Circumcision Clinic Netherlands - Vatan Clinic - 11 locations (2024)

Welcome to the Vatan Clinic

At the VATAN Kliniek, doctors and medical specialists who specialize in circumcision work exclusively with extensive experience in performing circumcisions on boys and men. We work according to the strictest hygiene standards. In our circumcision clinic, sterile single-use instruments are used. Each child has their own set that is thrown away after use. We use the highest quality for circumcisions. Our doctors have extensive experience and have all performed more than 1.000 circumcisions.

Make an appointment immediately

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Circumcision Clinic Netherlands - Vatan Clinic - 11 locations (1)

Our expertise

To date, more than 40000 circumcisions have been performed by our team at more than 10 locations throughout the Netherlands and 4 locations in Germany.

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Our process

We apply both the classic and the clamping method. The clamping method is a common technique that has been known for over 50 years. VATAN is the only circumcision clinic in the Netherlands that uses a modern certified (CE) circumcision clamp.

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Our locations

Vatan Kliniek has several locations in the Netherlands and Germany. We already have more than 10 locations in the Netherlands alone. We have 4 locations in Germany.

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Sign up immediately

For registrations, questions, etc., please call 020 262 35 36 or send an email to In addition, we can be reached from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00 via our Whatsapp line +31 (0)6 275 77 490.


Circumcision Clinic Netherlands - Vatan Clinic - 11 locations (2)

A circumcision by specialized doctors

VATAN Kliniek has been around since 2005 and performs circumcisions on boys and men in a medically responsible manner.
To date, over 40.000 circumcisions have been done by our team on over10 locations throughout the Netherlands and 4 locations in Germany.
This makes VATAN Kliniek the largest circumcision clinic in the Netherlands and Germany.

Circumcision is not just an act that can be done by anyone. Circumcision is a medical procedure that must be performed by professionals with the utmost care and expertise.

In our circumcision center we only work with doctors and medical specialists who specialize in circumcision and have extensive experience in performing circumcisions on boys and men. We work according to the strictest hygiene standards.

For example, each child has his own set of sterile instruments for the procedure and these are immediately thrown away after the operation.

We use a high quality for circumcisions. Our doctors, trained in the Netherlands and Germany, have extensive experience with circumcisions. All have performed more than 1.000 circumcisions.

Why choose VATAN

To date, more than 40000 circumcisions have been performed by our team at more than 10 locations throughout the Netherlands and 4 locations in Germany.


All our treatments take place under local anesthesia. This means that virtually nothing is felt during the procedure.

Anxiety free

To limit the fear of the treatment, we use a sedation in small children. So that hardly anything is received from the operation. Older boys or men can be put into natural sleep.


Clinic recognized by the Ministry of Health. Work under strict hygienic conditions, sterility and single use of disposable material.


VATAN is the only one in the Netherlands to use the certified GENCO safe-clamp® method for a safe and cosmetically best result.


The circumcisions are performed by specialized circumcision doctors and medical specialists with extensive experience.

Our dates

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Age distribution

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of 5



1860 Reviews


1630 Reviews


2100 Reviews

VATAN specialized team

At VATAN Circumcision Clinic, doctors and medical specialists who specialize exclusively in circumcision work with extensive experience in performing circumcisions on boys and men.

Circumcision Clinic Netherlands - Vatan Clinic - 11 locations (3)

drs. MS Genco

Circumcision Clinic Netherlands - Vatan Clinic - 11 locations (4)

drs. LM Wolff van Ravenswade

Circumcision Clinic Netherlands - Vatan Clinic - 11 locations (5)

drs. E. O. Akpinar

Meet the whole team

Our locations

To date, more than 40.000 circumcisions have been performed by our team at more than 10 locations throughout the Netherlands and 4 locations in Germany.

Kölner Straße 169, Sessinghausen, Bergneustadt, Leienbach, Baldenberg, Bergneustadt, Oberbergischer Kreis, North Rhine-Westphalia, 51702, Germany

Gartnischer Weg 96, Gartnisch, Halle (Westf.), Kreis Gütersloh, North Rhine-Westphalia, 33790, Germany

Olpener Straße 120, Höhenberg, Kalk, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, 51103, Germany

Heinrichstraße 26, Herne-Mitte, Herne, North Rhine-Westphalia, 44623, Germany

Orveltestraat 30, Morgenstond-West, Morgenstond, Escamp, The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands, 2545 KG, Netherlands

Oremusplein 6, Alteveer/Cranevelt, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands, 6815 DN, Netherlands

Oude Bennekomseweg 1A, Ede-Zuid, Ede, Gelderland, Netherlands, 6717 LM, Netherlands

Polderlaan 86, Hillesluis, Feijenoord, Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands, 3074 MH, Netherlands

Bristolroodstraat 164, Hoornseveld, Zaandam, Zaanstad, North Holland, Netherlands, 1503 NZ, Netherlands

Cromhoffsbleekweg 128, Zuiderval, Enschede, Overijssel, Netherlands, 7513 EW, Netherlands

Bisschop Bekkerslaan 4A, 't Hool, Woensel-Noord, Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands, 5628 RA, Netherlands

Reinoutdreef 146, 3562 KM Utrecht, Netherlands

Bijlmerdreef 1169, Bijlmer, Zuidoost, Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands, 1103 TT, Netherlands

View all locations

Our latest news

We would like to keep you informed of the latest news and developments. You can read about various topics in our news items. At Vatan Kliniek we are always developing ourselves to be able to offer the best care, which includes applying the latest techniques.

Circumcision Clinic Netherlands - Vatan Clinic - 11 locations (6)

11th location in Venlo

VATAN Kliniek will open a new location in VENLO from September.

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Circumcision Clinic Netherlands - Vatan Clinic - 11 locations (7)

Now also treatment sleep sedation

Homeland Kliniek is the only one in the Netherlands that uses a natural sleep aid for an even more comfortable treatment.

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Circumcision Clinic Netherlands - Vatan Clinic - 11 locations (8)

Vatan Clinic on Nieuwsuur

A report broadcast live about circumcisions. Homeland Clinic explains.

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Email us

Call us

020 262 35 36

Circumcision Clinic Netherlands - Vatan Clinic - 11 locations (2024)


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Article information

Author: Delena Feil

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Views: 5646

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.