapon) ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the catcher moves away from it or makes an attack that doesn’t include the catcher as a target. Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +13 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 9 damage, and the target falls prone. Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +13, Stealth +11 Str 19 (+8) Dex 14 (+6) Wis 17 (+7) Con 15 (+6) Int 10 (+4) Cha 10 (+4) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment leather armor, club, net Midnight Drifter Level 9 Skirmisher Medium shadow humanoid, human XP 400 HP 95; Bloodied 47 Initiative +11 AC 23, Fortitude 20, Reflex 22, Will 21 Perception +8 Speed 6, climb 3 Low-light vision TRAITS Combat Advantage The drifter deals 1d8 extra damage against any target granting combat advantage to it. Street Agility The drifter ignores difficult terrain that consists of rubble, debris, uneven pavement, or similar terrain. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Quarterstaff (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage, and the drifter can slide the target 1 square. + Spinning Knockdown (weapon) ✦ Recharge ff fi Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst); +12 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage, and the drifter slides the target up to 2 squares and knocks it prone. MOVE ACTIONS Staff Vault ✦ Recharge when first bloodied Effect: The drifter jumps up to its speed, moving vertically or horizontally. It provokes opportunity attacks only for leaving the square it occupied before this movement. Skills Acrobatics +14, Athletics +12, Stealth +14 Str 16 (+7) Dex 20 (+9) Wis 18 (+8) Con 15 (+6) Int 10 (+4) Cha 12 (+5) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment leather armor, quarterstaff Midnight Arrow Level 10 Artillery Medium shadow humanoid, human XP 500 HP 82; Bloodied 41 Initiative +10 AC 24, Fortitude 21, Reflex 23, Will 22 Perception +9 Speed 6, climb 3 Low-light vision TRAITS Street Agility The arrow ignores difficult terrain that consists of rubble, debris, uneven pavement, or similar terrain. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Club (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 8 damage. 6 Glancing Shot (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Ranged 15 (one creature); +17 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage, and another creature within 3 squares of the target takes 5 damage. - Double Shot ✦ Recharge ff fi Effect: The arrow uses glancing shot twice. TRIGGERED ACTIONS - Vengeful Arrow ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy hits the arrow with a ranged or an area attack. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The arrow uses glancing shot against the triggering enemy. Skills Acrobatics +15, Athletics +11, Stealth +15 Str 12 (+6) Dex 21 (+10) Wis 18 (+9) Con 16 (+8) Int 10 (+5) Cha 10 (+5) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment leather armor, club, longbow, 20 arrows

111 TENEBROUS CABAL CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats BEN WOOTTEN TENEBROUS CABAL In the natural world, druids connect deeply to the world’s spirits, channeling their power to become living weapons who defend the world. In the Shadow fell, those who draw on the power of their world receive instead the power of shadow. A person can surrender a part of his or her being to the plane, gaining the power to cloak body, mind, and deed in darkness and subtlety. Although some practitioners of these arts live in the world, many more exist here—and they have reverence for their craft and their home plane just as primal heroes do for theirs. The Tenebrous Cabal became the first institution in Gloomwrought to refine and teach the use of shadow as a power source. A great many cabalists learned to weave shadow into shrouds to both entrap their enemies and disguise themselves. Others sculpted it into living forms, creating dark monsters as ephemeral as mist. Combined with training in nonmagical stealth and skulduggery, their magic made their agents extremely cunning. Cabalists soon insinuated themselves into powerful positions in the city, all the while concealing their power and denying the existence of the order altogether. Through the friends it has placed in crucial stations, the cabal can exert significant political force in Gloomwrought without ever revealing itself publicly. Most members of the cabal learn only a little shadow magic, don’t get deeply involved in the group, and never find out about its clandestine activities. Highly trained agents, though, form the backbone of the group. The cabal might demand an assassination, sabotage, manipulation, or some other act requiring an unseen, untraceable hand. An agent always carries out the will of the order, in Gloomwrought and beyond. Although all people in positions of power know of the cabal’s reputation, they only fool themselves if they think this knowledge makes them safe. The shadow training that agents receive gives them mastery over invisibility, disguise, and misdirection. Furthermore, they know tactics to circumvent any defense. A busker on the street might be an agent casing a business to loot that night, or a steward for a merchant house could be pulling the strings of her supposed masters. “We are the unheard knock at your door; We are the unseen guest at your table; We are the unfelt hand on your shoulder; We are the unknown, and we are watching.” —Pledge of the Tenebrous Cabal

CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 112 Agents travel and carry out missions in groups, with each having a specific role in the scheme. A mark might confront a prospective burglar, only to discover later that the object he was guarding disappeared behind his back. While passing through a crowd, several cabalists might casually converge on a target, striking and then melting away into the throng of people. Cabalists sometimes work with other humanoids, but these temporary allies often don’t know the true identities of those they are teaming up with. Agents profess that they do the will of the Tene brous Cabal, but what exactly determines that will is uncertain. The group’s leader, the Lord of Hexes, taps teams for missions. His motivations are as mysterious as the individual himself. The Lord of Hexes interacts with other members of the cabal only through the guise of a shadowy silhouette that appears long enough to pass along its message, then disperses into nothing. Some cabalists develop pet theories about the group’s greater goals. Hints gathered from the cabal’s ancient texts and labyrinthine initiation rites suggest a few possible agendas. One theory says that if enough agents come under the sway of shadow magic, they could transform pieces of the natural world to become more like the Shadow fell, slowly consuming that realm in gloom. Another claims that when initiates relinquish fragments of souls to the Shadow fell for their power, they are feeding the Lord of Hexes. Proponents of this theory believe the Lord to be a composite creature or hive mind, thriving on and reinforcing the strength of the cabal. Regardless of their take on the cabal’s motives, members of the group know better than to ask or challenge the Lord of Hexes about what they’ve found. Joining the Cabal The Tenebrous Cabal grants membership to anyone able to complete its initiation rites, and an adventurer interested in manipulating shadow power might decide to take the challenge. The applicant must undertake an assignment for the benefit of the cabal. This is a dangerous task involving a secret the applicant cannot share with allies. A typical initiate attempting to become an agent studies hexcraft for several years—but adventurers are anything but typical. A character would be considered street-ready immediately, but might need to receive personal instruction from one of the school’s masters during the party’s downtime. This new training can be represented by any number of game mechanics, such as multiclassing or learning a power that uses Stealth. Because of the impressive feats he or she has accomplished in an adventuring life, the character might even be asked to give a seminar or teach an intensive course to other cabal members. Being a member of the Tenebrous Cabal obliges a character to honor the organization’s codes and loyalties. Cabalists guard the secret of their membership closely. The character cannot admit to having joined the cabal, or even to knowing it exists. If asked directly about the guildhouse building, members claim it is a warehouse for an unknown merchant. When a person fails the entrance exam, members of the Tenebrous Cabal take steps to ensure that individual never reveals any secrets he or she might have learned. They bind shadow magic to a failed initiate, which stops that person’s tongue should he or she ever try to divulge information. Rituals can overcome this magic, but usually at the peril of the ritualist and the person bound by the magic. Tenebrous Assassin Level 14 Skirmisher Medium shadow humanoid, human XP 1,000 HP 138; Bloodied 69 Initiative +15 AC 26, Fortitude 25, Reflex 27, Will 26 Perception +13 Speed 6 Darkvision TRAITS Unerring Focus The assassin never takes penalties to attack rolls it makes against its prey. If the assassin takes radiant damage, this trait no longer functions (save ends). STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Kukri (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 13 damage, or 3d6 + 13 if the target is the assassin’s prey. , Sunder from Sight (weapon) ✦ Recharge ff fi Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 13 damage, or 3d6 + 13 if the target is the assassin’s prey. Effect: The target takes ongoing 5 damage, and it cannot be seen or targeted by its allies (save ends both). MINOR ACTIONS Shadow Prey ✦ At-Will Effect: Ranged sight (one creature). The assassin designates the target as its prey until the assassin designates another target or until the end of the encounter. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Shadow Leap (teleportation) ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy other than the assassin’s prey attacks the assassin. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The assassin teleports up to 6 squares to a square adjacent to its prey. Skills Acrobatics +18, Athletics +12, Stealth +18 Str 11 (+7) Dex 22 (+13) Wis 12 (+8) Con 18 (+11) Int 11 (+7) Cha 20 (+12) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment leather armor, 2 kukris ALLIES IN THE CABAL Nearly anybody can join the Tenebrous Cabal, but most earn only a scrap of knowledge of shadow magic and a bit of prestige. For these people, membership is a bit of background that comes up only when it’s needed. If you want one of the party’s allies to be associated with the cabal without being a true agent, add a power from one of the monsters described below to that ally’s abilities.

TENEBROUS CABAL CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 113 An adventurer who is a cabal member has greater leeway in working with nonmembers. He or she might be asked to retrieve a particular item on an upcoming adventure—something unrelated to the main adventure and easily concealed or excused. Or the character might be told to shun a person that he or she is about to meet. In return, the character can expect assistance from other cabal members throughout the city. Cabalists have an uncanny ability to know each other by sight, even though the connection can never be mentioned aloud. Regardless of personal power and station, all members must obey the Lord of Hexes when he calls. How Powerful Is the Tenebrous Cabal? The Tenebrous Cabal’s membership includes numerous cabalists in high-ranking positions throughout Gloomwrought, giving the order access to secret information and vast resources. In your game, decide which officials are members of the cabal so you can determine how much interest they take in the activities of the adventurers. Tenebrous Conjurer Level 15 Artillery Medium shadow humanoid, elf XP 1,200 HP 114; Bloodied 57 Initiative +12 AC 29, Fortitude 26, Reflex 27, Will 28 Perception +14 Speed 6 Darkvision TRAITS Q Shadow Sphere ✦ Aura 3 Creatures without darkvision do not have line of sight outside the aura while in it, and creatures without darkvision do not have line of sight into the aura while outside it. If the conjurer takes radiant damage, the aura doesn’t function until the start of the conjurer’s next turn. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Tomb Touch (necrotic) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d10 + 11 necrotic damage, and the target gains vulnerable 5 necrotic (save ends). 6 Spectral Hand (cold, necrotic) ✦ At-Will Attack: Ranged 15 (one creature); +20 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d10 + 13 necrotic damage, and ongoing 5 cold and necrotic damage (save ends). * Night Tendrils (force, necrotic, zone) ✦ Encounter Attack: Area burst 2 within 15 (enemies in the burst); +20 vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d10 + 11 damage, and ongoing 5 force and necrotic damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter. Enemies have vulnerable 5 necrotic while in the zone. Allies treat radiant damage they take as necrotic damage while in the zone. As a minor action, the conjurer can move the zone up to 2 squares. Skills Arcana +12, Stealth +17 Str 11 (+7) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 14 (+9) Con 18 (+11) Int 11 (+7) Cha 22 (+13) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment robes, wand Tenebrous Infiltrator Level 15 Lurker Medium shadow humanoid, half-elf XP 1,200 HP 116; Bloodied 58 Initiative +17 AC 29, Fortitude 27, Reflex 28, Will 26 Perception +16 Speed 6 Darkvision TRAITS Shadow Walker While the infiltrator is more than 5 squares away from a source of bright light, it has a speed of climb 6 (spider climb). STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Sap (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +20 vs. AC Hit: 3d6 + 12 damage. Become Shadow (polymorph) ✦ At-Will Effect: Melee 1 (one creature). The infiltrator slides 1 square, into the target’s space, and melds with the target’s shadow until the end of its next turn. While the infiltrator is melded with shadow, no creature has line of sight or line of effect to it. The infiltrator remains in the target’s space as the target moves. , Return from Shadow (weapon) ✦ At-Will Requirement: The infiltrator must be melded with shadow. Effect: The infiltrator slides 1 square to a square adjacent to the creature whose shadow it has melded with. The infiltrator can then make the following attack twice against that creature. Attack: Melee 1 (the creature whose shadow the infiltrator left); +20 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 11 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the infiltrator’s next turn. If the target is already dazed by this attack, it is instead dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage. MOVE ACTIONS Shadow Flight (teleportation) ✦ At-Will Trigger: A source of bright light comes within 5 squares of the infiltrator, or the infiltrator takes radiant damage. Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The infiltrator teleports up to 6 squares. Skills Acrobatic +18, Athletics +13, Stealth +18, Thievery +18 Str 12 (+8) Dex 22 (+13) Wis 18 (+11) Con 20 (+12) Int 11 (+7) Cha 12 (+8) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment leather armor, sap

CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 114 BEN WOOTTEN POWER PLAYERS IN GLOOMWROUGHT Ambitious creatures find fertile ground in Gloomwrought’s ever-shifting political landscape. But every opportunity in the City of Midnight is veined with danger. Even working in the seemingly innocuous position of vendor means risking death at the hands of a covetous rival or a desperate job seeker. Here are some of the City of Midnight’s most prominent or influential faces, many of whom hold positions in the upper echelons of government, security, and trade. Azuun Bennic For decades, the firesoul genasi Azuun Bennic has served as the City of Brass’s chief ambassador to Gloomwrought. In his ambassadorial role, Azuun has accomplished much of note, not the least of which includes providing his masters with a strong voice in the foremost Shadow fell trade city, granting Gloomwrought’s noble houses an earpiece to the Elemental Chaos, and keeping himself out of everyone’s collective hair back at home. In the City of Brass, Azuun’s boisterous, lusty nature was a source of constant headaches to city leaders, and they were more than ready to send him to Gloomwrought. The officials hoped the Shadow fell’s effect would temper his behavior, but mostly they just wanted to send Azuun far, far away. Azuun has an unquenchable thirst for life and looks for it in the bottom of a wine jug, atop a feasting plate, or on the sands of a gladiatorial pit. He seems immune to the Shadow fell’s leeching effect, though no one knows why. Since being appointed to Gloomwrought, the genasi has taken to the city. Unlike his predecessors, Azuun not only understands the political squabbles plaguing the city, he enjoys negotiating through them as well. In his own right, Azuun has become as skilled a political schemer as the likes of Lord Olisk Carradh. In addition to the time he spends battling wits with political opponents, Azuun is a regular participant in the Fettered Ward’s gladiatorial spectacles. He has become a fan favorite, but the dangerous situations he puts himself in are incredibly stressful to city leaders. After all, if Azuun should die in the arena, the City of Brass is sure to hold them accountable. Azuun’s impressive beard is ornamented with delicate brass filigree. Fiery rubies, interspersed between snappy brass clasps, decorate his clothing. He regularly requisitions replacement rubies from the Elemental Chaos when the Shadow fell robs his gems of their luster. Although he relishes looking the part, Azuun also takes acute pleasure in annoying the noble heads of houses by making their households jealous of his cultured air and his courtly attire. Azuun Bennic, Genasi Ambassador Level 14 Brute Medium elemental humanoid (fire), genasi XP 1,000 HP 171; Bloodied 85 Initiative +9 AC 26, Fortitude 28, Reflex 26, Will 24 Perception +8 Speed 6 Resist 10 fire STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Burning Scimitar (fire, weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage, and ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends). + Scimitar Cataclysm (fire, weapon) ✦ Recharge fffi Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst); +19 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 7 fire damage, and ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends). Miss: The target takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). Effect: Each target falls prone. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Fiery Riposte (fire) ✦ Encounter Trigger: Azuun is first bloodied. Effect (Free Action): Close burst 3 (enemies in the burst taking ongoing fire damage). The ongoing fire damage that each target is taking increases by 5. Str 23 (+13) Dex 15 (+9) Wis 13 (+8) Con 21 (+12) Int 19 (+11) Cha 15 (+9) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Primordial Equipment scale armor, scimitar

POWER PLAYERS IN GLOOMWROUGHT CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 115 WAYNE ENGLAND Balaren Since his impressive victory while defending the city’s walls several years ago, Balaren has made a career out of converting fame into coin. At first, he was content to simply accept invitations to Gloomwrought’s prestigious events and the expensive gifts nobles lavished on him. Eventually, though, the tiefling realized he needed to secure a position of power in the city, lest he be forced to return to his former life of adventuring. To that end, Balaren founded the Crimson Sashes. By making himself captain of this elite order of bodyguards, Balaren set himself up to play the perpetual hero, a lucrative role in Gloomwrought. Balaren exploits his position to court the most influential females in the city, including a tempestuous (if shortlived) tryst with Lady Victis of House Treyvan. Balaren is as skillful a womanizer as he is a commander, and an extensive network of former flames keeps him connected with the goings-on in Gloomwrought. Before coming to the City of Midnight, Balaren was an adventuring warlord and faced most of the dangers the Shadow fell has to offer. Thus, he is well suited to lead the Crimson Sashes. The order’s lower-ranking members look to their commander as a mentor, and he is always cheerful and ready to spar with them. When he takes part in training sessions, Balaren has an exhaustive supply of quips to spur his underlings into greater effort. Though they usually walk away defeated and exhausted, few of his Crimson Sashes begrudge Balaren their defeats. Even though Balaren has worked hard to make the Crimson Sashes invaluable to the Deathless Watch, some of its members resent him. They think that Prince Rolan’s increasing use of Balaren’s mercenary swords implies that the Watch is somehow deficient. While the Crimson Sashes and Deathless Watch captains strategize side by side, members of the Watch are conspiring against Balaren. Balaren, Level 17 Elite Soldier (Leader) Captain of the Crimson Sashes Medium natural humanoid, tiefling XP 3,200 HP 324; Bloodied 162 Initiative +18 AC 33, Fortitude 27, Reflex 31, Will 29 Perception +9 Speed 6 Low-light vision Resist 10 fire Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS Never Outnumbered Whenever two or more enemies are adjacent to Balaren, his attacks deal 10 extra damage. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Bastard Sword (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +22 vs. AC Hit: 3d10 + 8 damage. Effect: Balaren marks the target until the end of his next turn. , Double Attack ✦ At-Will Effect: Balaren uses bastard sword twice. + Crimson Wrath (fire) ✦ Recharge when first bloodied Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in the burst); +22 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d10 + 11 fire damage, and Balaren pushes the target up to 2 squares. Effect: Balaren shifts up to his speed. MINOR ACTIONS + Captain’s Taunt (charm) ✦ At-Will Attack: Close burst 10 (one creature in the burst); +20 vs. Will Hit: Balaren pulls the target a number of squares up to the target’s speed. Effect: Balaren marks the target until the end of his next turn. Crimson Command ✦ Recharge fffi Effect: Close burst 5 (allies in the burst). Each target can shift up to 2 squares as a free action. TRIGGERED ACTIONS , Punish Cowardice (weapon) ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy adjacent to Balaren and marked by him shifts away from him. Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +24 vs. AC Hit: 4d8 + 11 damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of Balaren’s next turn. Str 16 (+11) Dex 26 (+16) Wis 13 (+9) Con 18 (+12) Int 11 (+8) Cha 22 (+14) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Giant Equipment leather armor, bastard sword

CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 116 RALPH BEISNER Dedrek Harskel When Paeter Harskel lay near death, no one suspected that his youngest son, Dedrek, would ever inherit leadership of the trading house. Several siblings stood between Dedrek and House Harskel’s controlling seat. However, in a span of several months, all those siblings went missing or lost their lives. Some died in drunken tavern brawls; others vanished when the Stormy Sea consumed their ships. A few were killed at Execution Dock after being implicated in a plot to overthrow Prince Rolan. At the time of each death, Dedrek was present at a large event in the city, confounding any attempts to connect him to the family’s losses. Within half a year, there was no one left to stand between Dedrek and leadership of the Harskel family. Since his elevation to head of the household ten years ago, Dedrek Harskel has exemplified the qualities that make the Harskel family the City of Midnight’s foremost merchant house. Dedrek daily manages a complex web of plots and is always on the lookout for opportunities to convert meager purchases into enormous profits. One infamous example involves Dedrek’s purchase of thousands of casks of sweetwater from a Feywild merchant, a move the trading community deemed a staggering blunder—at first. In the following weeks, though, the water in wells across large sections of Gloomwrought became toxic. No evidence linking House Harskel to the soured wells was ever discovered, but for weeks half the city’s inhabitants were forced to purchase drinkable water from the family, at a significant markup. Dedrek is a wide, heavyset shadowborn human. He keeps his coal-black hair long, and a beard frames his broad face. He is agile for a man of his weight, and moves with a graceful sense of reserved strength. A masterful swordsman, Dedrek is always seen wearing his father’s sword on his belt. The Harskel family signet ring he wears contains a powerful poison. In public, two goliath bodyguards, purchased from a slave ship, accompany Dedrek. Derisively called Red the East and Indigo the West by house rivals, the goliaths intercept Dedrek’s many enemies with alacrity. However, Dedrek is a proud man and accepts a challenge to duel one-on-one. If the contest is against a group, though, he brings his bodyguards into the fray. Dedrek Harskel, Level 10 Soldier Lord of House Harskel Medium shadow humanoid, human XP 500 HP 103; Bloodied 51 Initiative +8 AC 26, Fortitude 22, Reflex 20, Will 23 Perception +7 Speed 6 Low-light vision STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Rapier (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 11 damage. Effect: Dedrek marks the target until the end of Dedrek’s next turn. , Poison Signet (poison) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature marked by Dedrek); +13 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 + 11 poison damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target takes ongoing 10 poison damage and is immobilized (save ends both). Second Failed Saving Throw: The target falls unconscious (save ends). MINOR ACTIONS Overpowering Gaze ✦ Recharge fffi Effect: Close burst 5 (one creature in the burst affected by poison signet). The target makes a saving throw against poison signet’s effect. The target cannot succeed on the saving throw but can fail. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Bodyguard’s Sacrifice ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy damages Dedrek with a melee or a ranged attack while at least one of Dedrek’s allies is adjacent to him. Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The damage of the triggering attack is reduced by 10, and one ally adjacent to Dedrek takes 10 damage that cannot be prevented or resisted. Skills Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15 Str 18 (+9) Dex 13 (+6) Wis 15 (+7) Con 15 (+7) Int 15 (+7) Cha 21 (+10) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Dwarven Equipment rapier, Harskel signet ring

POWER PLAYERS IN GLOOMWROUGHT CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 117 JOHN STANKO Feria With her statuesque poise and grave expression, the deva Feria seems an odd addition to Gloomwrought. As the consort of Prince Rolan, she lends glamor and beauty to the otherwise dusty palace fortress. Her regal bearing has gifted the City of Midnight with an air of respectability it hasn’t enjoyed in decades. The so-called Shadow Angel was birthed many centuries ago. She was born alongside her spiritual twin and soulmate, Ashe. The two devas spent centuries fighting side by side, finding each other in every new incarnation. Lifetimes ago, Ashe swore service to the Raven Queen, and Feria followed reluctantly. Ashe grew increasingly dark, slipping from the devas’ noble path. During the Shadow Angel’s previous incarnation, the twins’ connection was fractured. When she awoke in this lifetime, she couldn’t find Ashe. She has no knowledge of Ashe’s current appearance, exploits, or even gender, and she would pay dearly for any word of her spiritual twin. Before Feria had spent even one night in the City of Midnight, Prince Rolan had received word of her. As the sun set, he swept into Feria’s lodging and bore her away as a guest to the Deathless Palace. Feria attracted Prince Rolan’s attention for two reasons. The less significant factor was her beauty and air of majesty, but the primary lure was Feria’s eternal life. As the prince courted the deva, he studied in secret until he found a way to draw from the Shadow Angel’s immortality, thus preserving his own longevity. Feria knows that Rolan is tapping her life force but considers it a justifiable sacrifice in order for her to use his resources to search for Ashe. What she doesn’t know is that the ritual Rolan is using is slowly infecting her divine essence. As her powers grow darker, her future resurrection as a rakshasa, rather than a deva, becomes more and more likely. Meanwhile, Rolan supports Feria in her quest to find Ashe. The prince is looking forward to finding and then destroying the Shadow Angel’s soulmate. After all, he can’t risk losing his own immortality. Feria, the Shadow Angel Level 21 Controller Medium immortal humanoid, deva XP 3,200 HP 196; Bloodied 98 Initiative +16 AC 35, Fortitude 31, Reflex 33, Will 35 Perception +19 Speed 6, fly 8 (clumsy) Low-light vision Resist 10 necrotic, 10 radiant TRAITS Deva’s Fall While Feria is bloodied, she loses her resistance to radiant damage. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Astral Staff (necrotic, radiant, weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +26 vs. AC Hit: 3d8 + 6 radiant damage, or 3d8 + 16 radiant and necrotic damage while Feria is bloodied. In addition, Feria pushes the target up to 2 squares. 6 Bolt of Light (necrotic, radiant) ✦ At-Will Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +24 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d8 + 10 radiant damage, or 3d8 + 20 necrotic and radiant damage while Feria is bloodied. In addition, the target is slowed until the end of Feria’s next turn. If the target was already slowed, it is instead immobilized until the end of Feria’s next turn. + Astral Hurricane (necrotic, radiant) ✦ Recharge fffi Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in the blast); +24 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d10 + 10 radiant damage, or 2d10 + 20 necrotic and radiant damage while Feria is bloodied. In addition, Feria slides the target up to 3 squares and knocks it prone. Miss: Half damage, and Feria slides the target up to 2 squares. MINOR ACTIONS Shadow Wings (illusion, zone) ✦ At-Will (1/round) Effect: Area burst 1 within 10. The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter or until Feria uses this power again. Enemies in the zone cannot see outside the zone, and enemies outside the zone cannot see into it. TRIGGERED ACTIONS + Swallowed in Darkness (necrotic, radiant) ✦ Encounter Trigger: Feria drops to 0 hit points. Attack (No Action): Close burst 3 (enemies in the burst); +24 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d10 + 10 necrotic and radiant damage, and the target is dazed until the end of its next turn. Effect: Feria is destroyed, and each creature in the burst is pulled up to 3 squares toward the square Feria occupied when she was destroyed. Skills Arcana +22, Insight +24, Religion +22 Str 18 (+14) Dex 23 (+16) Wis 28 (+19) Con 20 (+15) Int 25 (+17) Cha 24 (+17) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Supernal Equipment cloth armor, staff, robes

CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 118 EVA WIDERMANN Glurinda In her youth, Glurinda was a lowly bog hag that lurked in the Skins, waylaying travelers whenever she had the chance. A cruel and cunning creature even then, she knew she was destined for a better existence. Her elevation came during the Sever, the cataclysmic day when an uprising against Rolan unleashed chaos on the city. As rioters tore through the streets, hired guards who normally watched the city’s gates were busy protecting the nobles’ estates and interests; the Deathless Watch had retreated to Prince Rolan’s tower; and confusion reigned everywhere else. During that vulnerable time, Glurinda slipped into the city and vanished down one of its many narrow streets. Now Glurinda, reveling in the knowledge that she’s the only hag to ever call Gloomwrought home, lives at ease in the Ghost Quarter. Its slums’ proliferation of poor and desperate residents provides her with a bounty of creatures to manipulate and bully. On occasion, though, Glurinda finds her everyday ghetto mischief unsatisfying. To shake the sudden funk, the street hag seeks out adventurers visiting the city. Disguised as a young shadowborn, she tearfully begs the heroes for help, sending them off to violently confront a random target. Even in the City of Midnight, where outrageous architectural manipulation is not big news, Glurinda’s cottage is considered unusual. The resourceful street hag has somehow managed to harness Gloomwrought’s mutability to serve her own ends. Resting atop a nest of wooden pilings, the cottage skitters across the rooftops of the Ghost Quarter like some ungainly masonry spider. When Glurinda feels particularly savage, she sends her cottage to pounce on urchins slogging through the filthy streets. After slamming its victim into the muck, the cottage leaps atop the nearest building to await Glurinda’s further direction. Locals who have witnessed these horrible lunges swear they’ve seen a chained Keeper through the cottage’s windows. If that claim is true, it would begin to explain how the hag manages to manipulate the city. Glurinda, Street Hag Level 13 Controller Medium shadow humanoid (shapechanger) XP 800 HP 128; Bloodied 64 Initiative +10 AC 27, Fortitude 26, Reflex 24, Will 25 Perception +11 Speed 6 (earth walk), climb 6 (spider climb) Low-light vision TRAITS Q Hypnotic Presence ✦ Aura 3 Any enemy cursed by Glurinda that ends its turn in the aura is dazed until the end of its next turn. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Claw ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. AC Hit: 3d10 + 4 damage. 6 Cobblestone Capture (psychic) ✦ At-Will Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +16 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of Glurinda’s next turn. If the target is cursed, the attack deals 1d10 extra psychic damage. - Enter My Domain (psychic) ✦ Recharge when first bloodied Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +16 vs. Will Hit: 4d8 + 7 damage, and Glurinda pulls the target up to 5 squares. If the target is dazed, it instead becomes stunned until the end of its next turn. MOVE ACTIONS Skitter Step ✦ Encounter Effect: Glurinda shifts up to her speed + 2. MINOR ACTIONS Cackler’s Curse ✦ At-Will (1/round) Effect: Close burst 10 (one creature in the burst). The target is cursed (save ends). Change Shape (polymorph) ✦ At-Will Effect: Glurinda alters her physical form to appear as a Medium young female shadowborn elf or human until she uses change shape again or until she drops to 0 hit points. To assume a specific individual’s form, Glurinda must have seen that individual. Other creatures can make a DC 34 Insight check to discern that the form is a disguise. Str 23 (+12) Dex 19 (+10) Wis 20 (+11) Con 16 (+9) Int 13 (+7) Cha 13 (+7) Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven

POWER PLAYERS IN GLOOMWROUGHT CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 119 RALPH BEISNER Golthor Atop the walls surrounding the Plaza of Gargoyles, one huge stone figure stands out against all the others. Golthor, leader of the gargoyle tribe that patrols the market district, is a landmark in his own right. Golthor and his kin were part of Prince Rolan’s original play for power in Gloomwrought. Rolan summoned them from the Elemental Chaos to seize and hold the City Market. The gargoyles efficiently drove Rolan’s rivals from the district, an effort that gave the soon-tobe prince control of what goods came into the city. Once he claimed Gloomwrought’s throne, Rolan struck a deal with Golthor for the gargoyles to stay on as guardians of the Plaza until his power was secured. Golthor learned soon afterward, to his dismay, that humans and their ilk do not accept defeat easily. The noble houses and other factions in the city continually plot against the prince; therefore, Rolan’s rulership has never been fully secured, and Golthor and his tribe remain locked into their agreement with the prince. Whatever trinket enticed Golthor to accept the offer is long lost now, and the chieftain chafes mightily under the duty and the deception. The gargoyles continue to grudgingly hold up their end of the bargain. They suppress open conflict in the Plaza of Gargoyles, but they do so without regard to whoever instigated a fught. Golthor does not take part in the work of the tribe. Instead, he remains perched at the north end of the plaza, taking in everything that transpires under his gaze. Golthor, Gargoyle Chieftain Level 12 Brute (Leader) Large elemental humanoid (earth) XP 700 HP 118; Bloodied 59 Initiative +10 AC 24, Fortitude 26, Reflex 23, Will 23 Perception +15 Speed 6, fly 8 Darkvision TRAITS Stone-Rending Claws Golthor’s attacks ignore all resistances. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Claw ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +17 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 11 damage. , Into the Fray ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +17 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, and Golthor pushes the target up to 3 squares. If the target ends this push adjacent to any of Gol thor’s allies, one of them can make a melee basic attack against the target as an immediate reaction. + Wing Buffet ✦ Encounter Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst); +15 vs. Fortitude Hit: 5d6 + 11 damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: Golthor can push the target 1 square. MINOR ACTIONS Stone Armor ✦ Recharge when first bloodied Effect: Close burst 1 (allies in the burst). Golthor and each target gain 10 temporary hit points, and Golthor gains a +4 power bonus to AC until the end of his next turn. Skills Stealth +15 Str 22 (+12) Dex 18 (+10) Wis 19 (+10) Con 18 (+10) Int 8 (+5) Cha 15 (+8) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Primordial ROLEPLAYING GOLTHOR Finding a way to speak with Golthor is no easy task. After having been tricked by Rolan into serving him, the chieftain mistrusts everyone outside his tribe. However, he vigilantly watches the plaza, and if adventurers conduct themselves honorably within his sight, he takes notice. The gargoyle leader might descend from his perch to speak with the heroes unprompted, especially if Golthor suspects they might be able to help free the tribe from its contractual obligation. On the flip side, if someone behaves in a particularly treacherous or deceptive way, the gargoyle chief might drop in to deliver a warning, or a casual yet thorough thumping. Golthor is forthright and decides quickly whether a person is worth his time. If he is questioned by a character he reacts favorably to, he readily tells that person what he knows about the queried topic, although the gargoyle is incapable of conveying nuance and detail in conversation. Golthor is a proud creature, and although he might speak at length about his bargain and Rolan’s dishonest dealings, he won’t specifically ask for help. Nonetheless, he would welcome the chance to free himself and his kin.

CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 120 JOHN STANKO Grigori and Nikolai A typical vampire in Gloomwrought avoids seeking close allies or joining factions. Instead, it wields its individual influence and supernatural might in the never-ending power struggles of the city. The vampires of the Charnel Fangs, though, congregate to form a force on par with that of even the strongest noble house. Although most creatures living in the Shadow fell feel drained by the depressing weight of the plane, the vampires of the Charnel Fangs find their primal urges accentuated. Acutely attuned to their bestial nature, the vampires grow fiercer and stronger than they could outside the city. They have a mindset somewhere between the evil cunning of a vampire and the mindless hunger of a vampire spawn. A group of Charnel Fangs exhibits a pack mentality. Any attack made on one of the brothers sends the entire throng into a wild frenzy, which ends only after they tear every enemy to shreds. Two brothers—enemies in life, now inseparable in death—lead the Charnel Fangs. The elder, Grigori, is a cruel, greedy, lascivious monster seeking only to fill his pockets with gold and his belly with blood. His younger brother, Nikolai, follows him with unwaveringly loyalty—a soldier living to serve his brother’s whims. Nikolai relies on speed, deflecting blows with a gruesome axe—the very weapon he used to kill his brother. Grigori, on the other hand, prefers to tear enemies apart with his claws while relying on heavy armaments that once belonged to his father. When the vampires leave the Graveyard, either Grigori or Nikolai leads the pack. The brothers do their best to keep their underlings from totally losing control. The brothers have far greater self-restraint than their servants when they’re giving commands, but even they sometimes fall victim to their monstrous desires. When one brother goes into battle, the other waits in the Slaughterhouse, the mausoleum they share in the Graveyard. Though the Charnel Fangs hunt and murder publicly, they don’t suffer any consequences. Fortunately for the vampires, life in Gloomwrought is cheap. The Deathless Watch (page 94) regards the victims of the Charnel Fangs’ frenzies as “assisted suicides.” In fact, in order to keep the wealthy and influential safe, the Watch turns a blind eye as long as the vampires attack the poor, ordinary people. Members of Midnight’s Own (page 108) suspect this fact, and their anger drives them to fight against the authorities even more determinedly. The Charnel Fangs sleep and plan in the Graveyard. In this overfull cemetery, their graves fill up with coffins—some packed four deep. The brothers took over a mausoleum, tossing the original residents’ bodies outside unceremoniously. Within this crypt, the brothers make their plans. They set aside a large chamber to hold captives, allowing their lackeys to feed and torture without fear of reprisal. A captured townsperson can survive for weeks if the vampires particularly enjoy the taste of the victim’s blood or the sound of its screams.

POWER PLAYERS IN GLOOMWROUGHT CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 121 History of the Brothers In the mortal world, the brothers Grigori and Nikolai were bitter rivals, fighting over the scraps of their dying father’s kingdom. They led armies against each other in battle after battle, until one day they met on a bloody field of corpses. The two dueled for hours, until Nikolai hefted their father’s axe and chopped open Grigori’s throat. For a time, Nikolai enjoyed the fruits of his victory. Though he commanded a vast and wealthy kingdom, every night he dreamed guiltily of killing his brother. Slowly, over months, Nikolai began to go mad. Eventually, consumed by guilt and driven past the brink of sanity, Nikolai took drastic action. He vowed to bring his brother back—no matter the cost. Nikolai traveled the world, searching for anything that could undo what he had done. Eventually, he discovered a grim ritual that could bring his brother back to life. Taking up the corpse, Nikolai voyaged to the Shadow fell, where he ritually raised Grigori as a vampire. The moment Grigori awoke, he tore his fangs into Nikolai’s throat, turning his younger brother into an undead creature like himself. After that day, cursed to undeath together, the brothers began to prey on travelers. Once they had amassed several dozen blood kin, they moved into the slums of Gloomwrought, preying on the poor living there. Grigori, Charnel Brother Level 15 Elite Controller Medium shadow humanoid (shapechanger, undead) XP 2,400 HP 298; Bloodied 149 Initiative +10 AC 29, Fortitude 27, Reflex 25, Will 29 Perception +7 Speed 7, climb 5 (spider climb) Darkvision Vulnerable 5 radiant TRAITS Burned by Sunlight (radiant) Whenever Grigori starts his turn in direct sunlight, he takes 10 radiant damage. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Claws ✦ At-Will Requirement: Grigori must be in his normal form. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +20 vs. AC Hit: 3d8 + 8 damage. Effect: Grigori can grab the target (escape DC 22) if he has fewer two creatures grabbed. , Feral Claws ✦ At-Will Effect: Grigori uses claws twice. , Gnashing Swarm ✦ At-Will Requirement: Grigori must be in his swarm of rats form. Attack: Melee 0 (enemies occupying Grigori’s space); +18 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d8 + 10 damage. MINOR ACTIONS Swarm of Rats (polymorph) ✦ Recharge when Grigori hits with claws Effect: Grigori releases any creature he’s grabbing and becomes a Huge swarm of rats. He remains in this form until the start of his next turn, at which point he reappears in one of the squares within the swarm’s space. While in his swarm of rats form, Grigori gains the following benefits. ✦ He can occupy the same space as another creature, and enemies can enter his space, which is difficult terrain. ✦ Any enemy that ends its turn in Grigori’s space falls prone. ✦ He cannot move or be pushed, pulled, or slid. ✦ He takes half damage from melee and ranged attacks, and gains vulnerable 10 to close and area attacks. - Feral Gaze (charm) ✦ At-Will Requirement: Grigori must be in his normal form. Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +18 vs. Will. Hit: Grigori pulls the target up to 4 squares. TRIGGERED ACTIONS , Cloying Rats ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy leaves a square in Grigori’s space while Grigori is in his swarm of rats form. Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 0 (triggering enemy); +18 vs. Reflex Hit: 10 damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). Str 16 (+10) Dex 17 (+10) Wis 11 (+7) Con 21 (+12) Int 13 (+8) Cha 24 (+14) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment scale armor Nikolai, Charnel Brother Level 15 Soldier Medium shadow humanoid (shapechanger, undead) XP 1,200 HP 146; Bloodied 73 Initiative +14 AC 31, Fortitude 29, Reflex 27, Will 25 Perception +8 Speed 7, climb 5 (spider climb) Darkvision Vulnerable 5 radiant TRAITS Burned by Sunlight (radiant) Whenever Nikolai starts his turn in direct sunlight, he takes 10 radiant damage. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Kinslayer Axe (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. AC Hit: 2d12 + 10 damage. Effect: The target is marked until the end of Nikolai’s next turn. + Kinslayer’s Carnage (weapon) ✦ Recharge when first bloodied Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst); +18 vs. AC Hit: 3d12 + 6 damage, and the target is marked (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target is marked until the end of Nikolai’s next turn. MOVE ACTIONS Swarm of Bats (polymorph) ✦ Recharge when Nikolai uses vampiric mark Effect: Nikolai becomes a swarm of bats and flies up to his speed. During this movement he is insubstantial. At the end of the movement, each enemy adjacent to him is marked until the end of Nikolai’s next turn. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Vampiric Mark (necrotic) ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy within 5 squares of Nikolai and marked by him makes an attack that doesn’t include him as a target. Effect (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 5 (triggering enemy in the burst). The target takes 15 necrotic damage. Str 24 (+14) Dex 21 (+12) Wis 13 (+8) Con 18 (+11) Int 10 (+7) Cha 17 (+10) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment greataxe

CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 122 How Powerful Are the Charnel Fangs? The Charnel Fangs don’t have much political power; they’re essentially glorified thugs. Grigori has made his ambition clear, though. He intends to make the group a power player in Gloomwrought. Grigori relies on his brother’s political acumen to help negotiate the web of conflicting forces in the city. The brothers have managed to keep the Deathless Watch out of their affairs through a combination of bribes and intimidation, as well as complacency on the part of the Watch. As long as the Charnel Fangs don’t interfere with the guards, the Watch is content to let the vampires go about their business. The nobles and merchants view the Charnel Fangs as raw power that could be valuable if tempered and used as a weapon. Although the more powerful houses such as Harskel and Carradh are uninterested in working with brutes like the Charnel Fangs, smaller houses see the group as a means to an end. House Treyvan has begun exploring a relationship with the Charnel Fangs that could be mutually beneficial. Treyvan provides information to Grigori and Nikolai about the whereabouts of valuable goods being imported by rival houses. The vampires take advantage of this knowledge to eliminate Treyvan’s foes, gaining both wealth and a meal out of the arrangement. The most dangerous aspect of the Charnel Fangs is its penchant for spreading vampirism among the populace of Gloomwrought. Grigori eagerly uses the same ritual that created him to make more vampires. Although these vampires don’t rival him in strength, they share his bestial nature. Whenever the brothers and their pack go hunting, Nikolai and Grigori select a few choice victims to convert, causing their ranks to continue swelling. Two factors help to keep the group’s numbers in check. The first is the Hooded Lantern. This group of Pelor worshipers has specifically targeted the Charnel Fangs for eradication, though they currently lack the strength to launch a full assault on the Graveyard. For every vampire the Hooded Lantern eliminates, though, another one seems to rise up. The other limitation is the cost of the transformation ritual. However, if Treyvan continues helping the Charnel Fangs to amass wealth, then that constraint might become irrelevant, at which point the Charnel Fangs could become a truly fearsome force in Gloomwrought. Feral Vampire Level 14 Brute Medium shadow humanoid (undead) XP 1,000 HP 173; Bloodied 86 Initiative +11 AC 26, Fortitude 28, Reflex 26, Will 24 Perception +9 Speed 7, climb 4 (spider climb) Darkvision Vulnerable 5 radiant TRAITS Burned by Sunlight (radiant) Whenever the vampire starts its turn in direct sunlight, it takes 10 radiant damage. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Claw ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage. , Feral Frenzy ✦ At-Will Effect: The feral vampire uses claw twice but must target a bloodied creature with each attack. MINOR ACTIONS , Ripping Fangs ✦ At-Will (1/round) Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. Fortitude Hit: The target takes ongoing 10 damage (save ends). TRIGGERED ACTIONS , Feral Pounce ✦ Encounter Trigger: An enemy bloodies the vampire. Effect (Free Action): The vampire jumps up to its speed + 4 to a square adjacent to the triggering enemy. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. The triggering enemy falls prone, and the vampire uses claw against it. Str 20 (+12) Dex 18 (+11) Wis 15 (+9) Con 23 (+13) Int 11 (+7) Cha 9 (+6) Alignment evil Languages Common Shadow Stalker Vampire Level 13 Lurker Medium shadow humanoid (undead) XP 800 HP 97; Bloodied 48 Initiative +17 AC 27, Fortitude 23, Reflex 27, Will 25 Perception +5 Speed 6, climb 4 (spider climb) Darkvision Vulnerable 5 radiant TRAITS Burned by Sunlight (radiant) Whenever the vampire starts its turn in direct sunlight, it takes 10 radiant damage. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Claws ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. AC Hit: 3d8 + 7 damage. , Shadow Form (healing) ✦ At-Will Effect: The vampire enters shadow form until the start of its next turn. While in this form, it is insubstantial and phasing, cannot attack, and does not provoke opportunity attacks. , Clutch of Death ✦ Recharge when the vampire uses shadow form Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. Reflex Hit: 5d8 + 10 damage, and the vampire grabs the target (escape DC 20). At the end of the target’s next turn, if it is still grabbed by the vampire, it is weakened (save ends). Miss: Half damage. TRIGGERED ACTIONS + Shadow Cabal (illusion, teleportation) ✦ Encounter Trigger: The vampire is first bloodied. Effect (Free Action): Close burst 5. The vampire creates four shadow duplicates, each in an unoccupied square in the burst. Each duplicate occupies its square. Until no duplicates remain, whenever a melee attack or a ranged attack hits the vampire, it can teleport as an immediate interrupt, swapping places with a duplicate it can see. The duplicates last until the end of the encounter or until destroyed. They can be attacked, have 1 hit point, and use the vampire’s defenses. When a duplicate is destroyed, the vampire takes 5 damage. Skills Stealth +18 Str 16 (+9) Dex 24 (+13) Wis 8 (+5) Con 13 (+7) Int 12 (+7) Cha 20 (+11) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common

POWER PLAYERS IN GLOOMWROUGHT CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 123 JESPER EJSING Olisk Carradh The ancient and powerful house of one of Gloomwrought’s oldest families has many secrets. However, few among them are as closely guarded—or as potentially devastating—as the true identity of its patriarch. Even most family members don’t know that the human Lord Olisk died decades ago. The rakshasa Sazha snapped his neck, donned his visage, and took his place at the head of House Carradh. In his guise as Lord Olisk, Sazha vacillates between plotting the conquest and the ruination of Gloomwrought, depending on his rather chaotic moods. Over the years, Sazha has replaced six other household members with rakshasas. Sazha is fiercely protective of House Carradh. As his power base, its strength is essential. While he appreciates a good kill, the rakshasa takes pains to ensure that a missing person isn’t linked to Carradh. If a member of his household becomes suspicious of Sazha or someone in his inner circle, the rakshasa schemes to shift the suspicion to an enemy. If that ploy is unsuccessful, Sazha arranges for that scion to die in an unfortunate accident. (A direct battle against Sazha should take place only at the end of a long adventure filled with intrigues and twists.) One of Sazha’s most sinister plans is centered on the deva Feria, the consort of Prince Rolan. Sazha is obsessed with the deva Feria and aches to have her for his own. He has quietly spread a rumor that her soulmate, Ashe, is bound for Gloomwrought to rejoin his lost love. Sazha intends to present himself as Ashe, reborn from a fallen deva into a rakshasa. By this artifice, he plans to push Feria over the brink and bring about her reincarnation as a rakshasa. Sazha’s plot could be purely a deception, or maybe he truly is the lost Ashe reborn, acting on a lingering love twisted in evil. Sazha, Level 19 Elite Skirmisher (Leader) Fraud of House Carradh Medium natural humanoid, rakshasa XP 4,800 HP 356; Bloodied 178 Initiative +17 AC 33, Fortitude 29, Reflex 31, Will 33 Perception +13 Speed 6 Low-light vision Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS Perfect Duelist Sazha gains a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex against attacks triggered by his movement. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Rapier (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +24 vs. AC Hit: 3d8 + 10 damage, or 3d8 + 20 against a prone target. , Backhand ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +22 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d6 + 10 damage. If the attack roll was even, the target falls prone. If the attack roll was odd, the target grants combat advantage (save ends). , Fist and Pommel ✦ At-Will Effect: Sazha uses backhand and then rapier. He can shift up to 2 squares before, in between, and after the attacks. , Quick Temper ✦ Recharge when an enemy Sazha can see spends an action point Effect: Sazha shifts up to his speed and uses backhand twice. If both attacks hit the same target, the target is dazed (save ends). MINOR ACTIONS Deceptive Veil (illusion) ✦ At-Will Effect: Sazha disguises himself to appear as a Medium humanoid until he uses deceptive veil again or until he drops to 0 hit points. Other creatures can make a DC 38 Insight check to discern that the form is an illusion. - Cloying Words (charm) ✦ Recharge if the power misses Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +22 vs. Will Hit: The target is dominated (save ends). TRIGGERED ACTIONS Cunning Strategist ✦ Recharge when first bloodied Trigger: An ally within 5 squares of Sazha misses with an attack roll. Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Close burst 5 (triggering ally in the burst). The target can reroll the triggering attack roll. Skills Acrobatics +20, Bluff +21, Diplomacy +21, Insight +18 Str 20 (+14) Dex 22 (+15) Wis 19 (+13) Con 18 (+13) Int 19 (+13) Cha 24 (+16) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment rapier, noble finery

CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 124 HECTOR ORTIZ Prince Rolan Prince Rolan, Gloomwrought’s ruler, is a superlative example of how the Shadow fell’s ever-present gloom affects living creatures. He projects lassitude while sitting in court, a catatonic indifference while watching his guards fight, and an aura of mental absence while contemplating the night sky. For Rolan, however, the gloom’s effect is a ruse. He is a masterful actor in a careful performance that lulls his foes into a false sense of superiority. The prince is actually an accomplished warrior and a masterful politician. He pays strict attention to detail and nuance, his keen mind linking people with plots while cataloguing connections that go back decades. He never forgets an insult, delights in subtle revenge, and strikes with a snake’s speed when roused to action. Gloomwrought’s prince uses his mask of apathy to shroud the fiery, passionate joy he takes in living. It’s no secret that the human prince has ruled the City of Midnight for three hundred years, all the while appearing to be about the age of fifty. The mystery of this longevity is, in fact, a subject of wild speculation all over the city. In truth, Rolan has dozens of sources of immortality, ranging from fountains of youth to necromantic rituals. His most recent (and dependable) source of rejuvenation is his consort, Feria, an immortal deva, from whom he siphons life energy. The prince fastidiously guards this knowledge, and any investigations into his longlasting good health that he hears about are abruptly terminated. Rolan is a well-known romantic, although he never lets his appetites interfere with or influence his rule. He has courted dozens of powerful females over the course of his long reign, including Feywild eladrin lords and Nine Hells devil princesses. Prince Rolan Level 21 Elite Soldier (Leader) Medium shadow humanoid, human XP 6,400 HP 270; Bloodied 135 Initiative +18 AC 37, Fortitude 33, Reflex 31, Will 34 Perception +21 Speed 6 Darkvision Resist 15 necrotic Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Swift Blade (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +26 vs. AC Hit: 3d12 + 10 damage, and the target is marked until the end of Rolan’s next turn. + Duelist’s Flurry (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst); +26 vs. AC Hit: 3d12 + 10 damage, and the target is marked (save ends). Miss: The target is marked until the end of Rolan’s next turn. MINOR ACTIONS Inspire Recklessness ✦ Recharge when Rolan uses life siphon Effect: Ranged 5 (one ally). The target takes 15 damage and charges or makes a melee basic attack as a free action. The target’s attack deals 10 extra damage. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Life Siphon (necrotic) ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of Rolan and marked by him makes an attack that doesn’t include him as a target. Effect (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 10 (the triggering enemy in the burst). The target takes 30 necrotic damage, and Rolan gains 30 temporary hit points. Unnatural Life (healing) ✦ Encounter Trigger: Rolan drops to 0 hit points. Effect (No Action): Rolan does not die. Instead, he falls unconscious until the start of his next turn, when he gains 135 hit points. When he gains these hit points, all effects on him end, he becomes insubstantial until the end of his next turn, and he can teleport up to 6 squares as a move action until the end of the encounter. Skills Bluff +24, Diplomacy +24, Insight +21, Intimidate +24 Str 24 (+17) Dex 23 (+16) Wis 23 (+16) Con 26 (+18) Int 23 (+16) Cha 29 (+19) Alignment evil Languages Common, Supernal Equipment rapier

POWER PLAYERS IN GLOOMWROUGHT CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 125 HECTOR ORTIZ Veleris a’Lindesta Before the Sever sliced the Shattered Isles from the mainland, institutions of learning and knowledge blanketed the locale now known as the Isle of Lost Thoughts. In those days, Veleris a’Lindesta was the Hall of Sages’ head librarian. When the Sever was unleashed, the shadowborn eladrin wizard fled the Shattered Isles, leaving behind his life’s work. Veleris now makes his home in a small eladrin community in the Temple District. He spends his days scrounging for arcane articles as he attempts to rebuild the hall’s glory in his own quarters. Veleris lives in a well-appointed house balanced atop a four-story tower. This isolation suits him, since the Shadow fell’s oppression has exacerbated his depression and reclusiveness. Veleris descends from his home infrequently, instead counting on a few trusted contacts in the city conservatory to inform him when a new treasure surfaces. Adventurers looking for a certain piece of lore might seek out Veleris, but he is more likely to initiate contact. He sees adventurers solely as a means for gaining more artifacts. ROLEPLAYING VELERIS An awkward and off-putting hermit, Veleris alienates himself from others with his obsessive hoarding of knowledge. He will say anything to convince the adventurers to bring Isle of Lost Thoughts relics and information to him. If the heroes spend time around Veleris, they likely notice that the sage is highly paranoid and clearly crazy. Although the Shadow fell has been particularly detrimental to the wizard, the primary cause of his derangement is far more sinister. Veleris is a thrall to Vecna, who uses the wizard and his connections to ferret out Gloomwrought’s secrets. In hidden chambers below his home, Veleris houses dozens of kidnapped scholars. Using Vecna’s techniques, Veleris has brainwashed them, effectively eliminating their personalities. Now the scholars serve as walking repositories of knowledge. If anyone discovers his secret, Veleris and a few golem guards he created attack. Veleris a’Lindesta, Level 9 Elite Controller Sage of History Medium shadow humanoid, eladrin XP 800 HP 184; Bloodied 92 Initiative +6 AC 23, Fortitude 19, Reflex 23, Will 21 Perception +7 Speed 6 Low-light vision Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS Double Actions Veleris makes two initiative checks and takes a full turn on each initiative result. Veleris can take two immediate actions per round but only one between one turn and the next. Dual Brain At the end of each of his turns, Veleris automatically ends any dazing, stunning, or charm effect on himself. Warped Body and Mind (necrotic, psychic) Whenever an attack hits Veleris’s Fortitude, the attacker takes 2d10 necrotic damage. Whenever an attack hits Veleris’s Will, the attacker takes 2d10 psychic damage. STANDARD ACTIONS 5 Longsword (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 9 damage. + Dark Ravings (fear, necrotic) ✦ Recharge when Veleris uses steal knowledge Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in the blast); +12 vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d12 necrotic damage. Effect: Veleris pushes the target up to 3 squares. * Steal Knowledge (implement, psychic) ✦ Recharge when Veleris uses dark ravings Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (enemies in the burst); +12 vs. Will Hit: 1d8 + 7 psychic damage, and the target can’t use encounter powers until the end of its next turn. Miss: Half damage. MOVE ACTIONS Corrupted Step (necrotic, psychic, teleportation) ✦ Encounter Effect: Veleris teleports up to 5 squares. Each enemy adjacent to the square he left takes ongoing 10 necrotic and psychic damage (save ends). Skills Arcana +14, History +14, Religion +14 Str 10 (+4) Dex 14 (+6) Wis 17 (+7) Con 12 (+5) Int 20 (+9) Cha 13 (+5) Alignment unaligned and evil Languages Common, Draconic, Elven Equipment cloth armor, longsword, orb

CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 126 BETH TROTT The Widow of the Walk Long ago, the matriarch of a powerful mercantile family (and the mother whose spirit would become the Widow of the Walk) allied with a coalition of nobles that sought to overthrow Prince Rolan. History relates that this coup was an outright disaster. Most of the would-be usurpers died confronting the prince, and hundreds more fell during the Sever. The Widow’s children—all highly skilled combatants—were among the first wave that attacked the prince’s palace, and Rolan and his guards killed them all. The mother’s spirit lurks at Widow’s Walk, the bridge that connects Cauldron Isle and Briarborne Isle. The Widow has never been seen apart from the bridge she haunts. She stalks the expanse at night, staring out toward the city she once inhabited and where her children lost their lives. The people of Gloomwrought take great pains to avoid Widow’s Walk between dusk, when she appears, and dawn, when she vanishes, for when someone sets foot on the bridge in her presence, she lashes out angrily. The Widow of the Walk is an invaluable source of information for anyone who wants to know about the city’s tumultuous and complicated past. She knows which houses were involved in the rebellion and has details about how the Sever occurred. Widow of the Walk Level 18 Solo Controller Medium shadow humanoid (undead) XP 10,000 HP 656; Bloodied 328 Initiative +11 AC 32, Fortitude 28, Reflex 31, Will 32 Perception +12 Speed 6, fly (altitude limit 1); phasing Darkvision Immune charm effects, sleep effects, stunning effects Saving Throws +5; Action Points 1 TRAITS Ghostly Grace The Widow is insubstantial while moving. MINOR ACTIONS Summoned Home (charm, psychic) ✦ At-Will Effect: Ranged sight (one creature). If the target doesn’t end its next turn within 5 squares of the Widow, the target takes 25 psychic damage. Special: Using this power does not provoke opportunity attacks. TRIGGERED ACTIONS + Obey Your Mother ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy that is not currently dominated ends its turn within 5 squares of the widow. Effect (Free Action): Close burst 5 (triggering enemy in the burst). The target is dominated and takes an extra turn. The widow chooses one of the following benefits for the target to gain during the extra turn. At the end of the extra turn, the target is no longer dominated. 1. Alain’s Aggression: The target deals 5 extra damage on charge attacks. 2. Brandis’s Battle Cry: The target gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls. 3. Cassi’s Clout: Any creature the target hits is knocked prone. 4. Pieter’s Poison: Any creature the target hits is slowed (save ends). 5. Staci’s Spellcraft: The target slides any creature it hits up to 2 squares. The widow chooses where the creatures slide to. Favored Child ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy the widow can see hits while that enemy is dominated. Effect (Immediate Reaction): Ranged sight (triggering enemy). The target gains 5 temporary hit points and deals 10 extra damage with the attack. Special: Using this power does not provoke opportunity attacks. Str 16 (+12) Dex 14 (+11) Wis 17 (+12) Con 12 (+10) Int 22 (+15) Cha 25 (+16) Alignment unaligned Languages Common The Widow’s Children The Widow had five children, each of whom received a special item when he or she came of age. The items were magical, and they reflected the interests and passions of each child. During the Sever, when the Widow’s children fought against Prince Rolan’s forces, they carried these cherished objects with them. Over the course of the battle, each of the Widow’s children was slain, and the objects were taken. If the items are returned to the Widow, she can rest, knowing that her childrens’ beloved items are reunited in the hands of brave adventurers. Alain: Alain was a fighter who carried a greataxe engraved with images of dragon talons. When he fell, the Deathless Watch recovered the weapon, and it was handed over to Rolan. The axe now rests in Rolan’s personal collection of items.

POWER PLAYERS IN GLOOMWROUGHT CHAPTER 4 | Dark Threats 127 Brandis: A valiant commander, Brandis wore a distinctive adamantine helmet that sported a plume made from a nightmare’s tail. During the battle, members of the Tenebrous Cabal sided with Rolan. Using shadow magic, they sneaked behind the front lines and killed Brandis in cold blood. The helmet is now owned by the organization’s current Grandmaster of Shadows, the vampire Teliko. Cassi: A fierce master of unarmed combat, Cassi wore a crystal-studded headband that helped her focus and strike unerringly. When Rolan marshaled his forces against the rebels, House Carradh joined the fight on the prince’s side. When the fighting was concluded, Rolan awarded the headband to House Carradh for its service. The item is now in Olisk Carradh’s possession. Pieter: A spy and an assassin, Pieter mastered the art of poisonmaking. He delivered his concoctions with a long dagger he concealed in his sleeve. Pieter was the last of the children to die. House Harskel aided Rolan in tracking him down, and for the assistance, it received Pieter’s dagger, which Dedrek Harskel now has. Staci: A late bloomer, Staci came into her own through study. She mastered battle magic and crafted a willow staff with which to channel her spells. Staci tried to use her magic to stop the Sever, but instead she was caught in the midst of the cataclysm and fell to her death. Her staff now lies in Gloomwrought’s Undercity, awaiting discovery. ROLEPLAYING THE WIDOW In a fight, the Widow calls on her long-dead children for help. What she interprets as assistance from her fallen offspring is really her overwhelming supernatural power manifesting in the minds and bodies of her enemies (see her obey your mother power). She instinctively chooses someone who most resembles a specific child to act as that child. For example, she chooses a violent character, such as a barbarian, to play her hot-headed Alain. The Widow sees a hero who keeps his or her distance as her dead husband, Gregan, who drowned when his ship sank off Gloomwrought’s coast. She calls brokenly to him, begging him to return. Even though she starts a fight in crazed despair, the rigors of battle make the Widow realize that she’s dead and her children are gone. When she becomes bloodied, her rage and mania subside, and she willingly answers a few questions out of a perverse sense of gratitude to her foes. Her clarity won’t last, though. If the adventurers linger too long in conversation, she might slip back into her delusional state before they have a chance to leave the bridge. If “killed” in battle, the Widow returns at dusk in two days. The only way to permanently free her spirit is to bring her children’s most treasured items to her (treat this as a major quest). Then she leaves the bridge, still in mourning, but ready to take the long trek to Letherna. Monster Level and Role Page Midnight Catcher 8 Soldier 110 Ilsra, Priest of Orcus 9 Controller (L) E8 Veleris a’Lindesta, Sage of History 9 Elite Controller 125 Midnight Drifter 9 Skirmisher 110 Midnight Arrow 10 Artillery 110 Lis the Vile 10 Elite Artillery E19 Dedrek Harskel, Lord of House Harskel 10 Soldier 116 Street Golem 10 Soldier 105 Ghost Talon Heartseeker 12 Artillery 102 Ghost Talon Thug 12 Minion Brute 102 Zealot of Arem 12 Minion Soldier E18 Golthor, Gargoyle Chieftain 12 Brute 119 Deathless Blademaster 12 Soldier 94 Deathless Berserker 13 Brute 95 Glurinda, Street Hag 13 Controller 118 Hearth Golem 13 Elite Controller 105 Shadow Stalker Vampire 13 Lurker 122 Deathless Sniper 14 Artillery 96 Azuun Bennic, Genasi Ambassador 14 Brute 114 Feral Vampire 14 Brute 122 Ghost Talon Darkblood 14 Brute 102 Ghost Talon Death Dealer 14 Controller (L) 102 Arem the Heretic 14 Elite Controller (L) E18 Monster Level and Role Page Tenebrous Assassin 14 Skirmisher 112 Tenebrous Conjurer 15 Artillery 113 Ebony Initiate 15 Minion Brute 98 Grigori, Charnel Brother 15 Elite Controller 121 Tenebrous Infiltrator 15 Lurker 113 Ebony Knight 15 Soldier 99 Nikolai, Charnel Brother 15 Soldier 121 Oristus, Marshal of the Talon 15 Elite Soldier 103 Ebony Raven Speaker 16 Artillery 99 Deathless Mage 16 Controller (L) 96 Wall Golem 16 Elite Lurker 105 Ebony Thurifer 16 Skirmisher 99 Keeper Enforcer 16 Skirmisher 107 False Keeper 17 Elite Controller 107 Balaren, Captain of the Crimson Sashes 17 Elite Soldier (L) 115 Ulag, Lord of Kazzak’tul 18 Elite Brute E26 Bodak Death Drinker 18 Controller E28 Widow of the Walk 18 Solo Controller 126 Sazha, Fraud of House Carradh 19 Elite Skirmisher (L) 123 Han, Oni Storm Strider 20 Skirmisher E29 Feria, the Shadow Angel 21 Controller 117 Prince Rolan 21 Elite Soldier (L) 124 Vorkhesis, Master of Fate 30 Elite Lurker 91 MONSTERS BY LEVEL Every new monster in this book and the Encounter Book appears on the following list, which is sorted alphabetically by level and monster role. Monster leaders are indicated with an (L). Monsters in the Encounter Book are indicated by an “E” preceding the page number.

Prepare to enter the Shadowfell, a disturbing refl ection of the natural world and a dark haven for lost souls and deathly spirits. Foul creatures haunt this forsaken plane, yet out of the gloom rises a city of twisted splendor where adventure awaits and anything can happen. This DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game book contains all of the information a Dungeon Master needs to run thrilling adventures in Gloomwrought, a city in the bleak and deathly plane known as the Shadowfell. The material in this book can be adapted for any DUNGEONS & DRAGONS campaign. This book describes key locations within the city itself, as well as various inhabitants, plots, and adventure hooks. Noteworthy areas beyond the city are also described, allowing players to explore more of the shadowy plane. DEATH NOT AFRAID OF ARE YOU? For use with these DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ESSENTIALS™ products: Rules Compendium™ Heroes of the Fallen Lands™ Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms™ Dungeon Master’s Kit™ Monster Vault™ D&D® Dungeon Tiles

Credits Design Andy Clau!ice, Matt Goetz, Erik Scott de Bie Development Creg Bilsland Edit!ng Greg 8illiland. Dawn J. Geluso Managing Editing Kim Mohan 0&0 Senloc !'roduccr Christopher Perkins OBoD R&D Group Managtr Mike Mead s Director of 0&0 R&D 3nd Book Publishing Bill Slavlcsek Arl Director Kilte Irwin Senior Creallve Art Director Jon Schindehetle Graphic DeSigners leon Cortu, Keven Smith, Eml TanJI C~r lI1u ratlon Adam Gillespie Interior illustrations Rob Alellander. Palrld!. McEvoy Cartogr.1phy Jason Engle, Mlh S<:hley Publishing Production 51'«Ial151 Christopher Tardiff Pre press Manager Jefferson Dunlap Illlaglng Technician Ashley Broc:k Production Manager Cynda Callaway OU"GlO"~ & DRAGONS. 0&0, W'l"ROS o. TH COAH. Manual Off"~ Planes. n..- Sh"Jow/tll: GloomwrOU8'I1Il1,d /kyond. all oth ... Wiurd. of tho: C~" p'oduct 1\;1"".,. and thel. re.pcc:tl¥~ log<:K are "a""mark. of Wizards of Ihf! C_5t LtC In the: U.S.A. and OI"",,,ounl,"'" All Wizard. cha,acl~r •• "d the dlstlocll...e IIker>f!sst$therltOf are p'opertyofWila,ds of \ .... Coast Lle. This material" p'ote<:ted unde, Ihe copyright I~w. of the United Stattl of A""'rlca. Any reproduction or Ul\;luthorlled Uie oft .... mate,ial or "rtWOO'. con"lne(I herein Is prohibited without the up'e" w,iuen "".minlon of Wi" .. d<Mt .... C ..... t Lie. Printed In China 0 101 1 Wlu,d, of the C0iI5t LLC 300·33805000 001 EN ISBN,918·0 ·1869·5848·1 VI.lt our webslte al Dungeon ... ndDragom.com INTRODUCTION -, leroes? Aye. thar's w/wr we need. More heroes to feed Ihe shadoll's.H -Soldier in the Deathless Watch The Shadowfell thrives on the cusp of decay. the moment when de':lth finishes dissolving life to feed rcblrlh and new birth Ihroughoul the planes. A land cocooned in near tWilight. it is a bubbled mirror oflhe morta l world . bewitching loosed souls and adventurers alike. Thrulllllling with danger. it is home to the living and the dead, the decadent and the desperate. the daring a nd the despo ndent. The CatlllJaiBIi Guide for The Shadowfel!: Gloom· II'rounlrl alld Beyolld'· offers hooks 10 lure adventurers 10 Gloormvrought. and its siste r locations, and keep them engaged ill action and illlrigue. The purpose of this t.:rrcowuer Book is 10 provide Dungeon Maslers wit h quick. premade encou nte rs that (with little or no effort) can blend into any campaign. In addition to monsters from the Ca tllpai81l Guide. this book includes new mOil· sters a nd monsters from other sou rces. USING THIS BOOK Consider Ihis book your personal Shadowfell toolbox, replete with a variety of encounters to fin out an ongo· ing ca mpaign or 10 use as random encounters when your pl.r),C'rs zag left when you werc su re they wcre going 10 zig right. This book organizes the encounters by level. The combat encoullIer "Shadows in the Crypt" (page 8) is deSigned to bring your players to the Shadowfdl. It offers a spicy start to a campaign. selling a tone that irnmediutcly establishes Ihe Shadowfell's atmosphere. You can backrlll an adventure from this encounter or use it as it is. However, if your players' characters are already higher-level adventurers. you should replace the encoun ter's monsters with ones that better match the party's level. Tire uilier Cllcourue ~ link tu certain locations and situations that arc explored in the Campai8" Guide. Alternathrcly. you can adapt these challenges 10 fit other locations and adventures. as needed, or set them in a shadowy city of your own deSign. Maps: Two of the encounters usc a portion of the poster map provided with this boxed sel. Most oCthe other encounter maps were built lIsing D&D DUIlBforr Tiles. You dOll'tlleed the tiles, however. to make mapsof your own. as long as yOll have a battlc grid thai you ca n mark lip to rcpresent the appropriate features of each encou nter area- perhaps supplemented by tiles you do have.

OBLIVION BOG UNOHDA Enco unt er Level 4 (900 XP) To protect themsclves from opportunistic intruders. and to lure prey to their lair. the hags of Oblivion Bog concocted the Uno/"Ia. a powerful ritua l. They tfy to use it against anyone they consider a threat or a potential meal (which. either way. includes the ad\'cnturers). This skill challenge hegins as the characters are trying to find their way through Oblivion Bog. After some time, .. hag arrives In a harmless gu ise, possibly wearing the face of a local who lives beyond the swamp. She offers to lead tru\'clcrs out of the bog. W hen she lures them to I lex tiS Commune, IWO potential fates await. Either they become soldiers in the coven's monste r militia. or they become din ner. Skill Challenge Level: 7 (X P 900). Complexity: 3 (requires 8 successes before 3 failures). Time Frame: Each charac tcr can make a check in this challenge once per hour. Prima ry Skills: Endu rance. History. InSight. Nature. Pcrception. Endurance (DC J 6.lJrollp check. fWO SIlCCesses maxi· ilium): All characters must make an Endurance check once per hour while slogging through Oblivion Bog's swampy grounds. If al least halfdle party succeeds on one of these group checks.l he adventurers earn one sllccess inlhe challenge. Ifat least half the party fails a chec k. the cha racters ea rn one fai lure in the challenge. and each of them loses a hea ling su rge. Hisfory (DC 16, two successes maxilllum): The cha racter identifies the rui ns of an old Village the swamp recentl), disgorged and points the group toward the quickest way through the bog. Insi8'u (DC 16. after one fili/ure. one success maximum): An old woman appeOlrs. poling a raft through the muck. She stops and offers help. A cha racter who succeeds on this Insight check can see through her disguise and identify the hag for what she is. NClIurl.' (DC 23. fwo successes maximum): The character lISCS his or her wilderness knowledge 10 lead the pari)' to the clearest path or keep it from blundering into poi· sonous foliage, By succeed ing on this check. a character can choose either to earn a sliccess in the challenge or to remove a fa ilure that 11:ls already been earned in the clmllenge. Perception (DC 16. dlree successes maximum): The characte r notices the same twisted willow or decaying wagon hunk the 1><1rty passed an hour ago and realizes the p:lrt)' has been wa lking in circles. Secondary Skills: I leal. InSight. Heal (DC 23. affer onefailure): The character uses medical supplies :lIld loca l herbs to refresh the body or sharpen the mind. The character chooses between gra nting a +2 bonus to the next Perception check some· one altempt.s or restoring one of the healing surges a charac ter lo .. t as a result of an End urance check. 111si8hl (DC 23. affer one JllsilJhf success): The character knows the old woman is strangely eager to lead them deeper into the swamp. The character gra nts a +2 bOllus 10 the next Perception check someone attempts. Success: The adventurers a rri\'e at the I-Iexus Com· Illllne but realize the old woman is leading them inlo a trap. Use the Ilexus Commune map to set up a combat encoullter. which includes three bog hags (B) and an ol)'ugh (0). Use the stmislics bloc ks from "Terrors in the Skin s." page 6. Failure: The 1i1101"la leaves the characters ill a state of delirium as the hag lures Ihemlo the I-iexus Commune. Once the), a rrive on the island in the center of the commune. the adventurers a rc set lIpon b)' the bog hags (B) and the olyugh (0). They are surprised during the first round. and each character musl draw a card frolllihe Despair Deck. Use the map below a nd the statistics blocks from -Terrors in the Skins." page 6. HEXUS COMMUNE ,,- I ~<]u:lre " 5 feet « ::; ::: o z " ::; J: Z " >

TRIAL BY FIRE Encounter Level 7 (1,70 0 XP) Setup 2 huma n slavers (S) 2 huma n duelists (D) 1 elemental turrct Previously. the chamclers apprehended smugglerturned-slaver Mathis and his associates (see HBcggar's Wharf," page 63 arlltc Caml){li811 Guide). After orTering powerfully damning evidence that the Deathless Watch couldn't ignore. the adventurers handed the cret ins over to the guards. Ilowcver. I louse Carradh managed to negotiate a gladiatOrial trial instead orthe Hanging \,yalt as the fat e for its supplier. I;uming O\'er this turn of evenlS. J-Iouse Harskcl sent an agent 10 proposition the adventurers: Take down Mathis a nd his lackeys on stage at the Carnival Grounds. and House Harskel will ofTer a favo r (pic k something suitable for the story or provide appropriate treasure). like many gladiatoria l combats. this encounter is designed to be quick and Ihrilling. Damage from the crowd and Ihe elementa l turret can stack up. so adventurers must be quick. Charac ters who have forced·movement abilities call rea lly shine if they can· trol the tiny safe areas and push foes into da nger zones. When the players have placed their figures, read: The (rou-d hurls mIca lis al Jourfoes as a lisl of srnu88lin,9 11m! kidll(tppillM (harws art~ reat! (t8ainst them. Despite Ihl' 8atherinH'~ blat(HU animosir\·. the diff.\" deiller~ do,,'1 appear wIIII'n·e,/. ;\cross Ihl.' stawfrom you. "Ialhis sImu!s reRal!.,' wilh his three compatliollS. a condesccnding (Uri archill8 his IiI'. 2 Huma n Slavers (5 ) Level 8 Brute ~kdlUln n.Hurdl humJnold XP 350 CJ(h HP 102: Bloodied Sl AC 20, Fortitude 20. Renell 20. Will 19 Speed 6 STAfliDARD ACTIONS ® Thump and Lilsh (weapon) + At·WIII Auock: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Initiative +7 Perception +4 HII: 3d8 + 6 damage. and the target takes a -2 ~nalty to melee attack rolls until the end of Its nellt turn. ... SI .. ver's T .. ngle (weapon) + Recharge ';';':Z: Ii EY.quillo'ment: The slaver must use this power with a scourge. Allack: Melee 1 (one crealure): +11 vs. AC Hit: 4d8 + 6 damage. and the target Is Immobilized and takes a -2 penalty 10 melee attack rolls unilithe end of ilS nelll turn. Skills Intimidate +1 t StrI7 (+7) De)!; 16(+7) Con 12 (+S) Int 10 (+4) Wis 10(+4) Cha 14 (+6) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment leather armor, ma(e, scourge \5 Iht' crook!> check Ihl' h~{f ofrhe weapom: thrown to ,lrt'm, flu' sla9t' barh'r ~1J(lUt5 ,\'(IUr names. idcJIlij)'iI18YOU U~ tlu' tI("("Ij~l'r5. TlU' olll(J(Jkers roar in anticipation. ,heir dlct'r~ iJlll'lIs![rill,9 Ll$" rml8c Llwtlkell5 rhe turret ill the (t'lIler of Ihe arc". Tlrc de\'icf belches IlMour o.{flame. and Ihcfiaht Is 011. 2 Human Due lists (D) Level 8 Soldier M ... <I,un. nJlural hum,1nOld XP 350 .. ,1(h HP 8S; Bloodied 42 AC 24. Fortilude 20. Rene)!; 22, Will 20 Speed 6 TRAITS Duelist's Poise Initiative +11 Perception +7 Whenever the duelist hits an enemy gr .. nting combat advantage to It, the enemy Is Immobilized until the end of the enemy's nellt turn. STANDARD ACTIONS CD Longsword (weapon) + At·WIII Attock: Melee 1 (one creature): +13 vs. AC Hil: 2d8 + 7 damage. EIJect: The duelist m3rks the ta rget until the end of the duelist's ne)!;t turn. TRIGGERED ACTION~ ... AdvantageousJab (weapon) + At·WiII TrIsatr: An enemy marked by the duelist makes an attack that doesn't Include It as a target. Attock (lmmealote Interrupt): Melee 1 (triggering enemy): +13 vs. Ae Hit; 1d8 + 8 damage. Effect: The t .. rget takes a 1 penalty to attack rolls until the end of this lurn. Skills Athletics +1 2 Str 16(+7) Con 13 (+5) Dell 20(+9) IntlO (+4 ) Wis 17 (+7) Cha9 (+3) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment leather armor. longs word Elemental Turret Level 7 Trap ObjeCl XP 300 Detect automatic HP 40 AC 21, Forlitude 19, Re flell 10, WIII - Immune necrotic, polson. psychic. forced movement. all conditions. ongoing damage: Resist 5 all TRAITS Randoml:r.ed Olr«tlon Initiative +9 AI the start of the turret's turn. roll a d4 to determine whether It is facing north. east. south. or west. <. Eleme ntal Blast (fire) + At·WIII AIIClck: Close blast special (creatures in the blast); +1 a vs. Renell Hit: 2d8 + 6 nre damage. SpeclClI; The blast's area of effe(t Is a 2-by·3.square .. rea elltendlng directly out from the side the turre t is fadng (see the map). COUfIIHRM!ASUR[S + Predict: PerCeptiOn DC 23 (minor action). Success: The character knows which direction the turret will fire on its ntlll turn. • Disable: Thievery DC 23 (standard action). Success; The trap no longer functlom>. Failure (18 or lower): The trap uses e1emen· 10' blast as 3 free action, Including the disabling creature as a target.

Tactics The sJ.wcrs and the d uelists arc eager to prove their Minnoccllcc." and they engage the adventu rers qU ick ly. Malilis and the ot her slaver usc s!n\'('rs fe!n8le whenever possible to immobilize advcllIu rers in the turret's blast rad iliS. Then they disengage. leaving characters to roast as they move on to fi nd new opponents. Mea nwhile. the duelists call OUI their opponcllIs. hurling insu lts as they move into position to fl an k and immobilize characters. Once Ihey become bloodied . their haughty attitudes melt away, and they make a run ror ilthrough the crowds. BEHIND THE SCREEN: CHANGING THE TURRET A tiefling's racial fire resistance bolsters him or her against the turret's attacks, making it easier for that character to move around on the stage. If the party lacks a tJening but has a character with resistance to another damage type, consider substituting that damage type for the fire damage of the turret. Adven· turers who perform well in the Carnival Grounds contest earn the crowd's adulation, making the party more popular in the city and opening the door for more quest opportunities. Features of the Area Illumination: Bright light. Large lamps keep the stage \veli lit. so even onlook· ers far from Ihe stage ca n sec. Crowd: The spectators have come to sec a Oght. and they do their besllO keep the i.u;liun un the stage. Spaces occ upied by Ihe crowd (the a reas on the llIap denoted by clusters of people adjacent to the stage) are difficu lt terra in. AI t he end of each round. any creature in a space occu pied by the crowd takes Id8 damage and slides 4 squares toward and onto the stage. If poSSible. the slide mO\'cs the creature next to an enemy or into the blast radius of the tu rrel. Stage: The stagc is 5 fect h igher than thc area around it (where the crowd is located). Turret: The top oflhe turret is 5 feet above the stage. A character can climb atop the turret with a DC 16 At h letics check. W hene\'er the turret moves to e a new d irection althe sta rt of its turn. any creature sta nd- J;I.l illg on it must Sllcceed on a DC 23 Acrobat ics cllCc.k or fa ll prone in a sq uare adjacent 10 the turret. ADAPTING THIS ENCOUNTER This encounter Is easy to adapt to meet your campaign's needs. For example: You could alter the nature of the characters' opponents. including their particular crimes and affiliallons. You could change the house to which the smugglers or slavers belong or for whom the adventurers are fighting. Either alteration (or both ofthem) could drastically affect the encounter's political implications. Vou could run the encounter without any political tie·lns. If characters want to make a name for themselves on the gladiatorial Circuit, "Trial by FireR would serve as an excellent introductory or intermediate encounter. You could Invert this encounter, casting the heroes as the accused. For example. "Trial by Fire" could be the next step if disciples of Zehir from the Fane of Night (Compa/8n Guide, page 56) framed the party and the adventurers failed to figure out the plot.

( TERRORS IN THE SKINS E n coun t e r Leve l 8 (1 , 800 XP) Setup I bog hag (B) 2 otyughs (0) The cha racters have hired a d ark one to ferry them across the Skins on its ba rge. Their passage has not gone unnot iced, a nd a bog hag ambushes them. Usc a 2-by-4 -squa rc tile to represent the ferry. and place it on the map's st ar! area. I-lave your players pick their characters' starling spots Oil the barge before you place any monsters. The da rk olle (D) occupies any one ort he 8 squ ares orthe barge. W hen the encounter begins. the ferry is 12 squa res from shore. 2 Otyu~h!i (0) Level 7 Soidipr large n.Jtutdl bl'dst XP 300 ('.Jch HP 82: Bloodied 4 1 AC l], Fortitude 22. Rene:. 16, Will 19 Initiative +5 Perception +11 attack rolls while in AUad[! Melee 3 (one crealure): +12 vs. AC HII: 2d8 + 6 damage. and the otyugh pulls t he target up 10 2 squares and grabs It (e5Cape DC 6~ t Diseoued Bile (disease) • At-Will AHad,; Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC Hit; ldl0 + 8 damage. or ldl 0 + 12 against a creature grabbed by the otyugh. In addition, at the end of the encounter. the target makes a Hvlng throw. On a fail ure. the target contracts lesser otyuSh filth fever (stage 1). Skills Stealth +13 Str 22 (+9) Con 18 (+7) De" 11 (+3) Int 1 (-2) Alignment unaligned Languages - Wls 16 (+6) Cha 5 (+0) Lesser Otyugh Filth Fever Level 7 Diseasf': 'n iCS!' "ifened by Ihis diseast' wasle a\\'ay as Ihe), allt'nlUldy mIjer cMIs ami hOI jlashl'S. Stage 0: The target recovers from the disease. Stage ' : While affected by stage 1, the target loses a healing surge. Stage 2: While affected by stage 2, the target loses a healing surge and takes a -2 penalty to AC. Fortitude. and Refle". Stage 3: While affected by stage 3, the target loses all healing surges and cannot regain hit points. The target alro takes a-2 penalty to AC, Fortitude, and Refle,,_ Check: At the end of each e"tended rest. the target makes an Endurance check If it Is at stage 1 or 2. 1D or l ower: The stage of the disease Increases by 1. 11 -15; No change. 16 or Higher: The stage of the disease decreases by 1. W he n t h e playe rs h ave placed their fig u res o n th e barge, r earl: 'l'hl' l,ol5 sh'rlCh is l1oxious and dwkil1j/, Only rill' dClrk IIUI' 8uidhljl tilt' b,lr/Jt' 5Ct'rIlS 1/11~((e[fed by the putrid atnwsI'Ju.·f('. \brul't1y. tile cr~rr rocks slwrply. and you see a mas5i1'C tCIl tddeJjimn rbl'fl'llm rite SkillS' depths. The tilirlB sItHlIslltc lkIrllt' aJl<lill, lIlId if is joined by anolher nearby. The dtllOfj( 5(elle is pI/nell/tiled by ma,1 cacklinafrorll a d!(fcrent direc· rioll. wIlerI' Il/clllale, dad in rOllillj/lean's alld \'illes, mils OUI: MPrcrtit'~r ~fl't:r$, it'sljjrtrler. dinllcr. dinner. dhlllt'rr SKILL CHALLENGE: BATTLE FOR THE BARGE W henever an otyugh is adjacent to the barge, It attempts to use its great bul k to ca psize the craft. If an adventurer earns a success in this skill cha llenge, the boat moves 2 sq uares toward shore. If an adven· turer earns a fail ure, the boat moves 1 square farther from shore. Any creature in the path of the barge is pushed 1 square away from the barge when the barge attempts to enter its space. If no character attempts a check In this challenge during a round. the group earns one failure. If both o1yughs are killed, the skill cha llenge ends successfully. Level: 8 (XP 700~ Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3 failures). TIme Frame: Each character can make a check In this challenge once per round as a minor action, Primary Skills; Athletics, Bluff, Endurance, Nature. Athletics (DC 16): The character successfully matches the otyugh's strength and keeps the barge on course, Bluff (DC 16. two successes moximum): The character fe ints, and the otyugh moves t he wrong way. a llowing the barge to slip past it momentarily. After a character succeeds on this check, other checks by the same character are against DC 24, Endurance (DC 16): The character grits his or her teeth and bears the otyugh's assault. Failure on this check results In the loss of one healing surge and earns a failure In the challenge. Nature (DC 16, two successes maximum): The character uses his or her knowledge of natural beasts to disrupt the hag's control over the otyughs and stall their assault for a short time. Success: The barge reaches the shore (even if It Is still several squares away) without further inddent. The otyughs no longer attempt to capsize it. The party receives the full XP award for the skill challenge, Failure: The otyugh capsizes the barge, and all creatures on the barge fall prone in the bog. How far the capsized barge is from the shore depends on how many successes the party achieved in the skill challenge. The party receives the fu ll XP award for the skill challenge.

Bog Hag (B) level 10 Skirmisher MedIum Icy humdnold (aquatic) XP 500 HP 107; Bloodied 53 AC 24. Fortitude 13. Renex 21. Will 19 Speed 8 (swamp walk), swim 8 o Unwholesome Presence + Aura ] Initialive +11 Pen:eptlon +7 low-light vision When an enemy In the aura spends a healing surge to regain hit points, that enemy regaIns only half the normal hit poinl5. Aquatic The hag can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, it gains a +2 bonus to aUitCk rolls agaillst nonaquillic creatures. Evasive Charge The h I free action to shift up to 2 §(Juares I Allock: Melee 1 (one erealure): +15 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage. fffect: The hag can shift up to 2 squares. t Rending Claws + Recharge when first bloodied fffect: The hag uses dow twice against the same larget. If both allacks hil. thf' t;lrgf'l taku 5 extra damage. MI NOR A CHONS Skin Shift (polymorph) + At·WIlI £fleet: The hag alters Its phr.;lcaJ form to appear as a young female elf. half·elf. eladrln. or human umilit UM!S chan8e shape again or until I! drops to 0 hit poInts. To assume a specific individual's form. the hag must have sun that IndlvJdual. Other creatures can make a DC ] 1 Insight check to discern that the form Is a disguise. Skills Inllmldale - 12. Nature +11. Stealth +14 Sir 22 (+11 ) Del{ 18 (+9) Wis 15 (+7) Con 19 (+9) Int 12 (+6) Cha 14 (+7) Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven Whi le the otyughs are adjacent to the barge, they foc us 011 Lup:,lzlng It (sec the sideb<lr). Meanwhile. the 11<Ig dives into the IIlllck <111(1 w<lits to surface until she can <llIack <III adventurer. She goes afte r a ny character who falls from the barge. The otyughs lise relllade to snatch a n enemy from the barge. If the ad vellturers ma nage to reach shore. the h<lg and her crealures chase them to the walls of C,!ooJ1lwrought. Although she is brazen enough to chasc c ne · mies rUllning for the ir lives. the h<lg is cowardly whe n the tide turns against her. If reduced to one ·qua rtcr of he r hit pa ints, she n ees into the Skins. leaving th e otYlighs to waylay anyone who tries 10 follow. The da rk st:tlker spends all its actions each rOlll1d steering the barge. It is adept at dodging a nd cannot be hit during the I1ght. Features of the Area Illuminatio n: Brightlighl. .... ~ ~ Barge: A character can move around inside the w barge. If the barge is capsized, a cre<llurc can stand atop I il. A creature ill one of the barge's squares does not sink Iat the end of Its turn. A creature attacked while in one Z of the barge's squares nlU~' make a DC 12 Acrob..,tics check or fall prone. Bog: Squares in the bog are difficult lerr<lin. At the end of a creature·s turn. ifit did not move duri ng that turn. it grants grants comb.:"ll advantage until it moves. Ally creature that has a swim speed or swamp walk. ignores this effect. Terra in Features: The rock.s, log, and stump arc 110t considered part of the bog for the purpose of deter· mining whet her a creature. gra nts combat advantage. A creature attacked while in one of these squares must make a DC 12 Acrobatics check or fal l prone in an adjacent square. Treasure: The bog hag's be lt pOlich conta ins two gems worth 500 gp each. as well <IS anothe r 900 gp in coin. Development Once the barge is ashore. lhe dark one hails a couple of members of the Deathless Watch standing atop the nearby city wall. The guards are taking bets on the out· come of the adventurers' battle. Until it concludes. they refuse to open the gale, If the encounter ends in victory for the adventurers. the gate is raised. and the heroes arc allowed into the City. ( Vl o "' "' "' UJ ...

( SHADOWS IN THE CRYPT Encounter Level 9 (2,250 XP) Setup I1sra . priest of Ore us (P) 2 skeletal tomb guardians (S) I sovereign wraith (W) 1 blood fcast ward The adventurers arrh'c oUlside a graveyard crypt overgrown wit h foliage. The burial chamber is in the world. but it is a shadow crossi ng (CclInpaiYII Guide. page 7). which mea ns it brushes the Shadowfell. Adventurers might :!rrive accidenta lly. as a result ora ritual, or intentionally. In searc h of a cultist. A da nk mist hovers above alld arou nd the burial chamber: it th ickens and drops doser to the noor after fresh blood Is shed. Illlhc c rypfs dust-caked interior. IIsm beseeches Orcus as she stands amid the detrit us of her blood rites. Before combat begins. place IIsra on the map. Dan', place the skeleta l tomb gua rd ians until the adventurers attack or until they come with in 2 squares of the blood feast ward. Don't place thc wraith until a character mo\'cs adjacent to it or untilllsra is attacked. IIsra, Priest of Orcus tP) Level 9 Controller (Leader) M(>d,um ~hildow humanOId \h.adar kill XP 400 HP 95; Bloodied 47 AC 23. Fortitude 20. Renex 22. will n Speed 6 Resist 5 ne<rotlc TRAITS o Orcus's Admonishment + Aura 2 Initiative +6 Perception +8 low-light vision Any enemy In the aura that regains hit points is immobili~ed until the end of lIS nexi turn . STANOAllD ACTIONS CD Skull Mace (neCrotic. Weilpon) + AI-WlII Altod:: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC Hit; 3116 + 5 nccrotlc damage. Effect; IIsra can slide the target 1 square. ~ Ray or Mortality (nccrotlc) + At-Will AUa<k; Ranged 5 (one creature), +12 vs. Renex Hit; 2d8 + 4 ne<rOllc damage, and the target Is slowed and takes ongOing 5 nccrotlc damage (save ends both). Miss: The targel Is slowed until the end or its /lCltlturn. <. D ... rk ReOlpin, (ne<rOlic) + Recharge when an enemy within 10 squares of IIsra fails a death saving throw Atlock; Close bIaS! 5 (enemies in Ihe blast); +11 'IS. Fortitude Hit; ld8 + 5 necrotic damage. and the target Is da~ed (save ends). Efftet; IIsra slides each aUy in Ihe blan up 10 3 squares. MOVE ACTIONS Shadow Jaunt (Ideportatlon) + Encounler Effecl; IIsra teleports up to 3 squares and becomes insubstantial until the starr of her ne~t turn. Skills Arcana +11, Religion + 11 Str 15 (+6) Dex 14 (+6) Con 15 (+6) Int1 6 (i7) Wis1S (.,.8) Cha 17 (+7) Alignme nt chaotic evil Languages Common Equipment robes. skull mace When the ch aracte rs enter the crypt, read: Tht' IJrit'st 5W(1.\·5 liS ~hc c/WrtlS beside a8n-al SI.1!11I' ofOrcus. which embraCt's II flit Sl't·ll·ills.Jlanu.'S. llalf a dozen corpses ar!! strewn about rllt' massh·!!e,(flSY.'-\ lar8('symbo/ drall'lI in blOOti decomtes ,lie middle of Ihe crypt's floor. Crimson cnt'r}{.,· (nuHes In response ro the priest's sliPII/ication to her tlhlSh'r. rhe dt'"tllon prince OrCII5. Perception C. 1H'ck DC 17: \ ()uplc ojl'iles '!fbl.lnt's. Sft apartfrom [he res!. al'pellr 1(1 be !wildtina. DC 25: 'fItt' drawill8 on thej1oor. made of blood. Twarl." COil (('(lIs till' m"Hic rlllles belieal" it. 2 Skeletal Tomb Guardians (S) Level 10 Brute MedIum "nlm"le hU"liJlIUld (umicdll) XP SOO each HP 116; Bloodied 63 AC 23. Fortitude 11. Reflex H. Will 10 Speed 8 Initiative +10 Perception +11 Darkvislon Immuno! lIbo!a~o!. jJulw u; Resist 10 necrOllc; Vulnerable 5 radiant STANDARO ACTIONS <D Twin Scimitars (weilpon) + At·WIII Aua.ck; Melee 1 (one creature); +1 5 vs. AC. The guardian makes the attack twice agalnst lhc same target. Hit; 1dS + 1 damage. or 1dS + 10 jfthe guardian scores a crilical hit. + Cascade of Steel + At·WIII Effect: The guardian uses twin scimitors twke. TRICCUtW ACTIONS + Sudden Strike + At·WiII Trigger. An enemy adjacent 10 Ihe guardian shi fl ~. Effl'Cl mm~dlote Interrupt); The guardian uses twin scimitars against the triggering enemy. 5tr18 (19) Dex10(110) Con 16 (+8) Int 3 (+1) Alignment unaligned languages - Equipment 4 SCimitars Tactics Wis 14 {+7) Cha 3 (+1) Whcn Ihe aclvc nlurc rs enter thc crypt. Ilsra feigns bcingstartled. She turns as though she is abollt to nee, inviting the c haracters to charge headlong into her trap. Once the blood feast ward 11<Is been triggered. the skeletons rise lip. shaking orTthe remnants of n esh cli ngi ng to the ir bones. They slash at adventurers tryi ng to leave the wa rd. Meanwhile, Iisra uses ray of mortlllilY to slow targets ill thc trap or nea r her protectors. The wraith bides its time. waiting for an ad\'e nturcr to move adjaccnt to it or to mount an attack against IIsra. \Nhen a cha racter does one or the othcr. the wraith strikes out with londydeath and follows with speerr"J sward against the same ta rget. After thc wraith makes irs presence known. IIsra teams with it to batler the weake<;I·/ooking intruder. The prlesl saves the killing blow for the wraith. anticipating the rise of a new a lly. \

Features of the Area LIluminalion: 'larches give orTbrighl light through - out the chamber. Coffins: The fOllr 3-foot-hlgh coffins are difficult terrain. Bloody Mist: When a creature is first bloodied in the encounter. the dark mist that hovers near the ceiling of this chamber begins to thicken and drop down. permeating the crypt. Sovereign Wraith (W) Level 8 Soldier M .. d,um shadnw hum,lIlOld (undl'<Id) XP JSO HP 89: Bloodied 44 AC 24, Fortitude 20. Rene" 22. Will 21 Speed 0, fly 6 (hover); phaSing Immune disease, polson; Resist' 0 necrotic TRAITS Insubstantlat Inltliltivt +l1 Perception +6 Oarkvlslon The wraith takes half damage from any damage source. except those that deal force damage. Whenever the wraith takes radiant damage, It loses this trait until the start of its next turn. Spawn Wraith When the wraith kills a humanoid. that humanoid b&ome~ a wraith figment at the start of this wraith's ne)lt turn. The new wraith appears In the space where the humanoid died or In the nearest unoccupied square. and It rolls a new Initiative check. The new wraith aclS under the Dungeon Master's control. STANDARD ACTIONS CD Spectral Sword (necrotic) + At-Will Attock: Melee 1 (one creature); +1 1 ¥s. Fortitude Hit: 1d8 + 1 necrotic damage, and the urge! grants combal ildvilntage and takes ongoing 5 necrotk dilmage (save ends both), Effect: The wraith ma rks the target until the end of the wralth·s ne)lt turn. t Lonely Death (illusion) + Recharge ~ :.: II Effect: The wraith u§es spectral sword. If t~ attack hits, all creatures except the wraith are invisible to the target (save ends), SkltlsSteahh +14 Sir 15 (+6) Con 17 (+7) Alignment evil Dex 20 (+9) Int 14(+6) Wls 15(+6) Cha 19 (+8) languages Common Slarling in the second round after a creature nrst becomes bloodied, all squares in the crypt arc dimly illuminated and lightly obscured. except those adjacent to the statue. In addition. slarting in the fifth rou nd after a creature first becomes bloodied. living creatures gain vulnerable 5 necrotic while in the burial chamber. These effects end when the battle concludes. Statue ofOrcus: The statue provides cover and fills adjacent squa res with bright light. even after the mist enters the crypt. Treasure: llsra has a level-appropriate uncommon magic ilem. Blood Fe a st Ward Leve l 10 Trap T('rr.'II1 XP SOO Detect Perception DC 16 Immune attacks I RIGG£R[O ACTIONS <·Ufe le~c h (necrotic) + At-Will InltliUlve - Trl89tr. A living creature other than IIsra enters the ward (a 4.by· 4 ·square area) or ends its turn there. Artock (Oppo<"tunlly Action): Metee 1 (triggering creature); +13 vs_ Fortitude Hit: 3d6 + 8 necrotic damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). The target automatically falls saving throws against this effect white It Is In the ward's aru. First Foiled SavinB Throw: The targe t Is slowed and weakened (Hve ends both). (OUNHRM [ASURE S + Disable: Arcana DC 18 (standard action)_ Requir~m .. nl: Th/!: disabling creature must be adjacent to the ward. Success: The disabling creature achieves onc of three successes necessary to disable the ward. Foilure (13 or lower): The di5abllng creature activates the wilrd. which attacks all creatures In Its area. (

To CATCH A THIEF Encounter Level 10 (2,500 XP) Setup This skill challenge co n be tIIudiflt!d to fit any mIssion or intrigue in which the adventurers find themselves embroiled. Gloomwfought is a cosmopolitan locale Oiled with interesti ng creatures that ca n su ppo rt or hinder the characters' efforts. In this scenario, House Treyvan has hired the party 10 retrieve a tidling named Marek. a newcomer to Gloomwrought. I-Iollse Treyva n thought the charming rogue was a worthy a lly until he made ofT with several magiC items and gems worth thousands in gold. Now, both embarrassed and angry. the Treyva ns are orTcring 2,500 gp for the treasure's return and Mar~k's capture: he need not be returned alive. The characters must use both ded uctive reasoning a nd phYSical prowess to track the clever liefling. What neither HOllse Treyvan nor the characters know is that Ma rek is a member of the House oftbe Eye (Campai811 Guide. page 19). a ruthless cu lt ofVccna. Skill Challenge Level: 10 Complexity: 5 (requires 12 successes before 3 failures). Time Frame: Unless otherwise noted. each character can make a check in th is c hallenge once per minute. Primary Skills: Arcana. Athlet ics. Bluff. Diplomacy. Dungeoneering. InSight, Intimidate. Percept ion, Heli· gion. Stea lth. Street wise, Thic\·c ry. Secondary Skills: History, InSight. History (DC J 8): A character recalls an important bi! of information about Gloomwrough(s culture or socia l structure, Success grants a +2 bonus to the party's next Diplomacy. Dungeotlcering. Heligion. or Street wise check. Th is skill ca n be used to earn one bonus during each stage of the challenge. InSight (DC 18); A charactcr reads a dangerous sit ua' tion correctly. Success grants a +2 bonus to the pa rty's next Athletics. Bluff. Stealth, or Thievery check. This skill ca n be lIsed to ca m one bonus during each stage of the challenge. Stage 1: Dust Quarter The party's investigation logically starts where the crime was comm itted: the Dust Quarter. a Gloomwrought neighborhood reserved for the richest nobles. Cha racters could altempt to investigate the scene of the theft for clues, question serva nts. o r look for rumors on the street. 5k II Checks for Stage 1 Bhif.J(DC 18 or 26, olle success maximum): The c haracter misleads the house guards or scrva nts. gaining access to otherwise secret documents. The servants arc fairly gu llible (DC 18), while the guards are more wary (DC: 2fi). The serva nts gOSSip with the cha racter. telling him or her that one of the ir number occasiona lly indulges in the pleasures for sa le at J-IaJnleart's Red Door and reported seei ng Marek thcre. The gua rds show an advcntu re r u rt:celpt Ma rek made out to Treyva n. suggesting the tiening bought the supposedly stolen items at a ridiculous cost. Lady Kryssa Ii alfhea rt's seal is on the receipt. Diplomacy (DC 18 or 26. olle success maXimum): The cha racter coaxes additional cooperation from the Treyva n house guards or the serva nts. The serva nts arc accustomed to seei ng th rough nobles and their fluttery (DC 26). while the gua rds easily succu mb to honeyed words (DC 18). The guards a llow access to their ledger. wh ich reveals Marek's numerous comings a nd goings lg~idc Ferrens. a dark stalker. The senants Similarly identify Ferrcils. whom they consider untrustworthy. Ilitimiclate (DC J 8. one success maxilllum); The character frightens the servants. one of whom confesses that she a llowed the charming Marek access to the items he stole. Accord ing to the serva nt. Marek cla imed to know a Fettered Ward collector who was interested in making a n olTer to House Treyva n if the noble hOllse had the exact item for which he was looking. An adven· turer automatica lly fails this check ifhe o r she attempts to intimidate the guards. Pl'rceptioll (DC 18. olle success maximum): Upon exam ining the c rimc scenc, the character finds a crimson ho nd kerchief embrOidered wit h t he golden letters "KH," which likely stands for Kryssa H"lnleart. Srreetwise (DC 26. olle success maXimum): Street toughs ill the Dust Q uarter tell the character they've seen Marek run ning around with" dark sta lker named Ferrens. who ope rates out ofthc Fettered Ward. ll1sight (DC 18. usable afler three successes. one success maXimum): The character pieces together the party's information and reali zes the clues lead to the Fettered vVard. ant! he or she sus pects the party needs to approach Lady Kryssa Halfllea rt. Success: I fthe adve nturers accu lllulute four SllCcesscs in th iS stage. they Illm'e on to Stage 2: Fettered Wurd. Failure: Gua rds kick the adventurers out ofl-IOllse Treyvan- forcibly, if they persist. The characte rs can expect only hall"ofthe promised reward if they successfully return Marek a nd the treasure, si nce membe rs 01" HOllse Treyva n are embarrassed by the characters' behavior.

Stage 2: Fettered Ward The heroes have acquired suffi cient information to head toward L:ldy Kryssa Ilaln,corl's estublishment. the Hed Door. which Ferrcns frequents. If the cha racters catch Ferrcns. he rats Ollt Marek. 5K' C co S )r SI age In this stage. sk ill checks follow the sequence ofstcps outlined below. Step J. Perception (DC 26. 10 minutes. one success maxiilium) or Sfreetwise (DC 18, olle success maximum); The character loemcs Kryssa l-IaJnlcart's Red Door in the Fettered Wnrd. Failing Ihis check means the party lIa) to pay a local for directions. Sfep 2. Shiff or DipJomacy(DC 18. aile success maxi· "111111): Tlte character cOllvinces the Red Door's guard to let the party inside. Failing this check means the pa rty mllst bribe the gua rd . which costs 50 gp per entrant. Once inside, the party gai ns a n audience with Lady Kryssa, Step 3, BlujJ or Diplomacy (DC 26, olle success lIulxi· mum) Through deceit or persuasion, the character convinces Lady Kryssa that Marek :md Ferrens arc endangering her and she should n OI protect them, If the party has the hand kerchief with Lady Kryssa's Ini· tials. the ch .. racter gai ns a +2 bonus to th is check. L-.dy Kryssa stipulates the return of her handkerchief as pay· ment for her aid. Upon ilS return. she gives up Fcrrens. who is watching the exchange from a shadowy corner of the room. This check automatically fails ifthe party d()('~n't have the handkerchieffrorn Stage I. W het her this check is a success or a failure. Ferrens flees the room. Step 4, Arlllelies (DC 18. aliI.' success maximum): The heroes chase Fcrrens through the streets and captu re him. Ferrens tells the characters that Marek can be found in a secret hideout near the Single Hand dry goods store in the Temple Dist rict. He doesn', know the location beeause Marek never took him there. Success: \Vhen the adventurers accumulate three successes in this stage. they move on to Stagc 3: Temple District. Failure: The characters fight a levcl·equiva lelU tacti· cal encountcr agai nst Ferrens and Lady Kryssa's gua rds. Lady Kryssa darts from the room and runs to summon Ihe Deathless Watch. If the adventurers win Ihe fight and Ferrcns Is still alive, he tells them where to find Marek. If the characters lose. they must expla in the situation to the Deathless Watch and will have to bribe the guards to overlook the altercation. If the ad velltu r' ers have killed l'errens, they ca n discover a note on the body re\ea ling Marek's location. (lfFerrens escaped. he might ha\"e dropped the note or might try to sell it to the characters later.) Stage 3: Temple District The heroes ha\"e acquired sufficient information to locate Ma rek in the Temple District. The entrance to the tunnels is through an a lley bchind the Single ]'Iand dry goods store. One success with cither Strectwisc, Arcana, orThic\'ery is required to open the magically warded secret door. Thc ward Is ob\'ious- a sigil traced in sil ve r dust 011 the wall. The door shuts behind the advelUurers, resealing itse lf. Skill Checks for Stage 3 Slreelwise(DC 18. olle success II1IIXill1l11l1)= The cha r· acter hears that the hideout Is rumored to belong to powerful cu itisls who use the pass phrase MMa ny eyes, one in each" to bypass the potent magiC trap thaI wards the entrance. Arcana (DC 18. one success lIIaxilllum) The c1mracter marshals a rcane powcr to dispel the wards. The secret door grinds open. Tltie\'ery(DC 26. one suaess moxilllull1): The clmraeter jimmics the wa rded entrance. Fa ilure resuits In iI blast of nec rot ic energy that drains a hea ling surge from each adventurer- within 1 square of tile entrance. Then the secret door grinds open. The following skms arc usable only after the charac· ters have made a successful check using one of tile skills above. DlillyeoneerillY (DC I B): The character navigates t he party through the twists and turns of Gloom wrought's Undercity without becoming lost Stealth (DC 13. sroup check): The adventurers exercise caution as they sneak through the Ilmnels. draWing no unwa nted attention. Relinion (DC J B, one success IIIlIximum): The charac· ter recognizes sigils ami runeson the tunnel Wil lis as helonging to a cult ofVecna, God of Secrets. and follows them to the hideout. BlujJ(DC 26, olle success maximum): The churacter dt:da res himself or Iler~clfto be a superior In the order ofVecna. convincing the cultists to place Marek in the party's custody. Diplomac), (DC 26, one success maximum): The character persuades the cultists to give up the tief1i ng because Marek isn't worth the cu ll's attracting the attention of Treyva n and other fo rces in the city. Infimidate (DC 18, aile success maximum):The charac· ter cows the cultists. and they hand over Marek mther than suffer the pany's wrath. Success: When the adventurers accumulate fi ve more successes, the), discover the cll lt of Vcc na :md face a Ic\'el·ecillivalent encounter. utilizing Marek and some undead and Vec na cultists. Failu re: If the characters fail. they face the same encounter as in the Success Olilcome, but a trap drains a healing surge from each ofthelll before the nght. u. "' I II '" u ~ u o I-

BATTLE IN THE STREET En c oun t e r Le v e l 1 1 (3, 400 XP ) Setup 2 deat hless blademastcrs (D) 1 deathless be rserke r (8) 3 midnight drifters (1\1) In the Pla7...:l ofGargoylcs. wa res come and go for a price, but street brawls a rc plentiful a nd free. Being suspected of theft. offend ing a haughty mercha nt of a noble fa lllily. Of even looking someone in the eye can spark a conflagration ofnghti ng that tears through a n entire ma rket block. En terprising locals often enta ngle unwary visitors in brawls to take adva ntage of tile enslIing bedlam. So when the advellture rs enter the market place and are accused orthcft. that event seems pa r for the cou rse. In truth. though. th iS encounter is a product of the Illessy political connie! between Midnight's Own (Compai811 Guide. page 108) and the Deathless Watch (Campai,911 Guide. page 94). Members ofM idnighfs Own are working undercover as mercenaries for merchants in the marketplace. and they are behind the trumpedlip charge aga inst the adventurers. Don't place their miniatures on the map until the characters identify the culprits (see ~TacticsM). Midnight's Own hopes to draw the cha racters into the the group's connie! with Prince Rolan a nd the Deathless Watch. This encounter uses a portion oCthe poster map in th is product. As the h e roes stroll through t he market, read : Miley. you nO-Ilood b08,waders! Get back here!H )'011 hear the cry. but lookil1,9 around. you see 110 sitJIl ~rlht' thief For some re(ISOIl, the accuser is lookifl8 slrai8ht m you. ~Someolle. Slop those thic\'t'sr he screams. Sel'l'ral nearby members of the Deathless \\'atch heed the n!ercha,us (jill and come b,,,rdiIlIJ rowardyou. ADAPTING THIS ENCOUNTER This encounter Is designed to occur after the party has drawn the attention of Midnight'S Own. Narrow alleys and easily irritated citizens add to the situation's volatility. To adapt this encounter to another Gloomwrought location, replace the market stalls with goods·laden wagons. Once the fight begins, the wagon-tenders are far more worried about survival than moving merchandise. To bUild a large·scale brawl. add more monsters. Includ!ng merchants, mercenaries. and thugs from other Gloomwrought factions. Deathless Berserker (B) Level 13 Brute Mlliulm ~h,1tlow hum,mOld dWdrf XP 800 HP 130; Bloodied 65 AC 25. Fortitude 27, Re flex 25. Will 24 S~e 6 TRAITS Vita l Rage Initiative +10 Pe rception +9 tow.light vision While the berserker has temporary hIt points. it can score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20. STANDAHD A(1fON~ <D Wa r Pick (weapon) + At-Will Attock: Melee 1 (one creature): +18 vs. AC Hil: 2d12 + 13 damage. ~ Ufe Cut (weapon) + Recharge if the power miSSeli every target Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst}; +18 vs. AC Hit: 2d12 + 13 damage. Effect: If the berserke r hits two or more targets. the berserker gains 20 temporary points. TllIc(.rrHD ACTIONS < .. Bloodied Feast + Encounter Trl88cr: An enemy bloodies the berserker. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The berserke r shifts up to Its speed + 2 to a square adjacent to the triggering enemy.l//rcut recharges, and the berserker uses It with a +2 bonus to the attack rolls. Skills Athletics +17. Intimidate +11 Str 12 (+12) 01.'111 9(+10) Coo 20(+11 ) Int1 0(+6) Wis 16(+9) Cha '1 (+6) Alignment unalignP<i languages Common Equipment hide armor. 2 Will' picks 3 Midnight Drifters 1M) level 9 Skirmisher Medium ~h,\(low humanOid human XP 400 ead. HP 95: Bloodied 47 AC 23. Fortitude 20, Refl ex 22, Will 21 Speed 6, climb 3 TRAITS Combat Advantage Initiative +11 Pen::eptlon +8 low.llght vision The drifter deals ld8 eKtra damage ag3inst any target granting combat advantage to It. Street Agility The drifter Ignores difflcult terrain that consists of rubble. debris, uneven pavement. or similar terrilin. STANDARD ACTIONS CD Quarterstaff (weapon) + At-Will Attock: Melee 1 (one creillure); +14 \/"S. AC Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage, and the drifter can slide the largel 1 square. <. Spinning Knockdown (weapon) + Re charge .;:;.!.!. Auack: Close burst 1 (enemies In the burst); +12 vs. RefleK Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage. and the drifter slides the target up to 2 squares and knocks it prone. MOVE A( nONS Staff Vault + Recharge when flrst bloodied Effect: The drifter jumps up 10 its speed, mOIling vertically or horizontally. It provokes opporluoity attacks only ror leaving the square it occupied before this movement_ Skills A,robiltlu+14, AthletiCS 112. Stealth 114 Str 16 (+7) 0 1.'11 20 (+9) Wis 18 (+8) Can 15 (+6) Int 10 (+4) Cha 12 (+5) Alignment unaligned t anguages Common Equipment leather armor, quarterstaff

1 Deathless Blademasters (D ) Level 11 Soldier MedIum ~hddnw humanOId human XP 700 each HP 111; Bloodied SS AC 28, fortitude 16, Reflex 23, Will 24 Speed S STA/I;OARU ACTIONS <D Bastard Sword (weapon) • At·WIII Allocl,: Melee 1 (one creature): +17 vs. AC Hit; 2d10 + 9 damage. Initiative +11 Perception +10 low.light vision Effect: The target Is marked until the end of the blademaster's next turn. <~ Shadow Spiral + Recharge :.: II Allack: Close burn 2 (enemIes In the burst): +15 vs. fnrlitude Hit: 2dl 0 + 9 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the blademaster's next lurn. If the target is already marked by the bladcmaSler, the target Is also slowed (save ends). E eel: The blademaster can slide each lar et 1 s uare. <~ Ufe Mark (necrotic) + At-Will Tri88er. An cncmy within 5 squares of the blademaster and marked by It makes an attack that doesn't Include the bladema5\er as ... target. Effect (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 5 (triggering enemy in the burst). The target takes 10 necrotIc damage. and the blademas· ler gains 10 temporary hit points. Ufe Transfer. At·WIII TriB8er: The blademaSler gains temporary hit points. Effecl (Free Action): Close burst 10 (one ally in the burst). The blademaster transfers S or 10 of the triggering hit points to the target. Skills Athletics +17. lnllmldate .11 Strll ll) Oex16 (+9) Con 17 (+9) Int 11 (+6) Wis 19 (+10) eha 11 (+6) Alignment unaligned languages (ommon Equipment scale armor, broadsword Tactics Merchanls duck behind their sta lls, trying to avoid the violence. Thc members of Midn ight's Own try to rcmain inconspicuous. A charactcr who succeeds on a DC 19 111 Sight check (as (I minor action) nOlices one or more of the midnight drifters a nd identifies them as being responslule for the situation. (Place the drifters on the lTlap al the indicatcd locations.) The drifters nght until bloodied, at which point they climb 10 the roof. tops a nd try 10 escape. This encounter could lead to the '·Rooftop Chase" skill challenge (page 14). The members of the Oealhlcss Watch assume the worSI and light to incapacitale the adventurers. Char· acters can attempt to lalk to them. but they a rc more interesled in taking the characters prisoner a nd extorting them for money. Any character who has a passi\'e Insight of J 9 or higher can tell that the guards of the Deathless \Vatch don't really care whether the characters committed the crime. Development Iflhe ad\'enturers defcal their foes, any remaining patron:. and stall operators sc urry away before more guards arrive. The pa rty has about 10 rounds to act before more Deathless Watch guards show up to inves· ligalc the commotion. Ifthc characters rema in in the area. they musl explain Ihe situation to the ncw arrivals. The city's guards can be convi nced to let the party go free \\fiih a bribe and a DC 19 Diplomacy check Features of the Area Illumination: Bright light. Balconies: Creatu res can anempt to climb up to the large merchant houses' balconies with a DC 19 Athlelics check. Stalls: Several market stalls arc erected on some of the st reets outSide the ma in bUildings. These stalls arc diffic ulilerrain a nd provide partial co\'er. Creutures ca n overturn the goods on one stall's tables, creating a bubbling, dangerous pool ofullidentlned potions. A creature can also overt urn a stall table as a standard action. req uiring a successful DC 19 Athlelics check. On a success, the creatu re makes a close blast 3 allack that deals 2d6 + 5 acid damage 10 each creature in the blast. Stairs: The stairs a re difficult terrain for creatures moving up tltelll. Alitlitiullally. if a ueature Is pushed. pulled. or slid 10 a SCluare of sta irs, the creature SlOpS moving. takes Id6 damage, a nd falls prone in that square. Trcasurc:The Deathless Watch and Midnight·s Own havc 350 gp between them. In the rush to nee the scene, someone drops olle uncommon magiC item of the characlcrs· lc\·c1 + 2. ( • Z r'.

ROOFTOP CHASE Encounter Level 10 ( XP 2 , 800 ) SETUP Most oCthe time. c hases in (he City of Midnight happen at street le\'cl amid narrow, crowded alleys. Sometimes. though. the thumps or hot pursuits can be heard overhead and a dO;:lk's tail ca n be seen whooshing past as its owner leaps ac ross an alley. However. springi ng from wi ndows and scampering over rooftops can have unpredictable results in a city constantly on the CliSP of metamorphosis. A spri nt along an Iron guller might drop a runner into another building's basem*nt, while a climber sca ling a pocked wall could be impaled when Gloomwrought suddenly bi rths a spira ling tower. To infuse your encounter with dynamic, ci nematic scenes. have te n creat ures chasing the party, one for each success needed to complete the skill challenge. For eac h success. a pursuer drops out. perhaps getting lost in the maze of chimneys and towers. falling when a collapsing structure gives way. or fai ling to clear a jump between bUildings. l ypica lly. a rooftop chase is a quick affair. Within a few minutes. the outcome is decided. Pe rhaps one party catches another, a misplaced step nings a clumsy runner to the streets below, or Gloomwrought inter· cedes to send one persoll to a n unknown location wh ile killing another. Skill Challenge tcvel: 12 Complexity: 4 (reqUires 10 successes before 3 failures). Time Frame: Un less otherwise noted. each charac· ter ca n make a check In this challenge once per minute. Group Ch eck: For every three successes the characters ea rn. the pa rty mllst make a group Athletics check aga inst DC 14. This check represents the heroes' attempts to leap. dodge, a nd keep ahead of pursuers while traversing the city's topSide. If at least half the party succeeds. the adventurers earn one success in the challenge. Hega rdless of whet her the party carns olle success. characte rs who fail this group check lose a healing surge. That loss represents the adventurer's taxing his or her body to gain speed. failing to avoid an obstruction the clly suddenly sprouts. or some ot he r colorfulmlshap. Pr1rnary Skills: Acrobatics, Alhletics. Endurance. Perception, Street wise. Acrobtlfics (DC 20): The cha racter dashes sllrefooted ilcross Gloomwrought's slick rooftops, shOW ing off il cat· like ability to land a ll his or her feet. Athletics (DC 28): The character climbs to the top of <I bUi lding and lowers a rope to his or her companions. or thc adventurer jumps across a wide gap to help othcr party members make the leap. Elldurance (DC 20. tlVO sllccesses maximum): The cha racter ig nores the pa in burning through his or her legs to sprint a head. gaining ground in the pursuit. After a character succeeds 0 11 this check. othe r checks by the same character a rc aga inst DC 28. Percepfion (DC 20, two successes maXimum): Wit h keen eyes alld a qUick mind. the adventurer spots unanlicipal ed .. hift .. in Gloomwrought's architecture and compensates accordingly. Srreelwise (DC 28. fwO successes maxillllHfl): The character acts on urba n instinct to suss out hazards. fi nd shortcllts. or utilize geography. Any Skill (no check): The adventurer throws caution to the wi nd and leaps across an expansive cha sm or jumps toward 11 rooftop edged with rusted blades. lie or she gilins one success in the challenge but must draw a c<l rd from the Despair Deck. While the cha racter is hurtling ac ross the unknown. the Shadowfe ll lllls his or he r heart with dread about what could happen whell he or she la nds- or fal ls to do so. Each cha racter ca n use this opt ion once duri ng t he challenge.

Secondary Skills: Bluff, History, Insight. Bluff(DC 28. one success maximum): The character jukes one way a nd then another, fak ing oul pu rsuers. The character gains a +2 bonus to his or her next Ac robatics or Street wise check. HislOry(DC 20, one success maximum): The cha racter recognizes a static structure, such as Raven's Eyrie or Carradh Keep, amid Gloomwrought's consta ntly cha nging landscape_ granti ng a +2 bonus to the next Streetwlsc or Perception check any character makes in the cha llenge. Insisht (DC 20. one success maximum): The cimracler stud ies the pursuers to ga in a sense orthe directions they're ta king. Th is use of the skill allows a cha racter to predict where lhe pursuers will show up next. granting .. +2 bonus to the next Street wise or Perception check any character ma kes In the cha llenge. Allack (no check) The adventurer decides the best defense is a strong offense. In place of a skill check. he or she stops, turns. and makes a ranged basic attack agai nst one of the party's pursuers or qua rry. On .. hit. the party removes one lil ilure it has earned in the challenge. Each cha racter ca n use this option once during the challenge. PURSUED OR PURSUING? "Rooftop Chase" puts the heroes in the mouse's role, but a party is just as likely to play the cat. To have the characters chase agile foes, such as members of Midnight's Own, alter the outcome described in the success and failure resu lts. Success means that the party, or some of its members, catches up with the target, which might decide to fight. Failure means that the quarry escapes and the adventurers potentially plummet to a painful landing. Success: The chnracters evade pursuit. The pa rty receives the full XP award for the skill challenge. F .. llu re: The char'lcters don't elude their pursuers or Ihey don't come OUI of the chase unscathcd. depending on what you have in mi nd fo r them. Either way, the pa rly receives the full XP award for the skill challenge. If lhe former, you can tra nsition IrOllllhis skill challenge into an encounter. "Collapsing Tower" (page 24) could offer a thrilling end to the chase. especia lly if the unstable towe r is blamed for bringing the heroes up short. Heplacc the monsters in that encounter with a n enCOllluer group that matches lhe pursuers a nd is suit· able fo r the party's le\'el. Ahernatil'ely. you could reduce the Ilumber of creatures the party faces b.'1sed 0 11 the Illllllber of successes the party earned, thus tying the encounter to the advelll urers' performance in the ski ll challenge. If the Imter. eaeh character loses two heali ng surges, or takes damage equa l to his or her healing surge va lue if he or she has no surges remain ing. You decide whether a roof gave way, d ropping the characters to a meta l-spi ke·li ned balcony below: certain heroes suf. fered twisted ankles or dislocuted limbs aft er fa iling to Jump at the right moment: or some other un fo rtunate experience b(> fl'l1 t hr ill. w Vl '" J: U "- o .... ... o o a:

SCOURING UNDERCITY Encounter Level 9 (2, 100 XP) Gloomwrought's Undercity is a dense catacomb of collapsed bUild ings absorbed into the city's foundation. The underground labyrinth abuts the Skins, a rancid marsh. These shells of buildings past fOfm a precarious base for the city's new structu res. causing them to adjoin at unex pected angles. New bUildings seem to sprOUl up oflheir own accord anytime. anywhere as other structures collapse. ex pa nd. or are swallowed whole. Over time. the city's mazeJi kc nature began birthi ng pec ulia r corridors. Now, doors in one building open into windows of another, and some cel lar stairways lead into upstairs bedrooms. Over centuries, Undercity has acculllulated 11U1ldreds ofbuildlllgS and chambers. Jumbled together. these derelict struclures fo rm dank tunnels through which history whispers and brave, or foolhardy, adven· itlrers crawl. The Skins pushes against these passages. threatening to collapse tunnels that lack stone on all sides. Despite the rea l riucat of being crushed , suffocated_ or sta rved to deat h in a cave-in, hunters still risk everyth ing to wade [h rough the detritus of past lives in search oflost history, magiC relics, stashes of coins, and other treasure_ In this sk ill challenge, the adventurers are sea rching for a particular itcm_ room, or person last glimpsed in a building that was sucked 11110 Undercity two days ago. The cha raclers belie\'e the target is trapped beneath lile streets, but they must use their abilities to best advantage if they are to han: any chance offinding it. Skill Challenge [.evel: 12 Complexity: 3 (requires 8 sllccesses before 3 failures). Time Frame: Unless otherwise noted. each charac· ter ca n ma ke a check In this challenge once per minute. Primary Skills: Athletics. Dungeoneering, Endurance. History. Natu re, Street wise. Atll/elics (DC 20. two successes maximum): The character climbs over rubble or scales a wall in search of a n e ffi cient way through the catacombs. While doing so. he or she might discover a clue in a hard-to-reach place that tells the party it is on the right track. DUIlseoneerin8 (DC 20, Ihree successes maximum): The characte r reads the flow of water and decay across the wa lls, thus determining wh ich oflwo simila r buildings is safer to traverse. Alternatively. he or she determines how long a bUilding has been undergrou nd and can. there fore, rule out a d irection oftravcl. A resu lt of28 or high er on this check (ounts as two successes instead or one. Ellc/uTllnce (DC 20. two successes maximum): The char· aCler risks a trapped patch orfoul air to scout out the right direclion. A character who ta ils this check earns a failure in the challenge and also loses one healing surge. lUnary (DC 28, two SIiCCesseS maxilJullu): The cha racter recogni zes a building from Gloomwrought's past. learn ing the relative age of the ruins nearby. Using this information, the character determines the rough direction of the party's objecti\'e. If the party ca rns both sllccesses possible. it ca n then use Ilistory as a secondary ski ll. Na ture (DC 20. dnee sliccesses maximum): The character fl nds II rare stretch of stabl e ground in the marshy tunnels. Usi ng these tunnels a llows the character to check several bU ildings at once and qUic kly rule Olll one direc tion. Slreelwise (DC 20, two successes maximum): The ad venturer knows that a structure's a rchitectural style belongs to a specl Oc Gloomwrought district. Th is information he lps the party position itself beneath the city, estimating a direct ion relative t.o the city surface. A cha racter who gels a result of28 or h igher on Ihis check ca n choose to remove a f:1i1ure that has a lready been earned in the cha llenge rather tha n counting this result as a success. Secondary Skills: History. Perception. Seconda ry lise ofthese sk ills docs not contribute d irectly to sliccess or failure in the cha llenge but ca n gra nt a bonus to help with anther chec k. Ilisiory (DC 28. IIsable after Iwo History successes): The ad venturer helps another character pinpoint the age of the buildings In the arca.glving a +2 bonus to the par· ty's nexi Dungeoneering check. Perce"l/oll (DC 20): The cha racter notices an impor· tan t detai l ilbolilihe building the party is explori ng. granti ng a +2 bonus to the party's nexi History or Streetw[se check. TREASURE HUNTERS, RESCUERS, OR UNLUCKY? This challenge assumes the party starts aboveground and Is trying to find a particular target in Undercity. The lure could be a piece of evidence against a foe that implicates that enemy in the bUilding's collapse, or a person sucked into Underdty when a structure went under (a development that would infuse a dramatic, time-driven element into the encounter~ However. the adventurers might have unintentionally landed in Undercity, Perhaps they chased an enemy into Gloomwrought's bowels and got lost (entirely the villain's plan), and now they need to find their way out, Maybe they failed In the "Collapsing Towern e ncounter (page 24) and fell into Undercity with the tower. Now the characters have to find their way out from an unknown starting point.

1 Success: The ad\'enturers locate their objective. The item Is usable, the room is intact. or the missing person is alive a nd Illostly well. In addition. thcy discovcr a small cache left ill the building when it was swallowed up. Th is cache is c(lual to a le\'el 12 trcasurc parcel. The party rcceives thc full XP awa rd for the skiIJ cha llenge. Furthermorc.the advcnt urers a re able to proficiclltly navigate Undercity in the future. They no longer need to make skill chccks to fi nd items in the catacombs. (Kcep illlllind that not every build ing that collapses cnds lip in Undercity. You dcc ide what sur vives and what does n't.) failure: Afte r the second failure in this challenge. the pilrty wa nders ill to- or Is ambushed by-a nest of monsters li vi ng in Umlercity. The adventurers face a tactical encounter of a level equal 10 their own. If the party fa ils the skill challcnge entirely, thc cha racters wander fo r hours in the undcrground maze. ex hausling and frustrating c\'eryone. Each character loses two hea ling surges. If the party acquired atlcast rive successes before fa iling. cach character loscs onc healing surge il lstead. If the advcnturers were trying to rind something time-sensitive. thcy find it too late. Undercity's corrosivc conditions ha\'c damaged it too much. or the item is no longer where they thought it was (opening the door to a new skill cha llengc to track down thc thic\'es who arrived nrst). If the characters were looking for a particular room, they instead manage to fi nd a different locat ion or objec t that hints at the information thcy werc seeking. Il owcver.this rind is not as convi ncing or defl nJtlvc as thc original wou ld have been. If the ad\'cntu rers a re in Undercity to rcscue some· onc. fai lure In this challengc cou ld indicate thatthcir quarry has perished. become an undead creature. or (mostllkcly) disappea red. leaVi ng evidcnce offoul play. ~ The characters now have a n entirely new set oft roubles. Z The party receives halftheXP award for the skill cha llcnge.lfthe advent urers evcr return to Undcrcity LJ to search for a different targct. they begin this skill cha l- Z lengc aga in but as a complexit)' 1 challenge (rcquires 4 ,:z: successes before 3 failures). If they succced. they receivc :l the other halfofthe original XP award. 8 J il ~ Ik t;; Regardlcss of why the characters are ex ploring Undercity (sec the sideu,tr). this cha llenge should not be run all at ollce as a string of skill checks. Seed the challenge with a serics of small- or norm;!/-sized tilctical encou nters (sec "Encounter Groups." below. fo r a coupl e of cxamples). You could usc the "Lost Company" encounte r (page 20). which is tailor-made for Underd ty. Altcrnatively. you could have Ihe characters race a riva l group to the ta rget. Their antagonists could use traps a nd gucrrilia tactics to slow down the adventurers. This (Urn of cvents might rcqu ire additiona l skill checks. stich as Perception to spot ambushes or Diplomacyor Inti midate to chase ofT attackers. O\'cra ll success in the cha llenge puts the heroes in a good place when they cOllle up againsllheir rivals. while a failure rcquires them to track dowlltheir competitors and recove r the target. UNDERCITY ENCOUNTERS Although Undercity might seem Ijfeless, it's anything but. Brave and resourceful criminals hide in it, dodging monsters or actively recruiting them to fight heroic types. Undercity makes a particularly comfortable home for creatures that favor concealment and sneak attacks. You can spice up any excursion into Underclty by throwing some appropriate random encounters against the adventurers. Here are a couple of ideas. For a level 11 encounter (XP 3,400), use 1 savage displacer beast (level 11 brute)' 1 cave roper (level 11 eUte cootroller), and 1 umber hulk (level 11 elite soldier). For a level 11 encounter (XP 3.500), combine 1 medua venom arrow (level 12 artillery), 1 snake swarms (level 11 brute)' and 2 medusa bodyguards (level 12 soldier). '"

SILENCE THE HERETIC Encounter Level 12 (3,875 XP) Setup Acem the Heretic (A) Lis the Vile (L) 5 zealots of Arem (Z) Ha\'cn's Eyrie has commissioned the characters to investigate the self-styled prophet Arcm. who has formed the Tabc rmlclc ofT horns on the st ra nge and dangerous Isle ofCrovcs. When the adventurers arrive. the shadowborn elf unleashes his congregation of empty-eyed fanati cs. Any allcmpls to reason with worshipers arc fruhl ess: the followers have been carefully indoctrinated for such an occasion, and they willingly die to protect Arem. Not haVing been granted an audience with the prophet. the adventurers have lillie choice but to fight their way Ollt. When the characters enter the area, read: .. \~ .\'ou wend flrroll9/r alall8'cojthorn.'-. overgrOWlllrl'es.you (l1tI hcar voices ulliteJ in ritual. \\'orshipl'rs are murmurin8 a pra."t.'r to thc Rawn Quccn. It reminds )"OU ojiflmcatiofls you'\,(" hmrd maJe 10 the maimcd fllld "ema. . \s youJihl'r oul oJ1111' fhlciw of thorns. you cnlcr a scene oj wor~hip. Two robe-~hroudt'''fi8I1res stand o\'rr prostratr supplicants. 011(' i.~ a IOll8·haired elf (/lalllina in a loud. rerit' ctldt'f1ceIrom alop a dais. The other is osrim-100kil18 shllifar-koi. SUIIIlpl1/Y. inlutisol1, 1111' con8rt'yanfs raist' their heads and lurn to Shire ar YOII. TlU' prophet abandons his clllnll. drop I'inn his \'olce to a nellr w"ispt'r as he says. ~Thefa!se priests '!( our Qllet'11 are UpOI1 U~. as J hal't'foreseell. Rise up with lIIe allll ~Ci1l1er their blood "P(lrI the T/lOrrI.W S Zealots of Arem (Z) Level 12 Minion Soldier MedIum 5h.1t1llw hUmJllnld. sh.ldar kal XP 175 earh HP 1; a mlssf!d attack never damages a minion. AC 28. fortitude 24. Reflex 21, Will 21 Sp41:ed 6 STANDARD At liONS Q) Thorn Club (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 \IS. AC Hit: 8 damage. 1'-,,;;;,;;'iM" lit t Fimatic Devotion + Encounter Initiative +11 Perception +7 Trl88er: An enemy within 7 squares of the zealot hits Arem, and no other zealot of Arem has used this power during this turn. Effect (lmmedlote Reoclion): The zealot charges the triggering enemy. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. Str 19 (+10) Dex 17 (+9) Wis 12 (+7) (on 22(+12) IntlO (+6) Cha18 (+10) Alignment evil Equipment club languages Common Arem the Heretic (A) Level 14 Elite Controller (Leader) MedIum natur.JI IlI.lmill1old.elf XP 2 000 HP 278; Bloodied 139 AC 28. Fortitude 23. Reflex 27. Wilt 17 Speed 6 Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 o Prophet's Mantle (necrotic, poison) + Aura 5 Initiative "'9 Perception +15 low-light vision Allies gain resist 10 necrotic and reslsll0 poison while In the aura. STAN DARD ACTIf>N" CD Grip or Thorns (polson) + At·WIII Altock; Melee 1 (one crealUre); +19 vs. AC Hit; 3d6 -t 2 damage. and the target is slowed and takes ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends both). t Spectral Whip (necrotic) + At·WIlI Attack; Melee 5 (one creature); +17 vs. Reflex Hit: 3dl0 + 6 necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of Arcm's next turn. Effect: Arem slides the largel up to 3 squares. t Thorn and Whip. At·wm Effect; Arem usesgrJp of thorns and spenro/ whip, making each attack against a different target. (4 Cutt the Flesh and Spirit (necrotic. poison) + Recharge when rlrst bloodied Attack, Close blast 5 (enf!mies in the blast); +17 \IS. Witt Hir, 4dl0 + 11 damage. and the target is weakened until the f!nd of Its next turn . Ef/ect; The target lakes ongoing 10 poison and necrotic damage (save ends), M INOR nION~ Ghostwalk + Recharge 6 t I Effect: Arem Is phasing unllllhe stan of his next turn, TRIGCUfD A CTIONS Sustain the Flesh + Encounter Trf8ger: A nonminion humanoid ally within 10 squares of Ar('m drops to 0 hll points, Effect (Immediote Interrupt); Close burst 10 (triggering ally In the bur)t). The triggering ally does not die or fall unconscious until the f!nd of Its nexllurn. Skills insight +15, Intimidate +1 8. Religion +17 Str 10 (+7) Dex 15 (+9) Wis 17 (+1 0) Con 19 (+11) IntW {+12) Cha 23 (+13) Alignment evil Languages Common ADAPTING THIS ENCOUNTER The City of Midnight is home to several unpopular cults other than Arem's. Hard-line worshipers of Vecna and OrCIiS hide in the city, along with secret temples to every kind of god or creature Gloomwrought residents (or you) can imagine. The worshipers and tabernacle features are easy to adapt. The effect of the brambles would serve well for a temple lined with barbed chains, and no selfrespecting cult makes do without a powerful altar. You'll also need to choose a feature for the altar that aids the high priest, the second in command, and perhaps also their lieutenants while In battle.

Tactics As the characters approach the T1Ibcrnade of Thorns. Us informs Arcl1l about the impending intrusion. It's Impossible to surprise the her· etic in his temple. On Arcm's signa l. the zea lots OJlIg themselves Into combat. They wield their clubs with seemingly supernatural vigor. swa rming anyone who aims an allack at i\rem. Meanwhile. the prophet Jumps from the dais. shedding his robes in the process. li e walks alllong his minions. otTering them his protection as he uses thorn and whip {O melC out pain and send foes reeling. From the dais. Lis tries 10 whittle down the intruding party. attacking wllhn/ulslly visions ilS soon as a group of enemies (pre ferably ranged fighters) enters his range. lis the Vile (L) LevellO Elite Artillf.'ry Mpdlum ~I"l<low hunlJnOld gho~t (undedd) XP 1 000 HP 158; Bloodied 79 AC 24. Fortitude 21. Renell 23. Will 22 Speed O. fly 6 (hover) Resist 10 necrotic TRAIT'> Insubstantial Inillative +10 Perception +7 Oarkvi~ion Us takes half damage from any damage source. "'"C"'pt those that deal radiant ~ force damage. Whenever Us takes radiant or force dama .It loses Ihls trait until th'" start ofh.5 next turn. CD Vile Grasp (n«rOlk) + At·WIIi AlIad: Mel",,,, 1 (one creature): +17 liS. AC Hit: 1d8 + 4 n",crollc damage. ® Lance of Corruption (n",crollc) + At·WIII Anaelo:: Ranged 10 (one ortwu creatures): +16 lIS. AC Hit: 1d8 + 5 necrotic damage, and the larget takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls against lis until the end of lis's next turn. -i!- Ghilsdy Visions + Recharge II Attack: Area burst 1 within TO(c:reaturesln the burst): +14 lIS. Will Hit: 4dB + 4 damage. and the target is blinded until the start of Us's next turn. =r Maiming Strike + Encounler Auack: Ranged 10 (one, two. or three creatures); +14 115. Fortitude Hit: The target Is weakened (save ends). Miss: The target is weakened until the end of lIS ne"t lurn. MINOR AI. liONS Silence of the Dead + Encounter Effect: lis Is phaSing until the end of his next turn. Skills Bluff +14. Religion +10 Str 15 (+7) Dell 21 (+10) Con 1] (+6) Inl 10 (+5) Wls14{+7) ChalS (+9) Alignment evil languages Common Equipment hide armor. holy symbol. robes If Arem fa lls, two things happen. First, Ihe surviving minions go intO 11 frcnzy, thrOWing thcmselvcs <II thc ad\'enturer who landed Ihc killing blow. Second. Lis rights until bloodied. at which point he tries to nee. Lis is a dCl'cr spirit: he knows that evcn with Arcm dead, he can rind anolher person to whisper his corrupt prophecies to. In timc. Us might even rekindle the cu lt. Features of the Area I1Iumination: Dim light. Iron lalllcrns hang from the tabernaclc's ovcrhead rafters. Altar orthe Dying: Arem's altar is a source of pawerfu l dark energy. Any crCillurc using a necrotic atlack power ga ins a +2 powcr bOIllls to the attack roll whilc adjacent to Ihe a ha r. A creature adjacent to the altar can attempt to disable it as a standard .. ctlon with 11 DC 20 Arcana check or Religion check. A f .. iled cheek callSCS the crc .. t" re all empling to disable it 10 gain vu lnerablc 10 necrotic muil the cnd ofilis or her next turn. Thorn Trces: Somc thorn trees have overcome the slasis that gri ps the Ghost Quartcr_ and Iheir ta ngled mass ofthislles can be vicious. The Irees on the Illap arc blocking tcrrain. Bramblcs; These dellsc patches oflhorns dea l S damage to a crealu rc thm enters onc of their squares unless that crcalure slicceeds on a DC 20 Acrobalics check. Trcasure: ArCIl1 and his followers care lillie for material goods, but a thorough examinalion or the tabcrnacle uncovcrs 250 gp worth of treasure.

(ENG) D&D 4a Ed. - The Shadowfell - Gloomwrought And Beyond + (Tokens, Mappe e Carte) - Flip eBook Pages 101-150 (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.