Composite / S-Video to HDMI Converter with Audio (2024)

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Product Details

  • Easily connect legacy Composite, S-Video & Audio source devices to modern HDMI displays
  • Upscales low resolution video to crisp 720 or 1080p
  • Supports both PAL & NTSC input devices
  • Connects to external audio devices via a 3.5mm audio output
  • 2 Year warranty

The Lindy Composite / S-Video to HDMI Converter with Audio is a compact device which allows the connection of legacy analogue AV equipment with modern HDMI displays or projectors.

The converter features a built in up-scaler which enhances low resolution video, providing the option to output both Standard, or High definition HDMI signals, creating a high quality viewing experience, perfect for home office, security, and CCTV applications.

Compatibility is maximised with support for both PAL & NTSC source devices while a low power requirement through USB creates greater flexibility with installation.

Please Note: Audio through the HDMI connection is not supported on HDMI 2.0 displays.

Technical Information


  • AV Interface: Composite / S-video / HDMI
  • Interface Standard: HDMI 1.4
  • Supported Bandwidth: -
  • Maximum Input Resolution: 576i
  • Maximum Output Resolution: 1080p
  • HDCP Support: -
  • Supported Audio: Pass-through
  • Separate Audio Ports: 3.5mm Stereo Audio
  • Special Features: -


  • Input : 1 x Composite Video (Female) / 2 x Phono (Female) / 1 x S-Video
  • Output : 1 x HDMI Type A (Female)
  • Power : 3.5/1.35mm

Physical Properties

  • Dimensions (approx.) WxDxH: 113x71x24mm (4.45x2.8x0.94in)
  • Housing Material: Plastic
  • Net Weight: 0.084kg (0.19lb)
  • Operating Temperature: 0°C - 70°C (32°F - 158°F)
  • Storage Temperature: -10°C - 80°C (14°F - 176°F)
  • Humidity: 10% to 85% RH (no condensation)
  • Power Requirements: 5VDC 1A
  • Colour: Black


  • Packaging Type: Carton Box
  • Packaging Dimensions: 190x145x60mm (7.48x5.71x2.36in)
  • Gross Weight: 0.294kg (0.65lb)
  • Warranty (Years): 2
  • Certificated: CE, FCC, RoHS, REACH, California Proposition 65

Package Content

  • HDMI to Composite / S-Video & Stereo Audio converter
  • USB to DC PSU Barrel: 3.5/1.35mm
  • Lindy manual

Purchasing Information

  • No.: 38394
  • EAN: 4002888383943

Customer Reviews

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  • Manual for Composite / S-Video to HDMI Converter (pdf) [Size: 272.89 kb]


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  • FREE Next Working Day* delivery on all orders over £150.00
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  • Royal Mail 1st Class delivery is a non-trackable, non-recorded service
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  • On a working day, all orders received before 5.00pm for Royal Mail, or 4.30pm for our courier service,are dispatched the same day (subject to stock availability)
  • Orders received after the above mentioned times, or on a weekend or public holiday, will be dispatched from our warehouse the following working day.
  • Orders received after 5.00pm or on a weekend or public holiday will be dispatched from our warehouse the following working day

* Next Working Day applies to UK mainland addresses only and excludes Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.

For more information about our Delivery options, please click here

Returns Information

We're confident that you'll be totally happy with any goods purchased from Lindy. However, if you have changed your mind about an item, and you are a private consumer (i.e. not a business customer), then you can return it to us for a full refund provided that:

  • You notify us within 30 calendar days from the day after you've received the goods
  • The item(s) are returned within 30 days of cancellation. The 30 days start the day after you have notified us of the cancellation
  • The item(s) are returned undamaged and unused, with its original packaging and complete with all manuals, components and software seals (if applicable) intact

If you are a business customer please note that the above points do not apply to B2B purchases and you should therefore read Section 5 of our

In accordance with The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 we would like to make you aware of the following important information:

  • We will refund within 14 days of receipt of goods (i.e. when we receive the returned items) or of evidence that the item(s) have been returned to us
  • We will refund all monies received, including outbound delivery cost, however if you chose a more expensive means than the cheapest, default standard delivery option offered we will only refund the default standard delivery option you could have chosen
  • We will not refund the cost of the return delivery to us
  • We have the right to deduct monies from refunds where goods show signs of unreasonable use leading to diminished value. We will not deduct for removal of packaging to inspect the item, but we may deduct for wear and tear where the item has not been checked but used. The charge for this is £5.00 or 15% of the product cost (whichever is greater)

Damaged in transit
If you receive goods which have been damaged in transit, please:

  • Sign the delivery note stating the goods have arrived damaged
  • Report it to us within 24 hours of receipt

Faulty or incomplete on arrival
You can return goods that have arrived faulty or incomplete for a full refund or replacement, provided that:

  • For faulty items you notify us within 7 working days from the day after you've received the goods
  • If the goods are incomplete or there is a shortfall you notify us within 3 days of receiving the goods
  • The item you return is complete with all supplied manuals, components and software

If, after testing by our Technical Dept., the product is proven to be faulty we will refund your reasonable return carriage costs.

Faulty within warranty
If a product develops a fault within its warranty period you are entitled to a repair, refund or replacement at our discretion.

Goods returned as faulty where no fault is found will be returned to the customer.

How to return goods to us
The quickest and easiest way to return goods is to complete our on-line Returns Merchandise Form.

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Composite / S-Video to HDMI Converter with Audio (2024)


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.